No one expected that ye Youran would drag major hospitals into the water.

The old man is in a hurry.

Before, he said that ye Youran cheated.

This is equivalent to saying in disguise that major hospitals jointly cheat with ye Youran.

These hospitals are all large national hospitals!

If these hospitals are held accountable, even Mr. Bao can't bear it.

"Mr. Bao, I am the representative of the first hospital in Beijing. I am also the responsible doctor and accompanying doctor of patient No. 1."

"Although I don't know how ye Youran's rookie diagnosed No. 1 disease with postural hypotension, please explain whether my first hospital in Beijing has the suspicion and motivation of cheating."

Below, a middle-aged man immediately stood up and asked old man Bao.

Although Mr. Bao's medical skills are very respected.

But the first hospital in Beijing is a world-famous hospital.

Every year, Chinese and foreign friends come to the first hospital in Beijing for medical treatment.

The reputation of the first hospital in Beijing can never be questioned by anyone.

Nor can ordinary people question it.

"I didn't say you cheated in the first hospital. Who can guarantee whether ye Youran obtained information from other channels, such as the transportation of medical record books, or from other medical channels, such as hacker technology?"

Mr. Bao is also quick thinking.

I'll be back soon.

Now the cases of major hospitals will be archived on the computers of their respective hospitals.

If ye Youran uses hacker technology.

I can't get the information of patient No. 1.

Mr. Bao's explanation made the representative of the first hospital sit down with satisfaction.

"OK! Since Mr. Bao wants to hear my explanation, I'll talk about it!"

Ye leisurely explained helplessly:

"Let's talk about postural hypotension first. It should be no doubt that the patient has hypotension through pulse cutting. I believe many Chinese medicine masters here can diagnose it if they are more careful."

Traditional Chinese medicine also has a special way to diagnose hypotension.

Of course, the hypotension diagnosed by experience is certainly not as accurate as the sphygmomanometer.

It is impossible to know the g value of specific blood pressure.

Ye Youran continued:

"Traditional Chinese medicine pays attention to seeing, hearing and asking. This' question 'is actually a very learned thing."

"How to ask, from that aspect, varies from person to person and is also related to experience."

"After my consultation, I learned that patient No. 1 often has symptoms such as dizziness, dizziness, blurred vision, fatigue and nausea when he gets up every morning or during his lunch break. This is a typical feature of hypotension."

"In addition, usually sedentary and standing up will also have the symptoms of dizziness. Based on the above three special time periods and postures, I diagnosed that he has postural hypotension."

Ye Youran's answer made many people nod secretly.

In fact, the word "consultation" is easy to understand, that is, to ask the patient's feelings and feelings.

But the knowledge is deeper.

Many doctors diagnose hypotension by pulse cutting.

There is no more detailed inquiry.

Even if it is a question, it will ask some other questions.

For example, how long has this happened.

Or whether there are routine problems such as genetic history in the family!

Because I can't think of it, most doctors don't ask what kind of posture this situation will occur.

Unless it is confirmed by the sphygmomanometer that the patient does not have hypotension, it is possible to associate postural hypotension.

It can only be said that ye Youran's inquiry is very deep.

"This... It's a foolproof pass, then you talk about diabetes three."

"This early diabetes generally does not have any obvious symptoms, unless it is judged by various indicators of the laboratory list. How do you judge it?"

Old man Bao asked about the second case.

The characteristics of early diabetes are not obvious.

Many patients don't feel sick themselves.

Hospital doctors are also difficult to diagnose.

Only the test sheet of Western medicine can explain the problem most accurately.

"Very simple, No. 3 disease suffers from rheumatism..."

Ye Youran was just about to explain.

Mr. Bao immediately disdained:

"What is the connection between rheumatism and diabetes? You can't tell me that diabetes is caused by rheumatism. As far as I know, all rheumatic drugs have no side effects of drug-induced diabetes."

Old man Bao said with certainty.

Some diseases are actually difficult to treat.

For example, patients with hypertension.

Many anti stress drugs for patients with hypertension have strong side effects.

Long term use of antihypertensive drugs may cause drug-induced diabetes.

Therefore, doctors need to make a measurement in the treatment of hypertension.

First, we need to suppress hypertension, but the amount and type of medication must be strictly controlled and measured.

If you don't control it well, it will cause other complications.

But the treatment of rheumatism does not cause diabetes.

Anyone with a little medical knowledge will not confuse the two.

"The use of rheumatism is unlikely to cause diabetes. But the pill can."

Ye Youran definitely said:

"Before, in order to diagnose the etiology of rheumatism in patient No. 3, I asked her if she had any experience of pregnancy and childbirth in recent years. She told me not. Her child is over ten years old."

"I asked her if she had any experience of ligation or major surgery. As we all know, women are the weakest and most prone to rheumatism during childbirth."

"Or after the operation, the body is weak, which may also cause wind evil to enter the body."

"But patient No. 3 told me that none. She hasn't been ligated. For four years, she has been taking low-cost contraceptives to achieve contraception."

People who have learned the basic knowledge of pharmacology know that estrogens or oral contraceptives containing estrogens are likely to cause diabetes.

"No. three has no medical knowledge and has been taking similar contraceptives for many years, so I began to suspect that she was suffering from diabetes."

"After my consultation, it is confirmed that patient No. 3 has been drinking and urinating more recently, especially at night. Generally, he has to get up and urinate twice."

"What's more, her weight has lost a lot in the past month. But she doesn't care too much. She thinks it's the normal loss caused by the treatment of rheumatism."

"The most suspicious thing is that in the past month, her limbs have been swollen, her back pain is weak, her monthly affairs are maladjusted, and her vulva often has symptoms of pruritus."

"She thought she was a gynecopathy, but she went to the gynecologic department deliberately. But the diagnosis of gynaecology is not serious, and this is exactly the symptom of pre diabetes."

"All these symptoms, so I can tell she has diabetes."

Ye Youran finished, looked at old man Bao and said:

"If Mr. Bao still has doubts about my diagnosis, you can ask patient No. 3 whether it was like this before."

Ye Youran once again silenced and stunned everyone at the scene.

In addition, ye Youran's interrogation is simply another way, and it is worth learning from everyone on the scene.

It's a textbook inquiry!

I just wanted to ask the cause of rheumatism.

Inadvertently asked patient No. 3 to take contraceptives all year round.

And the pill is linked to drug-induced diabetes.

And after some questioning, he diagnosed diabetes.

Even Mr. Bao couldn't help admiring the means and direction of interrogation.

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