Ye Youran does not blindly expand his business projects simply for his own interests.

Making money is just one purpose.

Most importantly, ye Youran was born in poverty.

He knows the hardships of the poor.

I know that children of many families want to study, but they have no money to supply their dreams.

Finally, he can only become illiterate. Under the exclusion and contempt of the rich, he will do nothing all his life.

Doesn't it mean that the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility?

Therefore, ye Youran really wants to establish his own planting base for this purpose.

Create jobs for parents in their hometown.

Let them fight for themselves and the future of their children with their diligence and hands.

"In that case, I have a suggestion."

After listening to ye Youran's words.

Oriental Aoki thought for a moment and said:

"My research institute moved to your village. You provided me with research sites and some research funds. I gave you 40% of the shares of the Institute."

"I can give priority to selling the excellent seeds developed by the Institute to you for planting at a low price, and I am also responsible for guiding you to plant. I will sell the surplus seeds in the market."

"And your planting base gives me 40% of the shares."

"The area of 300 mu is not small. Even since there are mountains in your hometown, we can expand the planting scale."

"In the future, if your drugstore can't eat so much, it can sell it to Dongfang Group at the market price. What do you think?"

What about? That's great.

Ye Youran raised both hands in favor of the proposal of Oriental Qingmu.

The establishment of a research institute requires too much money.

That's not what ye Youran dares to think now.

According to the suggestions of Oriental Aoki, the risks are shared equally.

Mutual benefit, make money together and take risks together.

Even the mountain top of Songjia village can be contracted together.

Songshan village and Songjia village are separated by a strip of water.

Even the mountain top of Songjia village is bigger.

At least four or five hundred mu.

If you use it all.

It's a terrible number.

Nearly 1000 mu of traditional Chinese medicine planting base, if it is really open.

In the future, the title of Meishan, the hometown of medicine farmers, will be given away.

Ye Youran asks pan Yueming to help ye Youran buy traditional Chinese medicine in Meishan.

More than 20% of the traditional Chinese medicine market in Qingyuan City is produced in Meishan.

Because there are thousands of mu of medicine fields in Meishan.

However, despite the large area of medicine field in Meishan.

The drug farmers are not professionals.

The seeds are not the best.

If Songshan village and Songjia village all set up planting bases at the top of the mountain.

There are professionals for unified management and training.

Develop better varieties by yourself.

The output is absolutely equal to that of Meishan.

It may even surpass Meishan.

Ye Youran has no reason to oppose Dongfang aomu's proposal.

"Uncle, let's make a deal like this. Later you draft the contract, and tomorrow you will send someone to my village to guide the development."

Ye Youran can't wait to say.

The development of the mountain is also particular. What medicinal materials are suitable for planting.

Is it halfway up the mountain or on the top of the mountain.

Do you like Yang or yin.

There is also the construction of equipment such as watering, fertilization and medicine.

These need to be arranged by professional personnel.

That's why Chen Shuxian was so anxious to invite those two bullshit academicians.

It doesn't matter to delay the project progress. What I fear most is that it doesn't meet the specifications after development.

Rebuilding is a waste of resources.

"It's easy to say. I still need to send someone to investigate on the spot."

Oriental Aoki said:

"By the way, didn't you say there are two things? What's the second? Finish it quickly and eat."

"Well, I have nearly one billion active funds. I'm going to open a shop in Qingyuan. At the same time, I hope to apply for the retail agency in Beijing again. I don't know if my uncle can hand over the market in Beijing to me."

Ye leisurely and solemnly said to Dongfang Qingmu.

Luneng is willing to give five hundred million yuan to ye Youran to build a manor.

Then borrow ye Youran's 500 million yuan to invest in pharmacies.

However, the money was given to ye Youran in Luneng's private name.

He doesn't want anyone to know.

So Luneng gave ye Youran the money to build the manor.

In order to get rid of his suspicion, ye Youran took the money to find Luneng group to build the manor.

And building a manor has a cycle.

In the early stage of the project, ye Youran only needs to pay 30% of the construction fund of Luneng group.

Wait until the project is halfway through.

The final payment shall be settled after acceptance.

So in a short time, add the registered capital and 130 million loans from banks.

Ye Youran's active use of funds is nearly 900 million.

The money is used to open a drugstore. A hundred are enough.

After all, not all pharmacies will have the scale of the nine now.

For small-scale pharmacies, the investment funds can naturally be relatively small.

"You... You can borrow so much from the bank?"

Oriental Aoki was shocked.

He really wants to look at ye Youran with new eyes.

But soon Oriental Aoki was relieved.

Ye Youran is a master of traditional Chinese medicine.

Now ye Youran has a great reputation and is hot.

Maybe ye Youran knows the president of the bank.

As long as there is a relationship, nothing is impossible.

"Little leaf, I'll tell you the truth."

After being shocked, Dongfang Aoki said seriously:

"At the beginning, I entrusted you with the retail market in Qingyuan, which was opposed by many shareholders."

"Because Qingyuan is the leading market of traditional Chinese medicine and the headquarters of our Oriental Group."

"According to the regulations, dealers in Qingyuan need to open at least 100 pharmacies in a year. I am trying to overcome all opinions and leave the Qingyuan market to you."

"If you want the capital market, I'm afraid those shareholders won't agree."

Dongfang Qingmu has just revealed all the details to ye Youran.

Ye Youran also knew.

It turned out that Oriental Aoki had to take care of him more than he thought.

"Of course..."

Just when ye Youran was grateful.

Oriental Aoki said again:

"If you have enough strength to open 100 chain pharmacies in Qingyuan in a short time, I believe those shareholders will have nothing to say."

"The retail market in Beijing is for everyone. If you have the ability, it's easy for us to say."

"So my uncle promised you today that if you can eat, I can give you all the markets in Beijing and Shanghai."

"Of course, the markets in Beijing and Shanghai are bigger and more demanding than Qingyuan."

"According to the internal regulations of the group, opening 200 pharmacies within a year is the standard in Beijing and Shanghai."

"However, as long as you can guarantee to open 100 retail pharmacies in Beijing within one year, that is, to meet the minimum standards, I am confident to give you the market in Beijing."

Dongfang Qingmu has taken so much care of Ye Youran.

I don't care to take care of Ye Youran again.

I am very satisfied with ye Youran's character, ability, character and all aspects of Oriental Qingmu.

A young man who is willing to take some risks for his parents in his hometown to live a good life.

This kind act doesn't even have Oriental Green wood.

Therefore, as long as ye Youran is self-motivated, he is willing to be ye Youran's stepping stone.

It doesn't matter whether ye Youran will become his son-in-law in the future.

"Uncle, I will never forget the kindness when I know it. I took over the market in Beijing. September this year is the day for the postgraduate entrance examination. I will take the postgraduate entrance examination and see you in Beijing next year."

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