If the God of adversity will bring suffering to the world, then saints can bring hope to the world.

Ye Youran doesn't know how much merit he has brought to the three realms by inadvertently destroying the God of adversity.

It is the lifelong pursuit and belief of many Buddhas to avoid the suffering of all living beings in the three realms.

But how many people can really do it?

Ye Youran made a mistake, at least let all living beings in the three realms have almost no pain before the new God of adversity was conceived. It's not even too much to think of success to describe the present life.

It is not incomprehensible that ye Youran can become a saint on the spot.

Ye Youran is now considered to be the time when hell's blood bead will break away from his control after all.

Countless lights of merit and virtue, and the vast power of merit and virtue like a sea began to fall on his head.

"What's going on?"

Ye Youran was surprised and delighted.

It's really a way of heaven and man.

Ye Youran was excited and inexplicable, but there was no time to investigate where the power of merit came from.

Solving the hell blood beads in the body is the top priority.

With the blessing of so many merits and virtues, the fierce light on the blood beads of hell suddenly decreased.

Because those who forcibly enter ye Youran's body are more domineering than ye Youran's own light of merit.

Also more powerful and pure.

Because the power of these merits and virtues still carries the wishes of all sentient beings.

Or the power of faith.

Hell's blood beads are being touched bit by bit, and ye Youran's body is also changing rapidly.

This kind of Exchange changed very quickly. When ye Youran found it, ye Youran knew that his Buddha and devil were sublimated again.

The last time ye Youran tried to fuse hell's blood beads, the flaming eyed beast said that it might be a creation of Ye Youran.

But that fortune did not appear as scheduled.

Although the body of ancient demons has evolved into the same body of Buddha and demons, it is still far from the expectation of the golden eyed beast.

This time, ye Youran really understood what the fire eyed beast said about nature.

"It's the body of the way of heaven. The extreme of my ancient demon body is the body of the way of heaven. I actually awakened the body of the way of heaven."

Ye Youran is inexplicably happy at the moment.

At this moment, ye Youran suddenly opened up.

Now ye leisurely has an illusion.

He is the way of heaven. He can control everything under the way of heaven.

Including the life and death of all living beings, the power is in hand, and the pride of pointing rivers and mountains arises spontaneously.

At this moment, ye leisurely's life and soul have been completely sublimated.

When ye Youran awakened the body of Confucianism and Taoism, ye Youran had a kind of goodwill to make a voice for all the people in the world.

But now ye Youran has awakened the body of heaven, but he has the idea of ruling the world and living like a ruminant dog.

At this moment, ye leisurely's human side is fading rapidly.

There is a real divinity in him.

The true God, the true Tao, is destined to be ruthless and lonely.

The way of heaven itself is lonely and arrogant. The way of heaven itself should be ruthless. The way of heaven should not eat fireworks among people.

Even at this moment, ye leisurely felt that the family affection he has always attached most importance to has become dispensable.

Once he thought that family affection, love and friendship were supreme and he could be desperate for them.

But at this moment, I felt that the once duty bound to turn back seemed a little stupid, childish and ridiculous.

"No! I'm influenced by the body of heaven."

Shuer, ye leisurely woke up from a dream and was scared into a cold sweat.

He would become ruthless.

If ordinary people awaken the body of heaven, their temperament may change greatly.

Such a great change of temperament has nothing to do with good and evil.

Just because he has been detached and no longer cares about the life and death of all sentient beings, or sees through life and death, life is no joy and death is no sorrow.

But ye Youran not only awakened the body of heaven, but also possessed the body of Confucianism and Taoism.

Confucianism and Taoism and heaven are two completely different kinds of Tao.

The former is of great benevolence and righteousness and serves all the people in the world.

The latter lacks humanity and all beings are like dogs.

With the influence of Confucianism and Taoism and the light of merit and virtue gathered by all living beings, ye leisurely can retain his nature.

Otherwise, ye Youran will become the second heavenly empress.

The ruthlessness of empress Tiandao is not her evil, but she has no concept of good and evil!

For her evil thoughts have turned into the God of adversity.

She just became indifferent because she was detached.

She will not take the initiative to benefit all sentient beings, because there is no need and no good idea.

However, she will never allow any cultivator regarded by her as a "ruminant dog" to threaten her rule and status.

"Perhaps the reason why all sentient beings misunderstand the empress of heaven is that all sentient beings don't need such heaven."

Ye Youran has a kind of insight.

The more profound a person is, the more dissatisfied he is with the heavenly empress.

In the final analysis, it's just that everyone dares to be angry but dare not speak in order to live.

Ye Youran now has some enlightenment. While regretting for all sentient beings, he can also feel the intentions of the heavenly empress.

It's like an emperor who won't grovel for a beggar, but the beggar wants the emperor to make him rich.

However, for all living beings, inaction is the original sin.

The way of heaven does not let all living beings live the life they want, so the way of heaven is the original sin.

"It seems that the weather is really going to change."

Ye Youran sighed slightly.

The way of heaven will not benefit all sentient beings. The happiness of all sentient beings needs to be fought for by themselves.

But all living beings don't want to fight for it, just want to get it.

The contradictions among them will inevitably be completely amplified and intensified one day.

Therefore, weather change is inevitable, but sooner or later!


When ye leisurely thought about the source of the contradiction between the way of heaven and all sentient beings.

I don't know how many strong people have gathered at this time.

The whole sky is boiling today.

Countless strong men came here from afar using space array.

And there is still a steady stream of strong people coming.

Just because the light of merit finally fell on the peak of heaven.

Someone is going to be holy on the peak of heaven. No one can remain unmoved.

Even those of the Huaxia gang did not expect that the final light of merit would fall on the peak of heaven.

Even the strong ones of the LORD God level are kneeling and worshipping at the moment, waiting for the emergence of saints.

Even a lot of sacred animals, monster animals are no exception.

This time, the creatures gathered at dengtian peak are more vast than the last sea monster invasion.

But this time, it was very peaceful. No one started and no one spoke.

It's rare that this time, human cultivators and orc demons can live in peace.

Each of them is a battalion, and they are all quietly waiting on the peak.

Even some practitioners who have their own hatred look at each other at this moment. Maybe there is discontent and hatred in their eyes.

But none of them dared to do it.

They all waited and worshipped piously, hoping to see the light of saints for the first time.

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