At the airport, ye Youran first saw Qin Hai, Qin Sheng's father.

I almost didn't think their father and son were brothers.

Qin Sheng is not tall. He wears a pair of glasses and is gentle.

His father Qin Hai is not tall and wears a pair of glasses, which also gives people a gentle feeling.

Qin Hai is obviously the kind of person who can maintain well.

Although it's almost fifty.

But it looks like a talented young man in his twenties and thirties.

The most important thing is that they are almost seven points alike. If they walk side by side in the street, they can easily be regarded as two brothers.

"Hello, uncle. I'm Qin Sheng's classmate and roommate. My name is ye Youran. Uncle, you look so young."

Ye Youran quickly shook hands with Qin's father.

And sincerely praised.

"Oh, Hello, I heard Qin Sheng talk about you. It's good. Your mouth is very sweet. It's a material for doing business."

Qin Hai looked at the white leaves leisurely, which was a good first impression.

Qin Hai always resents that his son Qin Sheng is not a business material.

See ye Youran's unassuming and eloquent appearance.

Qin Hai couldn't help hating his son.

But what Qin Hai doesn't know is.

Ye Youran is really not as good as he thought.

Ye Youran praises him as young because Qin Hai is really young.

Ye Youran is just telling the truth.

"Dad! As I said, there are many industries in the world. There are thousands of roads, not just business."

Qin Sheng said with some dissatisfaction.

"Well, what you said is reasonable. I won't argue with you. In the future, you will know where the gap between you and Xiaoye is."

Qin Hai said helplessly.

"Uncle, you've come far to work hard. Why don't we go to the hotel first and have a rest. I'll be the host at noon."

Ye Youran hurried out to make a round.

"No need to rest. My plane in the afternoon will go to G province. Where is your store? Let's go and have a look now!"

Qin Hai is that kind of resolute character.

This is somewhat different from Qin Sheng.

Qin Hai actually just stopped by to have a look today.

Mainly to see what scale ye Youran's store is.

If the scale is relatively large, it is not impossible to cooperate with ye Youran.

"Well, let's go now."

Ye Youran doesn't like her mother.

The three took a taxi and soon arrived at ye Youran's shop.

"Ho! Xiaoye! Is this your shop?"

Just got off the bus, Qin Hai was shocked.

Qin Hai is a western medicine agent.

There are not a thousand but also 800 western medicine stores that ask him for goods nationwide.

But Qin Hai has never seen such a large drug retail store.

The most important thing is that this geographical location is simply a golden section.

If you open a shop in such a place, no matter what you sell, you will definitely have a burst of business.

It is absolutely impossible for ordinary people to win such a store.

It's not something you can win with money.

You don't have to look inside. Just because ye Youran can win the store here is enough to show that ye Youran is a little guy with strength and background.

Even Qin Sheng was stunned at the moment.

He didn't expect ye Youran to play so much.

"It's just a fluke. The store is vacant and I took it. Uncle, and Qin Sheng, please come inside."

Ye Youran said truthfully.

It's pure luck that ye Youran can win this kind of store.

Of course, good luck.

If ye Youran doesn't have any strength.

He can't stand here.

Manager Huang and brother wolf have been eating for a long time. There are no bones left.

Ye Youran leads Qin Hai and Qin Sheng into the shop.

Nurse Xiaoling and several sisters are classifying and placing traditional Chinese medicine at this time.

Now ye Youran is also a boss with more than a dozen employees.

The dozen employees were almost sisters of nurse Xiaoling who studied medicine together.

Or a sister's sister.

Such a big store can't cope without more than a dozen employees.

So nurse Xiaoling is still recruiting people!

"Big! It's really big, and the layout is very reasonable, Xiaoye! You really gave your uncle a great surprise. It's not simple!"

Qin Hai was shocked again.

The drug stores on the upper and lower floors are larger than ordinary chain supermarkets.

Qin Hai has gained insight.

He never thought that anyone could open a drugstore on this scale.

On this scale, one store has to top ten, or even more than a dozen pharmacies in general third and fourth tier cities.

"Mainly with the support of the Oriental Group, they are willing to advance goods to me, otherwise I can't afford to buy only this one."

Ye Youran told the truth again.

Ordinary pharmacies don't have so many goods.

But ye leisurely's early purchase wants to fill all the shelves and display cabinets.

I'm afraid it's more than the purchase volume of ordinary pharmacies in a year.

Therefore, if there is no early distribution of Oriental Group.

Ye Youran really can't open the drugstore.

However, what ye Youran doesn't know is.

He was just a real sigh, but Qin Hai mistook ye Youran for negotiating with him implicitly.

This also makes Qin Hai dare not underestimate Ye leisurely.

"Xiaoye! Dongfang Group can support you, uncle. I can support you too."

Qin Hai thought for a moment and said:

"In this way, I'll give you as many goods as you want. And I want to break the rules of the pharmaceutical industry. We'll settle accounts every six months. What do you think?"

Qin Hai is definitely a businessman with great vision.

He could see that ye Youran's drugstore would never be simple in the future.

So he has to do this business.

Of course, western medicine is different from traditional Chinese medicine.

The cost of Western medicine is very low. The retail profit of some western medicine is dozens or even hundreds of times of the cost.

It is precisely because of the low cost that western medicine is generally delivered in cash.

Even if the amount is large, it is only once a month.

But Qin Hai gave ye Youran the special authority to settle accounts once every six months.

This is definitely breaking the rules of the drug industry.

Of course, it is also because of the low cost of Western medicine.

Although ye Youran's store is very large.

But it's only three or four million.

If three or four million Western medicines are piled up, they can be piled up into a mountain.

With Qin Hai's wealth, two or three million is nothing to him at all.

He saw that ye Youran was a potential stock.

I also know that ye Youran has won the retail share of Dongfang pharmacy in Qingyuan City.

At that time, ye Youran will certainly open more stores in Qingyuan City.

Will get more goods from him.

Even in the future, countless western medicine agents and even manufacturers will rush to find ye Youran and beg ye Youran to take the goods.

Therefore, Qin Hai must take ye Youran before other agents or manufacturers have contacted ye Youran.

"Really? Thank you, uncle. You are really my noble man!"

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