"Seven... Seven million."

When the final bill is settled.

Even ye Youran was stunned.

One day's turnover actually reached more than 7.5 million.

Ye Youran bought less than 15 million Chinese and Western medicines this time.

Today's sales have reached more than 7 million.

This is almost half of the goods sold.

This can't be said to be making money. It's just robbing money.

But if you think about it, it's not surprising.

Brother wolf contributed a million dollars in turnover alone.

Today, more than 150 black cards were issued.

Even if it costs more than 100000 yuan each.

The highest consumption was more than 500000.

The total turnover of these black card customers has reached more than two million.

More than 300 people have spent more than 10000 yuan on gold cards.

This has a turnover of more than four million.

More than 500 Puka cards, which cost more than 1000 yuan, were also sent out.

This adds up to nearly seven million.

The remaining four or five hundred thousand.

That's the total consumption of scattered guests.

However, because today is the first day of opening.

The publicity is quite good.

The most important thing is the celebrity effect of Luo Dazuo.

And the reassuring reputation of Oriental Group.

So that everyone can buy at ease in the store.

Don't worry about buying fake goods.

After today, there should be a small outbreak tomorrow.

Then it should gradually become rational.

How much is the sales volume of the day at that time, which can really determine the money path of No. 1 store.

"According to 40% of the profits, I made nearly 3 million a day. This drug business is worthy of being a profiteering industry."

Seeing the final turnover, Chen Shuxian was also stunned.

Now she is more confident in the future.

Oriental Aoki can become the richest man in Qingyuan City.

This is by no means without reason.

"Sister Chen, we'll go to Luneng tomorrow. We'll open those eight stores right away."

Ye Youran is ambitious and can't wait.

According to this momentum.

Invest 100 million.

He will soon earn this 100 million back.

Then he can become a real billionaire.

Not a debt billionaire.

"Don't worry, we have to register a large drug sales company first. When the funds are in place, we will set the registered capital at 100 million. Then we can borrow another 100 million in the name of the company. Then we start to open a carpet shop."

Chen Shuxian already knows that Luneng has given ye Youran a hundred million.

In terms of investment.

Chen Shuxian has rich experience.

The registered capital of a company will directly determine the details of a company.

One hundred million registered capital is enough to make the bank full of confidence in ye Youran's company.

At that time, 200 million will be invested together.

Let alone eight stores.

Chen Shuxian wants to make No. 1 store blossom everywhere in Qingyuan City within a year.

When the company goes public.

We can also continue to expand our business scope.

Now ye Youran has only won the retail market in Qingyuan City.

And all over the country.

There are still many provinces of Dongfang group that have not been invited for bidding.

After all, in addition to its unshakable reputation in Qingyuan City and the provinces near Qingyuan City, Dongfang Group.

In more distant areas, the influence is not so great.

As far as the four first tier cities of Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen are concerned, there are no dealers in the two provinces.

As long as ye Youran can show his strength as soon as possible.

Let Dongfang Group see confidence.

If we win the market share of the northern and upper provinces.

That's the real big money.

After all, the northern and upper provinces are truly populous provinces.

"OK! Sister Chen, we'll do whatever you say."

Ye Youran readily agreed.

However, in addition to ye Youran's happiness.

Nurse Xiaoling made them happier.

Because according to the rebate of turnover.

Just today's turnover.

Nurse Xiaoling and all of them have earned at least more than 10000 yuan.

Nurse Xiaoling can get more than 50000 Commission.

You can get so much in a day's commission.

There are so many pharmacies in the world. I'm afraid there aren't many stores that can give clerks such income!

Although nurses Xiaoling are very tired today.

But at the thought of commission, they didn't feel tired at all.

If today's momentum is maintained.

They can get at least 300000 a month.

Of course, nurse Xiaoling, they also know.

That's impossible.

When everything is really on track.

To know how much they can get a month.

Ye Youran invited everyone to have breakfast.

Then I called fairy mantuo to pick it up.

"Hoo! I still feel comfortable at home."

After returning to the villa.

Chen Shuxian expressed heartfelt emotion.

But considering that the villa is no longer hers.

She said to ye Youran half jokingly:

"President ye, although this villa belongs to you, we will go to handle the transfer of ownership tomorrow. However, I want to stay in Qingyuan City in the future. I still hope you can let me live here."

This villa embodies all the efforts of Chen Shuxian and countless thoughts.

As far as where she lives, she always feels more comfortable here.

"Chen Jie, as like as two peas, I know you love it. Later, the villa is yours. I'll buy another piece of land next to it, and then build a villa that looks exactly the same. Anyway, the land here is not expensive."

Ye Youran thought and refused.

A gentleman doesn't win the favor of others. Ye Youran can see that Chen Shuxian has feelings here.

In the past, ye Youran was unable to build her own villa, so she wanted Chen Shuxian's villa here.

Now ye Youran has the ability.

He can build it himself.

"How can this work? I..."

Chen Shuxian is in a hurry.

She thought ye Youran was unhappy and said angry words.

But before Chen Shuxian finished, ye Youran said seriously:

"Stop it, sister Chen. I can earn millions a day. I can still build a 10 million villa. Moreover, I believe in your ability. This 10 million villa will be regarded as your year-end bonus at the end of this year. Of course, you have to let me continue to live here until my villa is built."

Although Chen Shuxian's villa is very large.

But there are not many rooms.

There are only two rooms on the first floor.

There are only three rooms on the second floor except the master room.

The third floor is a place of entertainment, there is no place to live.

Ye Youran now wants to build a bigger villa.

At least the room needs more.

In the future, he will bring his grandparents and parents here to live.

With ability, ye Youran also wants to be filial to his parents and grandpa.

However, at this time, the fairy Manduo, who was silent on one side, looked at ye Youran like a ghost.

When did ye Youran become so generous?

The villa worth 10 million yuan was given away as soon as it was said.

The year-end bonus will be given to a villa. Even a local tyrant in real estate will not have such a big hand as ye Youran!

Is this really the person in her impression who dares to bid 100000 for a 300000 civilian sports car?

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