Ye Youran can feel the shyness and embarrassment in Yan Jingyun's heart.

In order to ease the atmosphere, ye leisurely and frivolously promised:

"No problem. As long as our mother agrees, sister Jingyun won't feel wronged."

As soon as ye Youran said this, he immediately made Yan Jingyun blush.

"What, my mother? That's my mother?"

Yan Jingyun shyly defended his mother's ownership.

However, with this episode, the atmosphere in the car was much easier.

After talking about the noise, they finally arrived at the door of the community where Yan Jingyun lived.

"Sister Jingyun, stop first."

At the door of the community, ye Youran suddenly said.

"What's the matter? You shouldn't regret it?"

Yan Jingyun instinctively stepped on the brake and asked.

"The first time I see my mother, I can't go empty handed, can I?"

Ye Youran said with a smile.

Then he opened the door and went down.

Yan Jingyun sees ye Youran walking to the fruit stall and buying some apples and oranges through the window.

Then he walked back to Yan Jingyun's car.

Yan Jingyun was moved by this scene.

Maybe if ye Youran really becomes her boyfriend, it's also a good choice!

It's just that he seems to be just a student.

I'm almost three.

Will he look up to himself?

Yan Jingyun couldn't help thinking uneasily.

"Sister Jingyun, what's the matter? Drive?"

Ye Youran looked at Yan Jingyun in a daze and said curiously.

"Oh! OK! Drive."

Yan Jingyun wakes up like a dream, as if ye Youran saw through the careful thought in his heart.

Yan Jingyun somewhat flustered to restart the car and hurriedly drove into the community.

The community where Yan Jingyun is located is actually the industry of Luneng group.

This is a medium-sized community.

The environment is also good, and there is an air garden.

The price is more than 6000 yuan per square meter.

However, Yan Jingyun is an employee of Luneng group.

So she bought it here half for sale and half for free. She bought it for only 4000 yuan at the price of one square meter.

Yan Jingyun's home is in Room 502, block a, row 3, with an area of more than 170 square meters.

In the eyes of ordinary people, this is a luxury house.

Yan Jingyun opens the door and goes in.

The house is very tidy. There are two middle-aged female doctors watching TV in the hall.

See Yan Jingyun come back.

They all stood up quickly.

"Sister Zhou, how's my mother?"

Yan Jingyun greeted one of the female doctors.

Sister Zhou is a slightly older woman.

She is a general doctor in the oncology department.

Another younger one is a nurse.

They are now employed by Yan Jingyun at a high price and serve old lady Yan at home all day.

"Just slept."

Sister Zhou said with a somewhat unhappy expression.

The old lady always said she was in pain.

Sister Zhou gave her an injection to relieve pain.

According to sister Zhou's assessment.

If the old lady has been in the hospital.

Maybe a month or two.

At home with limited medical facilities.

I'm afraid it won't last this week.

"Sit down, sister Zhou. I'll go and see my mother."

Yan Jingyun hung up his bag.

Holding ye Youran's hand, she walked into her mother's room.

I saw Yan Jingyun holding ye Youran's hand.

Sister Zhou was stunned.

Then a knowing smile rose on his face.

Ye Youran let Yan Jingyun pull him and approached a room full of potions.

At this time, on the bed, there was a haggard face with gray hair.

Some spotted women have begun to appear on their faces.

Although the woman was covered with a quilt, ye Youran saw her face at the moment.

He frowned.

Because the spots on the woman's face are not senile spots.

It's the blood gamma on the body after the cancer cells spread.

Ye leisurely quietly ran the medicine Qi into his eyes.

Immediately is sure.

The woman has advanced cancer.

Cancer cells have spread throughout the body.

The whole body exudes the disease Qi that only ye Youran can see.

It's a light black gas.

And in the lady's abdomen, that is, the position of the uterus.

Even across the quilt, ye Youran can see where the disease gas has turned black.

Seeing such a scene, ye Youran's heart immediately had a judgment.

In this way, if the terminal patient is in the hospital, he may be able to hang his life for about a month.

At home, I'm afraid I won't be able to return to heaven in three days.


Yan Jingyun walked to the woman with some worry.

Trying to wake the woman up.

But ye Youran suddenly pulls Yan Jingyun.

Because after approaching, ye Youran found that there was an ancient jade around her neck.

The ancient jade looks like a spring cicada.

The most important thing is that the jade cicada actually exudes black disease.

The black disease Qi is more intense than that of a woman's abdomen.

"Where did the jade cicada on my mother's neck come from?"

Ye Youran asked Yan Jingyun with some dignity.

"It's ancestral! About ten years ago, my grandfather was still alive. He liked antiques and bought them in the square market. According to my grandfather, this is a real ancient jade and should be used as a family treasure."

Yan Jingyun didn't hide it and told ye leisurely.

After Yan Jingyun's grandfather got the ancient jade, he took it with him for two years and left.

I had a sudden heart attack and died in the morning.

Then the jade cicada passed it to Yan Jingyun's grandmother.

Yan Jingyun's grandmother took her for more than two years, fell and left.

Then Yan Jingyun's father took him for three or four years and finally left in a car accident.

Then the ancient jade fell into the hands of Yan Jingyun's mother.

Yan Jingyun remembered that her mother had taken the jade cicada for three or four years.

"Your grandpa is really confused!"

Ye Youran listened to Yan Jingyun.

I couldn't help booing and blaming.

A good family has been harmed by this jade cicada.

"What's the matter?"

Yan Jingyun looked at ye Youran puzzled.

"Ancient jade has spirit and memory. Ordinary jade usually has only one owner. If you wear other people's jade, you will not eliminate disasters for yourself, but may also bring disasters to yourself."

"So wearing jade can only wear the jade of the new pit. No one can guarantee who has worn it before."

Ye Youran explained:

"And wearing jade also depends on fate. It's fate for jade to raise people, but not for jade to raise disasters. It's obvious that your family has no fate with this jade cicada!"

Ye Youran said, shaking his head.

Because all these things ye Youran said are recorded in the external chapters of Qianjin Yaofang.

Sun Simiao, the king of medicine, liked to collect strange prescriptions.

Some strange anecdotes about jade have been recorded in fan waipian.

At first, ye Youran didn't believe in these things.

But at this time, after seeing the black angry words from the jade cicada on the woman's neck.

Ye Youran had to believe it.

According to the records of Qianjin Yaofang, the ominous jade will emit disease.

Who takes who suffers.

Perhaps the Yan family has been plagued by disasters in the past ten years since their grandparents.

It should be related to this ominous jade.

"Leaf, why do I listen more and more mysterious? You know I don't believe these things."

Yan Jingyun looked at Ye leisurely and said in disbelief.

It's not that Yan Jingyun doesn't want to believe ye Youran.

It's all too mysterious that Taiye Youran said, which has completely exceeded her existing three outlooks.

It's hard for her to convince herself.

"Sister Jingyun, it's not what I said, but this jade is too mysterious!"

Ye leisurely said solemnly:

"You can search the Internet for information. If I guess correctly, this jade cicada should be Yuhan, which was buried in the mouth of the dead in ancient times!"

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