"Ladies and gentlemen, the TCM syndrome debate meeting is the most anticipated rookie competition will begin soon."

On the rostrum, Guan Shien's tone couldn't help being a little excited.

It can be said that all the people who came to the Medical University today.

Almost all for the rookie competition in the afternoon.

The purpose of the rookie competition is to cultivate more young talents of traditional Chinese medicine.

Chinese medicine withers. Every Chinese medicine debate meeting, no matter where it is held.

There will be a rookie competition.

This is an opportunity for many young disciples to deliver.

It is also a place for many masters of traditional Chinese medicine and masters of traditional Chinese medicine to select students and disciples.

This afternoon's TCM dialectics, everyone came for ye Youran.

So after the seminar ended in the morning, they simply had lunch in the canteen on the second floor of the Medical University.

Then he couldn't wait to return to the ladder classroom again.

Of course, Guan Shien's excitement at this time has another purpose.

Qingyuan Medical University is well-known in China.

However, this reputation is not how excellent Qingyuan Medical University is to a great extent.

But there is a master of national medicine such as Master Wang as an honorary school manager.

The reputation of the Medical University depends on old man Wang alone.

Moreover, the history of Qingyuan Medical University is only 20 years.

Compared with t Ji Medical University or a Hui Medical University and Beijing Medical University.

The details and history are far from enough.

Today, the Chinese medicine practitioners who come into contact in China gather together.

If ye Youran can stand out today.

Qingyuan medical university must be famous.

As the president of Qingyuan Medical University, how can Guan Shien not be excited?

"Out of fairness and justice, all patients in the rookie competition are typical patients selected by major hospitals. However, because there are many rookies participating in this rookie competition, all adopt the elimination system. We first select the five most outstanding rookies, and then conduct the formal competition."

Guan Shien knows the expectations of many people, so he just briefly introduces the competition system.

The game will be announced immediately:

The first one was a patient selected by the first hospital in Beijing.

This is an old man who was pushed out in a wheelchair.

All the specific information about the old man is strictly confidential.

Even Master Wang on the podium, these national medical masters, do not know.

The first is to diagnose by on-site practice.

According to the four subjects of traditional Chinese medicine, write a diagnosis.

Then these diagnoses were handed over to Wang Meng, Bao Wenjie and Ma Xuelian.

Then three national medical experts made comments.

Ten of the most comprehensive diagnoses and the best treatment were selected.

Then we'll play the next game.

As the old man was pushed out, the crowd immediately watched around the old man in the wheelchair.

The old man looks quite energetic.

But his leg muscles showed some unusual atrophy.

Because of the atrophy of his leg muscles.

So most of the rookies on the scene focused on his legs.

Ye Youran is no exception.

But ye Youran frowned as he watched the old man change his legs.

Because although the muscles of the old man's legs have shrunk.

But judging from its flesh color, it is not like a symptom of disease.

It's more like sitting down or slight atrophy caused by lack of exercise.

There is also the mental state of the old man, although it is still very good.

But the left cheek is slightly swollen.

The tongue coating is white and moist, and the lips are white and dry.

Seeing these things, ye Youran has probably made some judgments in his heart.

Other rookies, including Xie Zehua, Shan Yuanfang and Lu Yidan, are more detailed.

They consulted the old man and took his pulse very carefully.

"What the hell is ye Youran doing? He doesn't even need to ask for a diagnosis. Doesn't he even need to feel his pulse?"

"Can't he feel his pulse or is he too confident?"

"Traditional Chinese medicine is broad and profound. Maybe he is a straw bag, but he happens to have a folk prescription on his hand. It is not impossible to cure the old head of Chu!"

"It's really possible. After all, there are many folk prescriptions scattered in ancient times. Maybe he's just lucky."

See ye leisurely step by step, two do not feel the pulse.

Just looking at the old man from a distance.

Many Chinese medicine masters at the scene began to be suspicious.

Even Guan Shien, Chen Zheng and others began to worry about ye Youran.

"Well, everyone has finished writing, then hand in your things!"

Soon, all the rookies have written a lot in their notebooks after watching, hearing and asking.

Only ye Youran didn't have a word in his book.

"Ye Youran, are you... Abstaining?"

Guan Shien looked at Ye leisurely and felt some impulse to hit people.

Guan Shien has high hopes for ye leisurely.

Now everyone has made a diagnosis.

Ye Youran didn't write a word.

"I didn't abstain! It's just that the elderly are basically healthy. I really have nothing to write about."

Ye leisurely shrugged and said.

"Poof... What is basic health? Can healthy people sit in wheelchairs?"

"This boy doesn't know anything. Don't you know how to write?"

Ye Youran's words immediately caused an uproar under the stage.

Although the master of traditional Chinese medicine at the scene did not go through consultation and pulse cutting.

But it can be judged by looking, hearing, asking and cutting.

There must be something wrong with the old man's health.

"Ye Youran, did you just peek at my book?"

However, unlike most people.

When ye Youran said the four words "basic health".

Shezer Wharton looked ugly.

Even Shan Yuanfang and the dark young man who didn't wear a school uniform gave ye Youran a strange look.

In fact, at the beginning, Xie Zehua and others thought that there must be something wrong with the elderly's body.

After all, the old man is in a wheelchair.

Leg muscles atrophy slightly.

The tongue is white, the lips are dry and cracked, and the left cheek is swollen.

All the signs show that the old man's health is worrying.

But after detailed consultation and pulse taking.

Xie Zehua wrote a lot about the final diagnosis.

But the four words "basic health" are written on the summary speech.

At this time, ye Youran's diagnosis is word for word with his summary statement.

This is why he doesn't doubt whether ye Youran was peeking at his diagnosis before.

"Yes! Who told you not to cover up? I saw it. I'm sorry."

Ye Youran didn't argue, but he said something that made Xie Zehua jump with anger.

See what Xie Zehua wants to say.

Bao Wenjie interrupted with an ugly face:

"Well, don't quarrel. Ye Youran, since you say that the patient is basically healthy, tell me why he is in a wheelchair, with white tongue coating, dry lips and swollen cheeks?"

PS: thanks for the monthly ticket of "crazy fat elephant" and "upturned summer", and the reward of "forget the past"

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