Luneng has no culture.

But he has a unique vision that ordinary people don't have.

This is one of the main reasons why he can get up in business.

Now he has seen ye Youran's great potential.

Also saw the huge profits of the drug business.

As long as ye Youran does well, ye Youran will definitely become the second Oriental Green Wood in the future.

Become the leader of the traditional Chinese medicine retail market in Qingyuan.

At that time, ye Youran's market value will never be too low.

Now ye Youran has just started.

It is the best time for Luneng to invest.

This is a timely help.

When the leaves are leisurely and plump in the future.

It's hard for Luneng to think of icing on the cake.

The real estate business is becoming more and more difficult.

Now Luneng has been exploring continuous transformation.

But transformation is risky.

Once lost, it is likely to collapse completely.

Ye Youran may be the economic source for Luneng group to survive in the future.

Therefore, Luneng is now trying every means to get the shares in ye Youran's hands.

He wants to tie himself firmly to ye Youran, a huge ship riding the wind and waves.

Seek a new way out for yourself.

And more security.

"Uncle, what do you want to do? I tell you, you have taken 40% of the shares of my eight companies that have not yet opened. You can't want any more."

Ye Youran heard that Luneng still wanted shares.

Suddenly he became vigilant.

Luneng doesn't want any more shares.

Because if it goes on, Luneng's shares will surpass ye Youran.

At that time, ye Youran, the chairman, will exist in name only.

In the future, Yingyi company will become a subsidiary of Luneng group.

This is absolutely not allowed by Ye Youran.

"I don't want shares in your eight stores."

Luneng solemnly stood up and said:

"I want you to hold 10% of the whole Yingyi company, that is, in addition to the nine stores you have now, I will hold 10% of all the stores of Yingyi company in the future."

Luneng spoke his mind.

Luneng is no longer satisfied with taking shares in one store.

He wants to take a whole share.

If the market value of Ye Youran's Yingyi company can reach 10 billion in the future.

He can get a billion from Luneng.

In fact, the market value of 10 billion yuan is based on the market of traditional Chinese medicine in Qingyuan.

It's not too difficult to achieve.

In other words, Luneng now invests 3.5 billion yuan in ye Youran.

Maybe he can get a billion in compensation in the future.

And this is a long-term investment, as long as Yingyi company exists.

Luneng can collect money continuously.

This is much faster than investing money in banks or in the stock market.

It is also relatively safer.

"Uncle, I knew you were a weasel. It's not kind to pay New Year's greetings to the chicken!"

Ye Youran listened to Luneng's proposal.

Suddenly he smiled bitterly.

In fact, Luneng always feels forthright to ye Youran, even some local tyrants.

Now ye Youran knows.

Luneng's bones are still an old fox after all.

The saying that no business trades without fraud really doesn't come from nowhere!

Of course, ye Youran is not the same as before.

During this time, ye Youran followed Chen Shuxian.

I did learn a lot.

So ye leisurely pondered for a moment and said:

"It's not impossible to give you 10% of the shares. You invest 500 million yuan to build the manor, and then lend 500 million yuan to me without interest. I can give you 10% of the shares."

Ye Youran finished and saw that Luneng wanted to refute.

Ye Youran immediately said first:

"Or, if you invest me 500 million yuan to build a manor, you don't have to lend me money. I'll give you 2% of the shares."

Youdao is asking exorbitant prices and paying back the money.

Ye Youran can make a counter-offer for a few hundred yuan mobile phone for half a day.

There are hundreds of millions of business transactions.

How can ye Youran completely follow Luneng's meaning?

"Ye Youran, are you too cruel? Business negotiation is not like you."

Luneng is in a hurry.

Invest 500 million and borrow another 500 million, which is equivalent to 1 billion.

In the future, ye Youran's company will have a market value of 10 billion yuan.

He can only get back to his roots.

Unless ye Youran's company can reach a market value of more than 10 billion in the future.

His investment makes sense.

But a leisurely company will not reach a market value of 10 billion in the future.

He has to lose money.

If ye Youran doesn't borrow 500 million yuan, he can only get 2% of the shares.

According to the market value of 10 billion.

Two percent is only worth 200 million.

Luneng lost more.

"Ye Youran, I can responsibly tell you that the retail market in Qingyuan is only 10 billion. If you can make your company reach a market value of 10 billion, you have made the company to the extreme. You want me to lose money and make a cry!"

Luneng said to Ye leisurely in a hurry.

Luneng would never agree to such an unfair treaty.

"It seems that uncle has done market research!"

Ye Youran looked at Luneng with some surprise.

Chen Shuxian once said similar things.

Although the retail market in Qingyuan is large.

But it won't exceed 15 billion in a day.

With a market of 15 billion yuan, ye Youran can win 10 billion yuan, which is quite good.

In Luneng's words, ye Youran has made the company to the extreme.

No company can completely monopolize the market.

"That's right. You don't want to deceive me. I know it very well."

Luneng said proudly.

Luneng will not fight a war without preparation.

He dares to propose to invest in ye Youran, which shows that he has done sufficient market research.

Knowing yourself and the enemy is also a magic weapon to win in the negotiation field.

"Since my uncle has done research, my uncle's vision should not be limited to Qingyuan City?"

Ye Youran said confidently without any confusion:

"In addition to the retail market in Qingyuan City, the country is so large and so many cities, who dares to say that my company will not go out of Qingyuan City, go to the country, or even go to the world in the future?"

Ye Youran's words are definitely not empty words.

But Chen Shuxian once planned to ye Youran.

There are no dealers of Dongfang Group in the four first tier cities of Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, as well as the two cities of Beijing and Shanghai.

Ye Youran now wants to develop his company as soon as possible.

Show your strength to Dongfang Group.

To apply for the retail market in these two first tier cities as soon as possible.

At that time, ye Youran's company will certainly develop rapidly like a rocket.

This is also the basis for ye Youran to negotiate with Luneng at this time.

"You... Is there a military division behind your boy?"

Luneng will look at ye Youran with new eyes.

If ye Youran is not a natural business wizard.

It must be that ye Youran has expert guidance behind him.

If not.

Ye Youran certainly won't say such powerful words.

"Hehe, uncle, see? I invited a friend. I officially hired her as my CEO."

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