It will open in two days.

Ye Youran directly asked Wang Yan for two days off.

Because there are still many things in the store that have not been handled well.

Most importantly, drugs are classified and put on the shelves.

Such a large shop, so many different types of drugs.

Even if it is to label each drug and choose a reasonable location.

It's definitely not a time to finish it in a day or two.

So ye Youran has to keep the cat in the store all day.

With nurse Xiaoling, they started the death mode.

Fortunately, Anne is more awesome.

The next morning, more than 30 female students were gathered to report to the store.

Many of these female students are members of the entertainment club.

Although the number is more than 30.

But each of them has a different class time.

And they can only help at the store on weekends or in their spare time.

If you stagger the time.

Only a dozen students can appear in the store every day.

But ye Youran is very satisfied.

Ye Youran paid them fifteen yuan each without a commission.

Fifteen is not low.

Because they can only use fragments of time to go to work.

With the help of these people.

The next night.

Ye Youran finally finished everything.

But what ye Youran doesn't know is.

He has been busy in and out of the store these two days.

It has already been known by countless people.

The paparazzi photographed with ye Youran pushed ye Youran onto the hot search again.

The opening time of Ye Youran's store was also guessed.

And published it.

In the evening, in the chairman's office of Dongfang Group.

Oriental Aoki is brushing mobile news.

"Hehe! This guy's business is so high-profile? He's even on the hot search in Qingyuan City."

Dongfang Aoki thought about it, picked up the landline number in front of him and called his secretary:

"Put off the meeting tomorrow morning. I'm going to help the opening of No. 1 store tomorrow morning. By the way, prepare banners and congratulatory gifts for me."


Luneng looked at the newspaper in his villa.

Suddenly I saw a message pushed by my mobile phone:

The pride of Qingyuan City and the champion of the Chinese medicine debate society will open a low-key shop tomorrow.

"Ye boy's shop is about to open? Why didn't you inform me?"

Luneng picked up his mobile phone and also made a call to his assistant:

"I've prepared a flower basket for me all night. By the way, there's another 100 million yuan. I'm going to congratulate Ye boy."

"By the way, call my partners again and say that my nephew is going to open a business."


Leaders of Qingyuan news station:

"Do you know that master Ye's shop is going to open? Prepare immediately and follow the whole process tomorrow. If you are robbed by Youtai, you will all be laid off."


In a five-star hotel in Qingyuan:

"Hehe, master Ye is going to open. Xiao Li, push off tomorrow's announcement. I'm going to Qingyuan No. 1 store."

Luo Dazuo said to the phone.

Luo Dazuo happened to be running in Qingyuan these days.

He is now fawning on ye Youran and hopes that ye Youran can attend the TCM exchange meeting in Taiwan!

It's impossible for him not to go at the right time.


In the principal's office, Guan Shien called President Chen Zheng:

"Elder martial brother! Our younger martial brother will open tomorrow. Are you going?"

"How can I not go? I have informed elder martial brother Lu that we will go together tomorrow."


And in the dorm of the Medical University.

Qin Sheng called his father:

"Dad! Xiaoye's shop will open tomorrow, you know?"

"I just learned that the boy opened his business without even notifying me. I've ordered someone to make flower baskets and banners overnight."

Qin Hai said quickly.


In a luxurious club in Qingyuan City.

Brother wolf with bandages on his ears rushed in.

"Brother fat, the boy's shop will open tomorrow. I've got my brothers ready."

"Really? I'll go in person tomorrow and call more people. After all, it's the junction of the shark gang and the green bamboo gang. Don't be mistaken by the green bamboo gang for thinking that we want to rob their territory and eat their losses."


Most people in Qingyuan were shocked.

Most of them have met in TCM to prove ye Youran's miracle.

How many people want to curry favor with master Ye without entering the door.

I dare not disturb master Ye too directly or too loudly.

So as not to get the favor of master ye and annoy master Ye.

But master Ye's shop opened.

This is definitely an excellent breakthrough.

They congratulated in the name of their company.

This icing on the cake should not annoy master Ye.

As a party, ye Youran.

At this time, he was paralyzed in his shop.

So many drugs were classified and labeled overnight.

Ye Youran's wechat shows that he took more than 50000 steps today.

Nurse Xiaoling, they are even worse.

Ye Youran gave each of them a bonus of 500 yuan.

Send them back to rest.

We need to meet at the door of the store early tomorrow morning.

Tomorrow ye Youran will uncover the plaque covered with red cloth on the door.

And nurse Xiaoling, after they left.

Ye Youran stayed alone in the shop.

Ye Youran has turned a deaf ear to things outside.

Ye Youran never reads the news information on his mobile phone.

He took out his cell phone and called Chen Shuxian.

"Sister Chen, where are you?"

After dawn, ye Youran's shop will open.

It was in order to welcome Chen Shuxian that ye Youran chose to open tomorrow.

"The plane at five o'clock tomorrow morning should arrive at Qingyuan airport at seven o'clock. Remember to pick it up!"

Chen Shuxian's lazy voice came.

Obviously, she should be lying in the hotel at this time.

Listen to Chen Shuxian's lazy snort.

Ye Youran couldn't help thinking.

Chen Shuxian's exquisite figure and Lady temperament also appeared in ye Youran's mind.

"Sister Chen, don't worry. I'll send someone to pick up the plane."

Ye Youran quickly calmed his mind and promised.

"Send someone to pick up the plane? Won't you come?"

Chen Shuxian was stunned and said unhappily.

For ye Youran, a little boy.

Chen Shuxian had some sense of dependence in her heart.

Especially when ye Youran came to drive away her little brother-in-law for her.

And the scene of Ye Youran making breakfast for her herself.

Chen Shuxian suddenly had an impulse to see ye Youran.

Ye Youran didn't come to pick up the plane. She couldn't help being disappointed.

"Sister Chen, have you forgotten? I'm still a student. I have a class tomorrow!"

Ye Youran lied.

Although Chen Shuxian was disappointed, she still didn't insist.

After hanging up.

Chen Shuxian was bored playing with her mobile phone.

Suddenly I saw a push news in my mobile phone.

Because the mobile phone screen is small, Chen Shuxian only sees:

Master Ye's shop will open tomorrow... These words.

Chen Shuxian's biggest annoyance is the news or advertising information pushed by her mobile phone.

This is an act of stealing traffic.

So Chen Shuxian didn't click.

When you put down your mobile phone and put your mask on, you will go to sleep.

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