"Dharma and Taoism?"

In the hall of Huaxia sect, ye Youran frowned slightly.

Ye Youran originally asked Quinn to find out the matter within three days.

Quinn didn't live up to Ye leisurely's high expectations. He investigated the whole story in two days.

That loud noise is a sign of the Dharma.

But ye Youran doesn't know much about the so-called Dharma.

Even many people at the scene do not have a deep understanding of the Dharma. Hong Meng and others don't even know what the Dharma is.

"Dharma is also a kind of Tao beyond 3000 Avenue, which is similar to Confucianism and Taoism."

Zigong zhenzun immediately explained to ye Youran in a dignified tone.

Three thousand Avenue, with heaven as the respect.

The strongest road outside 3000 Avenue is Confucianism and Taoism.

With Confucianism and Taoism, the Confucian emperor almost subverted heaven and Taoism.

Although Dharma, like Confucianism and Taoism, is a Tao beyond 3000 Avenue, it is the only one recognized by heaven and allowed to appear.

In those days, the empress of heaven successfully preached Taoism, regarded all Taoism as crooked and evil, cleaned up the imperial platform and exterminated everything.

But it left the Dharma.

Because the Dharma is the Tao created by Guan Zhong God.

Like the warrior God, Guan Zhong is one of the ancient gods, and among the ancient gods of that year, Guan Zhong's reputation is also among the best.

The concept of Dharma and Taoism is different from that of Confucianism and Taoism. Confucianism and Taoism pay attention to the Qi people, take place for ordinary people and subvert all grievances, even the way of heaven.

The idea of Dharma and Taoism is not to be intimate or unfamiliar, not to be noble or humble, and preaching is respected.

In other words, Dharma and Taoism people don't care who gets the Tao, nor do they care whether the person who gets the Tao is beneficial to the common people in the world.

As long as someone can preach, the Dharma will respect the preacher and govern the world according to the will of the preacher.

Just because of this, it sounds good to say that Dharma is the spokesman of the empress of heaven and governs the world.

It's hard to say that the Dharma is the running dog of the empress of heaven. Regardless of whether the empress of heaven is fair or not, and regardless of the life and death of the people, the Dharma only supports heaven.

Because of this, the Dharma was also popular in those days. It was not purged by the empress of the heavenly way, but became more and more prosperous. Under the heavenly way, the Dharma is the strongest.

If the emperor of Confucianism could subvert heaven and Taoism and prove Taoism with Confucianism, Dharma and Taoism would unswervingly support Confucianism and Taoism.

Unfortunately, the Confucian emperor failed, and Dharma and Taoism were also one of the culprits in the decline of Confucianism.

But I don't know why. In the war between the Confucian emperor and the empress of heaven, the Confucian emperor and the empress of heaven disappeared, and the Dharma and Taoism soon disappeared.

All Dharma and Tao people seem to disappear overnight, as if they have never appeared.

But I don't know why, today's Dharma and Taoism appear again, which is not good news for ye Youran.

Because now the world is still the world of the Tao of heaven. Although the Tao of heaven is not as rich and powerful as it was then, it is still the Tao of heaven that is in charge of the world.

Since this dharma supports the way of heaven, it is doomed that Dharma will become the biggest enemy of Ye Youran or Huaxia gang.

"Dharma and Taoism must follow the will of heaven. Maybe the empress of heaven has noticed our existence, or has felt our threat to heaven, and let Dharma and Taoism clean up the world."

Zeng Zizhen frowned and concluded.

The Dharma has disappeared for so many years, and even today's Tianwaitian, many people are about to forget the existence of the Dharma.

At this juncture, the Dharma must indicate something.

As the running dog of the heavenly way, Dharma is destined to become the largest mountain in front of the Huaxia gang.

After crossing the mountain, they were only afraid of the empress of heaven.

Therefore, many people at the scene are feeling heavy at the moment, as if there was a huge stone pressing on their hearts.

"In fact, the Dharma is only a path, and it is only relying on the way of heaven that makes people afraid."

When the people were at a loss, the warrior God opened his mouth and said:

"Moreover, the Dharma is not necessarily a bad thing."

Many people were shocked by the words of the warrior God.

Eagerly looking at the warrior God, waiting for his following.

Because Zigong zhenzun and others know that this warrior God is an ancient god, and his words will not be wrong.

"Just imagine that we are destined to be immortal enemies to empress Tiandao. The emergence of Dharma must be to deal with us. But since empress Tiandao let Dharma deal with us, it at least shows that empress Tiandao can't deal with us now. Compared with empress Tiandao, we may not have the power to fight against Dharma."

The meaning of warrior God is very clear. In a word, it is a blessing in misfortune.

Although the Dharma is strong, the Huaxia gang at least has the power to fight against the Dharma. But if we face the heavenly empress now, I'm afraid we don't have much chance to win.

"If the Dharma kings of Dharma and Taoism come out together, I'm afraid we'll be choked! And if the Lord of Dharma and Taoism appears..."

But Zigong zhenzun could not help sighing.

He didn't finish what he said later, but it suddenly made the scene silent.

As long as you are a Confucian, you will not be unfamiliar with Dharma and Taoism.

The master of Dharma and Taoism is the founder of Dharma and Taoism. Guan Zhong's god respect and strength are top-notch among ancient gods.

It is a great power that can be on an equal footing with the Confucian emperor.

Not to mention Zhong shenzun, the leader of the Tao, the thirteen Dharma kings of the Dharma are not simple.

All the thirteen Dharma kings of the Dharma are the peak of creation level.

None of them is much worse than Zigong's true respect.

If the thirteen Dharma kings come out together, they are thirteen top fortune level strong men.

Today's Huaxia Gang is full of numbers and calculations. Ye Youran and the warrior God are just six strong men at the level of creation.

The gap is more than double.

Also, because the Dharma supports the way of heaven, their combat effectiveness can be blessed by the way of heaven.

Therefore, if the Huaxia sect is against the Dharma, it may not have much chance of winning.

Ye Youran pondered for a moment, then stood up and said:

"The soldiers will block the water and cover the earth. It doesn't help to worry about the sky now. You guard dengtian peak. Quinn will go with me to meet the Dharma for a while."

Ye Youran decided to explore the truth and deficiency of Dharma in person.

With ye Youran's current means and strength, general fortune level strong people may not be opponents.

Even in the face of the powerful nature level, ye Youran is sure to escape.

Knowing yourself and the enemy is the way to win every battle.

So ye Youran decided to go there in person.


"Never risk yourself."

"Guild leader, if you have any shortcomings, we will have no hope at all."


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