For plant patients.

Any treatment can only play an auxiliary role.

The most important thing for a plant patient to wake up is to rely on the patient's own willpower.

But willpower is invisible and untouchable.

Even many times, the consciousness of plant patients is in a state of confusion.

Even the patient didn't realize he needed to wake up.

Therefore, ye Youran still needs the help of the old head of Chu.

Only by assisting in the treatment can the patient realize that they need to wake up.

Only in this way can we get twice the result with half the effort.

Of course, if not considering the need to hide people's eyes and ears.

If ye Youran doesn't want to use the gas needle in full view of the public.

It doesn't need the assistance of old Chu.

Under the stimulation of gas needle, ye leiran can wake up the patient immediately in minutes.

However, without using the air needle, ye Youran needs the help of the silver needle, so he needs the help of the old head of Chu.

"Well, as long as you can wake her up, I will cooperate with you whatever you want me to do."

The old head of Chu stepped down from the rostrum with the help of his grandson Chu Zhijun.

In fact, with the current physical condition of the old head of Chu.

He was not suitable for such an occasion.

But for his wife, he must attend.

So as long as ye Youran can use him, he has absolutely nothing to say.

"Let's start!"

Ye Youran said and picked up the two silver needles in his hand.

These silver needles have been kept in vacuum.

There is no need to disinfect when using.

But after use, it needs a tight special cleaning before it can be put back into the box.

The old chief of Chu finally sat beside his wife, took her hand and called:

"Xiao Ru, do you remember our oath? Live and die together. Now I'm not dead! Wake up!"

The old Chu chief stared at his wife's face and whispered in his ear.

Xiao Ru should be the nickname of the head of Chu and his wife.

At this time, the old Chu leader was so affectionate, but no one felt numb.

On the contrary, they were moved by the deep feelings of their golden couple.


The next moment, ye leisurely and suddenly put the needle.

The silver needle pierced the skin and made a slight sound.

But to everyone's surprise.

The position of Ye Youran's needle is extremely incomprehensible.

Because the place where ye leisurely put the needle is behind the earlobes of both ears of the patient.

Anyone who studies traditional Chinese medicine should know.

The position behind one's earlobe is Yifeng acupoint.

Yifeng acupoint is one of the commonly used acupoints of the Sanjiao meridian of hand Shaoyang.

This position is covered with the great auricular nerve, and the deep layer is also related to the major nerves of the face.

This position is mainly used for head and facial features such as mouth and eye deviation, closed teeth, toothache, cheek swelling, tinnitus, deafness and so on.

It even has a certain therapeutic effect on scrofula in difficult and miscellaneous diseases.

Just, can the needle in this position really awaken the vegetative patient?

Many people stood up at the scene.

Even a lot of people at the end stood on the table.

I just hope I can see it more carefully and clearly.

Even the three national medical experts on the podium are concentrating on ye Youran at the moment.

Although Mr. Bao didn't believe ye Youran's words even punctuation.

But he couldn't help being curious.

Ye Youran ignored the shock and doubt of the people around him.

But picked up a silver needle again.

At this time, the old head of Chu was still talking a lot in the patient's ear.

But now no one has paid attention to what the old head of Chu said.

Ye Youran took the silver needle and ran the medicine Qi.

This time, the needle was placed in the middle of the lower lip.

That is, the middle depression of the chin lip groove, which belongs to Chengjiang acupoint.

Chengzhi point belongs to renmai, which can alleviate and treat diseases such as mouth and eye deviation, facial swelling, gingival swelling, tooth pain, oral ulcer, trigeminal neuralgia, unable to urinate, madness and so on.

Similarly, this acupoint is the same as Yifeng acupoint.

Still has nothing to do with treating plant patients.

"What principle is this? It's bullshit!"

"I can't understand whether his medical skill is too clever or my medical skill is too poor."

"Pay attention to the three national medical masters on the podium. It seems that not only we can't understand it! Even the national medical masters can't understand it."

There was a whisper under the stage.

But looking at ye Youran's dignified expression.

But no one dared to question loudly at the scene.

The next moment, ye Youran took out two silver needles again.

The place where ye Youran performed the needle this time was on the bridge of the patient's nose.

More precisely, one needle is inserted into the tip of the patient's nose, and the other needle falls between the patient's eyebrows, that is, the end of the bridge of the nose.

See ye Youran's needling technique.

There was a sound of panic at the scene.

Old man Bao Wenjie drank directly.


Old man Bao almost rushed out and pushed ye Youran away.

And pulled out the two needles that ye Youran had dropped before.

Because the position of the nose is Su Lu point.

This acupoint comes from Su Wen Qi Fu Lun.

It is clearly recorded in Su Wen · Qi Fu Lun.

Su Lu point belongs to the governor vessel.

Now there is clear research in medicine. There are external nasal branches of anterior ethmoidal nerve and branches of ocular nerve at Su Lu point.

This acupoint is generally used to treat nasal congestion, nasal syncope, coma, neonatal asphyxia and other diseases.

This acupoint is related to the treatment of vegetative diseases.

However, it is clearly recorded in Su Wen that this is a point without moxibustion.

It can massage and even puncture bleeding.

But acupuncture is firmly not allowed.

Otherwise, you will worry about your life.

There are two eyebrows, that is, the position of the tail of the nose is Yintang point.

It is often said that Yingtang is black and bloody.

This shows that this is a heavy acupoint, which should be.

Rubbing Yintang point has the function of brightening eyes, dredging nose, calming heart and calming mind.

Clinically, it is mainly used to cooperate with the treatment of insomnia, headache, nasal abyss and other diseases.

But Yintang point has a large number of nerve distribution.

Generally, it is not recommended to needle at this position.

General traditional Chinese medicine, even master Bao, a master of national medicine, wants to perform acupuncture in this position.

That also needs to be considered again and again.

But at this time, ye Youran performed acupuncture at these two positions at the same time.

If there is a slightest deviation, it is not saving people, but killing people.

"Don't move."

However, just when Mr. Bao was about to rush out.

Zhijun gave old man Bao a warning look.

Because Zhijun just found out.

His grandmother's hand frowned and frowned.

It works.

Zhijun is not a doctor.

He doesn't know all the acupoints well.

I don't even know that the position of the needle before ye Youran is a fatal point.

But he believed ye Youran.

And he's closest to grandma.

He has seen the effect.

How can you let old man Bao interrupt at this time?

"Old Chu, don't let him fool around anymore. He's not saving people. He's killing people!"

PS: This is

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