Ye Youran certainly doesn't want to go to war with the whole world.

But then again, if you really want to go to war, with the current strength of the Huaxia Gang, what is ye Youran afraid of?

It can be said that the current Huaxia Gang is not comparable to any force.

We should have resources, strength and strength.

As long as the Huaxia Gang doesn't take the initiative, no force, no matter how many strong ones, will never attack.

Especially with the treasure of fadao site.

If the Huaxia Gang only defends, they can kill as many people as they come.

It is absolutely impossible for ye Youran to hand over the site of Dharma and Taoism.

Because ye Youran has never vomited anything out of his mouth.

However, at the scene, ye Youran was at loggerheads with super first-class elders such as the door god Shengzong.

An angry cry suddenly came from the sky:

"Who hurt the young master of our hidden sect? Get out and die."

The angry drink contained indignation and murderous anger.

Many people at the scene hurried back when they heard the speech.

For one thing, I can't bear the terrible momentum of people.

Second, I'm also worried about getting burned.

Because there are more than a dozen strong people in the hidden sect this time.

Moreover, the leader of the hidden sect came in person. There are three strong masters of the creation level.

All the rest are the great elders of the hidden sect and the old antiques at the level of the nine major gods with high power.

These people appeared together and were murderous. Even the elders who asked the door had to retreat.

The scene left only ye Youran and Ruyan fairy standing in the center, which was also particularly conspicuous.

"Father, it's him, it's his servant."

At this time, the sixth master who was carried cried.

The sixth master is now filled with grief and anger. If he is abandoned, his life will be over.

For the first time, he tried to suppress others by force, but even if he killed ye Youran and others, it was difficult to solve his anger.

Led by a middle-aged man who was three-thirds similar to the sixth master, he immediately stared at ye Youran like a wolf.

The sixth master is his son, his hope and the hope of the hermit.

The sixth master's genius needs no more words, but now he has been abolished.

Although the senior leaders of the hidden sect almost poured out for a abandoned son, some lost their reason.

But he had no reason for his grief at this time.

He must take revenge. The heavenly king Lao Tzu's coming can't stop him from taking revenge.

"Boy, I don't care who you are. Kneel down and kowtow, abandon your accomplishments, and then thank you for your death. I can make you die happier."

The leader of the hidden sect glared at ye Youran.

Although he probably already knows that ye Youran may be a disciple of a hermit antique.

But so what?

Ye Youran has done everything without killing too much. How can his hermit swallow it?

What if the antique behind ye Youran is a hermit expert?

Can he be shaken by one or two reclusive antiques?

"No one can make me die."

Ye leisurely looked at the leader of the hidden sect and said:

"Even if I kill your son, it's not too much. Do you really want to blame me for everything?"

No one expected that ye Youran didn't shrink back in the face of such a strong hermit.

And unexpectedly, he had to question the leader of the hidden sect.

Where did ye Youran come from?

On the contrary, the smoke fairy had already turned pale, and it was very difficult to stand.

But she didn't flinch. After all, things started because of her. Kind-hearted she was willing to share weal and woe with ye Youran.

Moreover, Ruyan fairy also knows that if ye Youran is killed, she and the Liu family behind her will no longer exist.

So she had no reason to flinch.

"I don't need to ask anything. All I know is that you have abolished my son. With this, you will die."

The leader of the hidden sect is red eyed, and the momentum of terror and the suppression of Xiang ye Youran and others.

His hermit sect is also a super first-class force, but the semi hermit state makes his hermit sect's reputation far inferior to the supreme Pope and other forces.

However, the inside information of his hidden sect can be regarded as the first-class force.

Strength is truth. He has strength and doesn't need reason.

"It turns out that the hidden sect is just like this. You are only allowed to kill the hidden sect, but no one is allowed to kill the people of your hidden sect. It seems that the fate of this hidden sect has come to an end."

Quian said stupidly.

He was very fond of the hermits.

Mastering the intelligence system of Tianji camp, Quinn knows the hidden sect far better than ordinary people.

The hermit's style of conduct has always been low-key, and there is nothing unusual.

But this time, the behavior and words of the hermit leader disappointed him.

Strength and power will really corrupt a person and even a sect.

"Dog, is there a place for you to talk? Die for me."

However, if the leader of the hidden sect disagrees, he will start.

He is the existence of nature level, and he is furious when he makes a move.

And this is the law of space that the hermit master obviously.

At the same time, it imprisoned the space where Quinn was.

Keep Quinn from moving at all.

If his hand was on Quinn's head, Quinn would die.

"The master and servant are afraid to be dead."

"Gave it to the little Lord of the hidden sect, which has touched the opposition of the hidden sect."

"The thunder attack of the leader of the hidden sect is actually full of deep meaning."

"Yes, it's an act of great sorrow and pain. Ye Youran won't be given the opportunity to report their identity. If any powerful antiques are really provoked in the future, his hermits will also have words."

"Keep your voice down. It seems that both sides have lost their calmness. In fact, it is of far-reaching significance to think about it."

There was a lot of talk around, but anyway, the next moment was Quinn's death.

Because no matter what strength Quinn is, Quinn is not a creator after all.

The strong man of creation level makes every effort to fight. Even half creation may not be able to resist.

"A mere fortune dares to make a mistake in front of me. Get out."

However, when Quinn was about to die.

The warrior God Zun, who has been silent around ye Youran, finally did it.

The warrior God Zun spoke in addition to the site of Dharma and Taoism.

In front of people, he followed ye Youran from beginning to end. He never spoke, just like a loyal guard.

But now he did it.

And listening to the words of the warrior God, it seems that even the strong of the creation level have not paid attention to it.

Is that too loud?

However, at the next moment, no one dared to doubt the words of the warrior God.

With a wave of the warrior God's hand, an invisible force destroys the dead and destroys the imprisoned space around quian.

Then Yu Shi bombarded the leader of the hidden sect.


A muffled sound accompanied by the sound of vomiting blood.

The leader of the hidden sect, the existence of the creation level, flew upside down like a broken kite.

At this moment, the scene was completely quiet and the needle dropping could be heard.

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