This is the best time in a thousand years and the most gratifying moment.

Ye Yongli and his son, like song noble, knelt side by side at the gate of Ye Youran's yard.

"Go and see! Ye Yongli, the villain, has to be punished."

"What's the matter? What's the matter?"

"All four of them are kneeling at the door of Mr. Ye's house!"

"Really? What's going on?"

"Who knows? It's said that ye's boy is promising. Go and watch the excitement. We don't dare to participate, but it looks good."

The whole Songshan village, even the Songjia village, came.

Especially in Songshan village, it's almost up to 99 and down to just can walk.

Everyone is here.

Ye Youran's home is surrounded by three floors inside and three floors outside.

Some people who work in the fields early in the morning or go hunting in the mountains are called back by their neighbors, relatives and friends.

How many villagers want to eat the meat of Ye Yongli and others and drink his blood.

But they are no better than ye Yongli.

Usually you can only choose to bow your head.

Now ye Yongli is in trouble.

Even if they dare not come forward and add a foot.

But at least watching the excitement can solve some of my hatred.

"I advised you to go quickly, but I didn't listen. Now you know why I'm kneeling here?"

Song noble spoke forcefully to Ye Yongli beside him.

Originally, song noble wanted to laugh at Ye Yongli.

But when I think of myself and ye Yongli, they are in sympathy with each other.

He couldn't laugh at it.

"Grandma, why didn't you tell me earlier? If your mother hadn't come to my house and begged me, I wouldn't take care of your shit."

Ye Yongli said fiercely to song noble.

Ye Yongli surrendered after three rounds.

Come here and kneel.

As for his three sons, they only lasted four rounds.

"Alas! What's the use of saying this now? The Ye family boy is in power now. We can't afford to provoke him."

Song noble looked in fear at the direction of Ye's hall, lowered his voice and said.

"Can't you provoke me? Hum! I've lost such a big man. I want his family to die."

Ye Yongli clenched his teeth and said.

But ye Yongli's last words kept his voice very low.

Because he is also afraid that ye Youran will hear it.

"You... Do you dare to fight against Ye family boy? I'm afraid. As long as he cures me, I'll never step into Songshan village again."

Song noble was stunned and said dejectedly.

This feeling of egg pain is hell.

As long as he can be cured this time, he will take song noble well in Songjia village and won't come to Songshan village.

Even later, he met ye Youran and ye Youran's family.

Make a detour and avoid.

"Hum! You counsellor, president Zhao is coming. As soon as president Zhao arrives, he will die."

Ye Yongli finally shared this secret with song noble.

But when he said this, he lowered his voice.

This is Ye Yongli's only dependence now.

If it weren't for president Zhao's card.

Maybe he, ye Yongli, will bow his head and admit defeat like song noble!

However, what ye Yongli doesn't know is.

No matter how small his voice is, can it hide it from ye Youran's ears?

"Is that developer called president Zhao?"

In the hall, ye Youran suddenly looked up and asked song Bajin, who stood cautiously.

The matter has not been completely solved. Ye Youran didn't let song Bajin leave.

For the mysterious developer.

Ye Youran is a little interested.

However, ye Youran did not really pay attention to the developer.

Because he can never be one of the top ten entrepreneurs in Qingyuan.

Which of the top ten outstanding entrepreneurs in Qingyuan is not a billionaire or a billionaire?

Will tens of billions of people come to Songshan village to establish farms?

For those entrepreneurs, farms are only small profits.

They are despised.

However, Songshan village contracted a 100 mu mountain to establish a farm.

This investment is not small.

If it's really what they say.

We should establish a modern breeding farm of 100 mu.

This investment will never be less than 100 million.

Therefore, ye Youran wants to know.

What energy does this tyrant developer have.

"Yes, yes."

Song Bajin was stunned by Ye Youran.

But he replied honestly.

Mr. Zhao is very mysterious, although he contracted a 100 mu mountain in Songshan village.

But he rarely shows up.

All things were discussed in Lianhua town by the village head Ye Yongli or song noble.

Song Bajin remembered that he was only led by song noble.

I came to Songshan village once to see the mountain.

I haven't been here since.

Ordinary villagers don't even know the title of president Zhao.

If song Bajin and song noble were not close, he could not know.

How did ye Youran know?

"Tell me everything you know!"

Ye Youran said to song Bajin.

"Uncle Ye, Zhao is very mysterious. I don't know much about him. But..."

Song Bajin hesitated.

"But what?"

Ye Youran asked.

"But I heard song noble say that president Zhao has an underworld background. Otherwise, you'd better pack up with your family and leave Songshan village!"

Song Bajin whispered to Ye leisurely.

Song Bajin's words stunned ye Youran.

He still cares about himself?

Shouldn't he hate himself?

In fact, although song Bajin is vicious, he is not vicious.

To put it more thoroughly is to have no brain.

At ordinary times, he did many evil things that song noble asked him to do.

In addition, song Bajin is tall and powerful.

He admires the strong most.

Ye Youran is so strong that he really wants to be awed by Ye Youran.

That's why he said such heartfelt words to ye Youran.

"What else? Specifically, how did Zhao always contract? How much oil and water did song noble and ye Yongli get from it?"

After ye Youran was slightly surprised, he continued to ask.

"The specific contract is two yuan per mu per month. It's a total of 100 mu. It's 20000 yuan a month and 240000 a year. We don't know how much kickbacks president Zhao privately gave Ye Yongli and song noble."

Song Bajin said everything he knew.

Old Ye was furious.

"I knew they didn't have a good heart. Every family has three or four acres of mountains. According to 200 yuan per mu, each family gets 600 or 700 yuan a month and 7000 yuan a year. What they bastards give villagers is 500 yuan a year. Even if it is four acres of mountains, it's only 2000 a year. They eat most of the villagers' rent."

PS: that's the four chapters tonight. Sorry, everyone! The next few days may also be four chapters. Ten thousand more a day. It's too tired for so many days. Ask for monthly tickets, collection and recommended tickets.

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