"Who is Xuanxuan?"

Ye Youran looked at Chen Shuxian suspiciously.

When did another Xuanxuan come out?

"You don't know her name?"

Chen Shuxian is going to be confused.

The last time she got off the plane, the person who picked her up was fairy Manduo.

Now fairy mantuo sent her to Songshan village.

And along the way, fairy mantuo had told her everything that had happened here this morning.

Most importantly, ye Youran lives under the same roof with fairy Manduo and Chen Shuxian.

Chen Shuxian always thought that ye Youran had a good relationship with fairy Manduo.

Unexpectedly, ye Youran didn't know the name of fairy Manduo.

It doesn't seem to make sense!

"Your name is Xuanxuan? ER! OK! I forgot to ask. What's your full name?"

Ye Youran turned around.

Asked fairy manto.

Ye Youran vaguely remembers.

It seems that ye Youran heard his mother mention the name Xuanxuan in the morning.

But ye Youran didn't pay much attention at that time.

He didn't expect his mother to say that Xuanxuan was talking about fairy mantuo.

"I won't tell you."

Fairy mantuo threw a white eye at ye Youran.

Then he walked into the room with great enthusiasm.

Because I heard a voice.

Song Di came to know that her "prospective daughter-in-law" was back.

Fairy mantuo saw Song Di coming, and then they whispered warmly together.

"Well, sister Chen, it's not that I don't want to tell you. It's just that something happened suddenly. But I promise that my Songshan village is absolutely suitable to be a traditional Chinese medicine planting base. If you don't believe it, let's go up the mountain now."

Ye Youran was worried that Chen Shuxian would disagree.

That's why he asked fairy mantuo to pick up Chen Shuxian.

Ye Youran said and took Chen Shuxian to the mountain.

Ye Youran's house itself is halfway up the mountain.

The environment of Songshan village is really not to be chosen.

There is also a huge natural reservoir on the top of the mountain.

The water in the reservoir is as clear as a spring.

Obviously, the water quality is very good.

It's also convenient to get water here.

Yellow soil itself is also suitable for planting traditional Chinese medicine.

After walking around with ye Youran, Chen Shuxian couldn't find fault with the environment here.

But she said with some concern:

"Although the environment here is very good, our company is just starting now. It's not reasonable to make such a big investment rashly. Moreover, the recruitment of professionals also takes some time. It's still too hasty and reckless."

Although the idea of opening a planting base was put forward by Chen Shuxian.

But that's just a long-term plan.

I won't be in a hurry for a while.

According to Chen Shuxian's initial idea is.

First spread out the sales network.

Wait until everything is on track before considering establishing their own planting base.

This is more secure.

What's more, it's not enough except for the planting base.

It is also necessary to establish processing plants for traditional Chinese medicine.

Ye Youran can't sell the things he planted directly?

Fresh Chinese herbal medicines are not suitable for storage.

It always needs to be processed.

At least it needs to be dried before it can be put on the market.

Ye Youran himself has no time.

Now Chen Shuxian is the only one busy in the whole company.

She can't even open a shop now.

Where do you have time to build a planting base here in Songshan village?

"Sister Chen, in fact, I don't think there is any conflict."

Ye Youran thought for a moment and said:

"The planting of traditional Chinese medicine is not planted today, but can be harvested tomorrow."

"Especially some precious Chinese herbal medicines, such as ginseng, many of which are one kind. It will take years or even decades to harvest."

"If we open all the pharmacies and go back to establish the planting base, it will take at least three or five years. It may be too late."

"The so-called seizing the first opportunity is about speed."

"Wouldn't it be better if we did it at the same time and could produce and sell our own products immediately after our sales network was launched?"

Ye Youran, after all, is a child in the mountains and a doctor.

I still have some knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine.

Planting traditional Chinese medicine is not planting rice, and the harvest time will not be very short.

Moreover, many Chinese herbal medicines are planted as long as possible, and their value will be higher.

"Let's talk about money."

Ye Youran continued:

"We have loaned 130 million yuan. In fact, it doesn't cost much to establish a traditional Chinese medicine planting base, and the investment in the early stage is only 10 million or 20 million."

"Even if the money is really tight, we can draw part of our registered capital."

"After all, the establishment of a traditional Chinese medicine planting base is a business related to the development of the company and meets the conditions for applying for the transfer of registered capital."

Joint stock companies are different from ordinary companies.

Registered capital cannot be used immediately.

Just to prevent the shareholders' meeting from suddenly rolling up money and running away.

However, as long as the investment is related to the company's business or the development of the company, it can be applied for transfer.

It is precisely because ye Youran considers that capital is not a problem.

That's why I dare to boast to the villagers.

"Yo! I don't see. You've learned a lot during this time, and you've put it into practice!"

Chen Shuxian looked at ye Youran with some surprise.

She is really impressed by Ye Youran.

"Hey, hey, I've been with sister Chen for a long time and learned a little secretly."

Ye Youran said with a smile.

"Don't flatter me. I think you're afraid you can't explain to the villagers, so you're trying to open it."

Chen Shuxian smiled and scolded.

"Hehe, sister Chen sees that she has some willingness."

Ye Youran didn't hide it and said with some embarrassment.

As the old saying goes, you have to finish your gun when you cry.

Ye Youran has boasted.

If Chen Shuxian really refuses to open a traditional Chinese medicine planting base.

Ye Youran really has no face to face the elders in the village.

"Well, since you are the chairman of the company and you have made a commitment, let's start!"

Chen Shuxian thought a little.

I promised.

"Yeah! Long live sister Chen."

Ye Youran immediately shouted with excitement.

Then he couldn't wait to say:

"Sister Chen, tomorrow we will go to the forestry bureau to go through the relevant formalities for opening the mountain?"

You can't cut down wood casually.

Especially the trees on the mountain, even if they are privately owned.

According to regulations, more than three trees need to be reported to relevant departments for filing.

If there is no purpose to cut down, it needs to be planted back after cutting.

This is also for the purpose of environmental protection.

The 300 mu mountain is not small.

Therefore, we must not fail to report.

"What do you want to do with the forestry bureau? Go directly to Zhengfu, and they will naturally do it for us."

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