The spread of cancer cells has made Yan mother blind.

In a daze, she suddenly heard her daughter Yan Jingyun's voice.

He asked weakly.

Of course, if ye Youran is right.

Yan Jingyun should have taken away the jade cicada that can emit disease.

Just let Yan's mother wake up.

"Mom, I'm back."

Yan Jingyun quickly releases ye Youran's hand and runs to his mother's bed.

Take mother's hand.

Feeling the temperature on his mother's hand, Yan Jingyun's panic subsided a little.

"Why do I still hear strangers?"

Yan's mother asked strangely with her godless eyes open.

Yan's mother is blind, and her ears are not very good at ordinary times.

But I don't know why. Her hearing seems to be very good today.

Yan Jingyun hesitated for a moment, then said softly with a smile:

"Mom! I brought a friend back to see you."

Hear the word friend.

Yan's mother immediately trembled and asked excitedly:


"It's a man."

Yan Jingyun gives ye Youran a look, indicating that ye Youran must cooperate with himself.

"You girl, don't inform your mother in advance when you bring your boyfriend back."

Yan's mother scolded Yan Jingyun.

But the tone was obviously excited.

My daughter finally brought her boyfriend back.

Yan's mother's biggest wish now is to see her daughter get married in her lifetime.

Nothing else.

She just wants someone to take care of her only daughter after she leaves.

"Hello, aunt. I'm Jingyun's boyfriend. My name is ye Youran. Just call me ye."

Ye Youran walked to the other side of Yan's mother, gently pulled Yan's mother's hand and said:

"You can't blame Jingyun for not informing you in advance, because I just confessed to Jingyun today. Jingyun just promised to be my girlfriend."

Ye leisurely said half truely.

Because they really only confirmed the relationship today.

Although this relationship is false, it is temporary for acting.

But it can't be said at this time.

"Good, good, good!"

Yan's mother took ye Youran's hand with both hands.

His eyes were wet with excitement.

But then Yan's mother became worried:

"Young man, I'm yun'er's mother. Alas! I hope I didn't scare you like this."

Yan's mother is most worried that ye Youran will be scared away when she knows the situation of Yan Jingyun's home.

My daughter finally found a boyfriend.

If she is scared away by her bad old woman, she will die and have no face to see her daughter's father again.

"What does your aunt say? I really like Jingyun. I've pursued her for a long time. I've known about my aunt's condition for a long time. I really like Jingyun. As long as she doesn't dislike me, I won't leave her in my life."

Ye leisurely promised.

Although ye Youran's words are false.

But that's a white lie after all.

Ye Youran doesn't want Yan's mother to leave the world with regret.

As long as it can reassure her.

Ye Youran has to play a full set and say something Yan's mother likes to listen to.

"OK, OK, that's good. Yun'er has a strong temperament, but I know when I'm a mother. She's kind-hearted and soft hearted. In the future, you can bear as much as possible when you get along with your male husband. I'll go to see her father in the future, and I can explain it. I'll certainly bless you for peace, many children and many grandchildren."

Yan's mother burst into tears.

She is really reluctant to give up her daughter.

Her daughter is also the biggest concern of her life.

If you can, Yan's mother hopes she can live well. It's best to see her grandchildren born.

But Yan's mother knows her condition well.

She knew her time was running out.

The only thing I can't let go is my daughter.

"Mom! You'll be fine. Promise me not to always say these depressed words? By the way, Ye is a doctor. He can cure you."

Yan Jingyun felt her mother's ardent concern about herself.

She couldn't help crying nervously and said to her mother.

At the same time, she said to ye Youran in a panic:

"Leaf, please, help my mother."

"Jingyun, don't worry. Your mother is my mother. I will do my best."

Ye Youran comforted Yan Jingyun.

Then he said to Yan's mother:

"Auntie, don't get excited. I'll help you relieve your pain for a while. You can bear it."

Ye Youran said, gently lifting the quilt on Yan's mother.

"Leaf! Aunt's illness. Aunt knows in her heart. Don't waste your time."

Yan's mother thought ye Youran was comforting her.

So she comforted Ye leisurely instead.

"Aunt, I'll make your eyes clear first. There may be some pain. You can bear it."

Ye Youran ignored Yan's mother's comfort.

After another warning.

Ye Youran gently pointed at Yan's mother's two Jingming acupoints.

Jingming point is located near the bridge of the nose.

The last time ye Youran gave an injection to Chu Zhijun's grandmother at the dialectical meeting of traditional Chinese medicine.

I have also had a needle at Jingming point.

Jingming point belongs to the point without moxibustion.

No moxibustion means to try not to put needles on this acupoint.

If you have to put a needle at Jingming point.

We must strictly follow the essentials of running needles.

Stab 0.5 inch directly close to the orbital margin, no more than one inch at most.

Most importantly, it is not allowed to twist or lift the needle in this place.

Ye Youran has no needle in his hand at this time.

But ye Youran's two fingers point at Yan's mother's Jingming point.

The air needle at the fingertip had already entered Yan's Jingming point.

Yan's mother is blind.

It was the spread of cancer cells that caused lesions in Yan's eyeball.

The capillaries of the eyeball are blocked and lose the ability to sense light.

Ye Youran needled at Jingming point to relieve pressure on Yan's mother's eyes.

Relieve the rigidity inside the eyeball, relax tendons and activate blood circulation.

Let Yan mother's eyes recover a certain function.

Perhaps ye Youran can't completely restore Yan's mother's eyesight as she did when she was young.

But it should still be possible to see things within a meter or two.

"My eyes are so astringent."

Ye leisurely after the needle.

Yan's mother immediately felt pain and swelling in her eyes.

Tears always flow out.

Of course, Yan's mother thought it was tears.

In fact, Yan Jingyun and ye Youran can see clearly.

It was not ordinary tears.

It's a lot of black blood.

See mother's eyes bleeding.

Yan Jingyun was startled.

But before Yan Jingyun spoke, ye Youran motioned her not to speak.

Then he said:

"Don't worry, aunt. There are lesions in your eyeball and bad blood congestion. After I help you discharge the bad blood, you will be able to regain your sight."

Ye Youran then said to Yan Jingyun:

"Jingyun, get some paper for aunt and wipe some tears."

Yan Jingyun reacted.

Although she was worried.

But he obediently took the paper at the head of the bed and gently wiped it for his mother.

"My eyes itch."

Suddenly, Yan's mother said unbearably.

She felt as if 10000 ants were eating inside her eyes.

That feeling made her instinctively want to reach out and wipe.

"Don't move, aunt. Just bear it any longer. It'll be all right soon."

Ye Youran quickly grabs Yan's mother's hand.

Then, ye leisurely gently pulled back his other hand on Yan Mu's Jingming point.

At the same time, ye Youran left a medicinal Qi in Jingming point.

This medicinal gas can quickly arouse the vitality inside Yan's mother's eyes.

Let them restore the function of vision.

After all this.

Ye Youran whispered:

"Well, aunt, try to open your eyes gently."

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