"Dad, tell me, who hit my grandpa?"

Ye Youran ran ran into grandpa's room.

Even in the dark.

But ye Youran still saw it at a glance.

Grandpa is not in poor health. He is ill.

But was beaten.

And it's not light.

Judging from the wound and congestion, the beating time should have been two or three days ago.

With the economic conditions of the Ye family, ye Youran took all the money from his family at the last school.

I should have no money to take grandpa to the health center in the town.

So now grandpa is beginning to be critically ill.

Ye Youran tried to shout grandpa twice, but grandpa didn't respond at all.

"No... I wasn't beaten, I fell."

Ye Changlin stammered.

But where would ye Youran believe it?

"Dad, don't forget, I also study medicine. Can't I see if I fall or hit?"

Ye Youran asked

"Little leaf, don't ask your father..."

Song Di hesitated and began to cry.

Ye Youran couldn't see more than her mother's tears.

Mother is a very timid and afraid person.

Usually at home is also submissive.

Ye Youran knows that this is mainly caused by her childhood family environment.

The concept of rural people has always been to value men over women.

Mother has a brother.

Grandpa and grandma love their brother most, and they often beat and scold their mother's sister.

Mother does all the dirty and tiring work at home.

Even her brother can call her around.

As a result, my mother has no independent ideas and timid character since childhood.

At this time, I saw my mother wiping her tears again.

Ye Youran quickly eased his tone and said:

"Well, mom, we'll talk about other things later. Now you go out with dad and I'll see Grandpa first."

Ye Youran can see that grandpa is very ill.

Consciousness has been completely unconscious, belonging to a coma state.

It's meaningless to entangle whether to fall or fight now.

Fortunately, ye Youran came back in time.

If tomorrow... Grandpa may not be able to survive tonight!

The most important thing now is to cure your grandfather first.

Then there is the question of who should be held accountable.


What else does Ye Changlin want to say.

But ye Youran pushed her father and mother to the door and said to the fairy Manduo standing in the hall:

"Manto, you keep me outside the door. No one is allowed to come in until I come out."

At home, ye Youran didn't call her Manduo fairy, but Manduo.

Although the name of fairy Manduo sounds good.

But it's really weird.

At least in the Songshan village where ye Youran is located, the name of mantuo fairy is too eye-catching.


Fairy mantuo is concise and comprehensive.

When ye Youran closes the wooden door of Grandpa's room.

Fairy mantuo immediately stood outside the door.

There is a great posture that one man is in charge of the pass and ten thousand people can't open it.

Ye Changlin and song Dilai are both rural people.

He is not good at talking to strangers.

Also, they have never seen fairy Manduo, a girl with noble and ethereal temperament all over her body.

Looking at fairy mantuo, ye Changlin and song Dilai couldn't help feeling embarrassed.

It's like the ugly duckling's feeling when he sees a white swan.

For a moment, the atmosphere in the hall was silent and awkward.

Ye Changlin silently smoked the dry tobacco in his hand.

But in fact, ye Changlin quietly winked at his daughter-in-law Song Di.

He hoped song Dilai would break the awkward silence.

In fact, it's not just Ye Changlin and Song Di who feel embarrassed at this time.

Even fairy mantuo was very embarrassed.

She is also cold and not good at talking.

Ye Youran now leaves her with his parents.

Ye Youran's parents looked at her with strange eyes.

She doesn't speak now and feels inappropriate.

Open your mouth and don't know what to say.

Can only be eyes, nose, heart, silently standing outside the door.

I just hope ye Youran can quickly cure his grandfather.

"Girl, you... You and Xiaoye are..."

Song Di hesitated and asked some unnaturally.


Fairy mantuo said suddenly with a crimson face.

If ye Youran saw this scene, he would be very surprised.

Fairy mantuo, a paralyzed type of person, even blushes.

However, the moment I saw fairy mantuo blush.

Song Di smiled.

Hello, friend!

My son is really promising. He made such a good "friend". Why didn't he listen to the bastard?

"What's your name, girl?"

When she opened her mouth, Song Di would not be so embarrassed.

Everyone was a woman. She came forward with a smile and asked fairy mantuo.

"Chang sun Xuan."

Fairy mantuo hesitated and replied with a redder face.

Because Song Di came with a look at her daughter-in-law.

It makes her goose bumps all over.

But now she can't explain.

"Xuanxuan, are you and Xiaoye classmates?"

Song Di asked.

Fairy mantuo shook her head.

During the question and answer session, the atmosphere was slightly pleasant.

But ye Changlin glanced at fairy mantuo from time to time.

He looked at the white Mustang sports car outside the door.

Then he smoked the dry tobacco in his hand silently.

My heart is full of worry.

My son has such a beautiful and rich girlfriend. I don't know whether it's a good thing or a bad thing!

At this time, ye Youran in the room doesn't know these.

At this time, all his attention was on his grandfather.

Grandpa was in a semi coma caused by a heavy blow to the head.

And there are several bruises on his body.

Who laid such a heavy hand on his grandfather.

Ye Youran hated in his heart and spared no effort to cure him.

First, prick the scalp of Grandpa's head with an air needle to release the congestion.

Fortunately, there was no intracranial hemorrhage.

If there were intracranial hemorrhage, I'm afraid Grandpa would have died long ago.

Then ye leisurely injected the medicinal gas of star anise Maple flower into the wound.

The medicinal Qi of star anise Maple flower has the effects of reducing swelling, relieving pain, dredging collaterals and activating blood circulation.

It can accelerate wound healing and scab.

The medicinal gas of Radix Isatidis was used to reduce inflammation and relieve pain.

As for the other bruises on Grandpa.

Ye Youran uses the medicinal Qi of white peony and red peony.

The medicinal Qi of Radix Paeoniae Alba can be used for headache, dizziness, hypochondriac pain, abdominal pain, limb contracture pain and other symptoms.

Radix Paeoniae Rubra has miraculous effects on symptoms, abdominal pain, falling and flapping injury, carbuncle and sore.

Later, ye Youran also used Qi acupuncture to acupuncture his grandfather.

Strengthen and regulate grandpa's body and awaken grandpa's vitality.

After all this.

Ye Youran gently awakened his grandfather.

"Little leaf? When did you come back?"

Old Ye woke up slowly and was excited to see his grandson.

Old Ye has just left the gate of hell.

When he just woke up, he forgot that he was hurt.

At this time, although his injury was no longer serious.

But the old bone still hurts.

It was only when he moved that he found himself powerless.

"Grandpa, you still have injuries and need to rest."

Ye Youran quickly pressed grandpa down and asked seriously:

"Grandpa, tell me, what's going on? Who beat you?"

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