Ye Youran really didn't know that she was on the news media when she was at the TCM debate meeting.

Ye Youran didn't want to be famous.

It's alright now.

His performance at the dialectical meeting of traditional Chinese medicine has been exposed by the news media.

Even CCTV will broadcast the on-site experience of the TCM syndrome debate meeting.

Even ye Youran's singing at the school celebration party has been broadcast.

Now ye Youran is really going to be famous.

"I knew I shouldn't have sung at that time, and I shouldn't have woken up Chu Zhijun's grandmother on the spot."

Ye Youran stood at the gate of Fuyuan cafe, but said regretfully.

Chu Zhijun's grandmother, ye Youran, can help each other quietly afterwards.

But at that time, ye Youran was young and energetic, and the things "committed" on impulse could not be made up for.

Now ye Youran can only hope that his affairs will not ferment on the Internet and make it known to everyone!

Because ye Youran doesn't want to go out like a star in the future. She needs to wear a mask and cover herself tightly.

"Why did you come?"

When ye Youran regretted not falling.

Suddenly, I saw fairy mantuo, and the wild horse with a Sao bag came late.

Ye Youran has been standing at the gate of Fuyuan cafe for more than half an hour.

Annie has gone back.

But ye Youran didn't have the phone of fairy Manduo.

I don't know where she drove.

If she doesn't come back, ye Youran is ready to take a taxi back to the villa.

"I just bought a mobile phone for 2000 yuan. Here is the invoice and reimbursement."

Ye Youran sat in the front passenger compartment.

Fairy mantuo threw ye Youran an invoice.

Fairy mantuo doesn't have a cell phone.

No cell phone is more inconvenient than no car.

But fairy mantuo didn't want to buy it with Ye leisurely.

Because she doesn't know what jokes ye Youran will make!

Now that you buy a mobile phone, you naturally have to find ye Youran for reimbursement.

"You are also a loser. You bought more than 2000 mobile phones."

Look at the bright red numbers on the invoice.

Ye Youran jumps with anger.

What's the difference between a 200 yuan mobile phone and a 2000 yuan mobile phone?

Can make a phone call.

"You have more than 10000 mobile phones. Don't think I don't know."

Manduo fairy looked at Ye leisurely and fought back.

"My cell phone was sent."

Ye Youran said without thinking.

"Well, I'll go back now. You can shout to me later!"

Fairy mantuo made a beautiful drift U-turn.

Drive towards the mobile phone firm.

"Er! If you buy everything, you don't have to return it!"

Ye Youran was startled by the big reaction of fairy mantuo.

Just now, ye Youran has suffered from the fact that fairy mantuo has no mobile phone.

Fairy mantuo doesn't have a cell phone. He can't reach her if he wants to contact her.

Can only wait outside the cafe.

The cell phone must be for fairy manto.

It's just that ye Youran can't feel something bigger. It costs 2000 yuan.

It's too expensive.

"You must return. You are the boss. Just like it."

Fairy mantuo had a firm face.

"Well, well, I was joking with you before. Let's go home! The mobile phone is 2000 yuan... It's not expensive."

Ye Youran said with his teeth clenched.

"Expensive, must return."

"Reimbursement, reimbursement now."

Ye Youran quickly took out two thousand yuan from his pocket.

Place on the storage bin in the centre console.

"I don't want it. It's coming soon. I don't need my cell phone."

Fairy mantuo stepped on the accelerator.

Although only V4 engine.

But the car roared like a street bombing, and the speed increased instead of decreasing.

"I'll give you another hundred. Don't return it, okay?"

Ye Youran, with a sad face, took out one hundred again.

"Only a hundred? How do you play beggar? Back."

Fairy mantuo glanced.

"Two thousand two, I'll quote you two thousand two."

Ye leisurely's heart is cool.

Why bother to come!


"Two thousand five, fairy mantuo, two thousand five, if you don't want it yet, then go back!"

Ye Youran took out 300 yuan again.

"OK! I'll return."

"Three thousand, fairy mantuo, please. I'll quote you three thousand."

Ye Youran is almost crying.

I knew the Manduo fairy was so dark.

He shouldn't have talked too much.

"You know."

Fairy mantuo's face was finally filled with a satisfied smile.

Because she can feel it.

This is the limit of Ye leisurely.

If she's not interested yet.

Ye Youran may really let her back.

I didn't spend a penny. I bought a mobile phone and made a thousand yuan.

Fairy mantuo was very satisfied.

The Mustang gave another gorgeous tail flick.

Towards the villa.


I was speechless all night.

The next morning, after fairy mantuo finished her cultivation.

Ye Youran had to run to school.

Because fairy mantuo said she wanted to have a beauty sleep.

She doesn't want to be ye Youran's driver in the morning.

I'm going to be late for school.

Ye Youran can only run to school.

Fortunately, the school is not far away.

It's only a few kilometers. It's just morning transportation.

But what ye Youran doesn't know is.

When he left the villa.

An old man in sloppy clothes followed him quietly.

With ye Youran's surprise, ye Youran didn't find the old man.

"Good boy, I haven't seen you for more than a month. I have both internal and external cultivation, and I have reached the second level. Good, good, old man, I'm not mistaken!"

The old man muttered to himself and followed ye Youran behind.

His eyes were full of shock and appreciation.

If ye Youran looks back now, he will find out.

The old man was an obscene little old man who sold books at the school gate on the day of school.

Ye Youran's "Qianjin Yaofang" was bought from him for five yuan.

Since selling Qianjin Yaofang to ye Youran.

He disappeared.

At the school gate, ye Youran never saw him again.

However, just as the old man muttered to himself and stared at ye Youran.

Ye Youran looked back slowly as if he were telepathic.

But after looking back, there was nothing behind him.

Ye Youran wondered a little.

Finally, he hurried to the Medical University.

Today's class is Wang Yan's.

I haven't seen Wang Yan for days.

Ye Youran suddenly had a strange feeling of missing.

Looking at Wang Yan's professional clothes and exquisite figure, he was beaming and talking on the stage.

Ye Youran can't help being a little crazy.

Ye Youran looked at Wang Yan quietly.

Just what Wang Yan was saying, ye Youran didn't listen to a word.

Wang Yan seems to have found ye Youran's obsessed eyes constantly wandering on her.

Her face grew crimson.

Just when Wang Yan was embarrassed by Ye Youran's eyes.

The mobile phone in ye Youran's pocket suddenly vibrated.

Ye Youran recovered and took out his mobile phone.

It's actually the message of school flower Dongfang Waner:

"I heard you opened a shop. When will it open?"

PS: I drank last night, alas! Sorry, friends, make it up today!

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