All hospitals, health centers and clinics are under the jurisdiction of the Health Bureau.

Chen ZHengNai is the president of the affiliated hospital.

He also has a place in the Health Bureau.

It happened to ye Youran tonight.

And there is a relationship with Chen Zheng here.

Ye Youran can't turn a blind eye.

Of course, it is precisely because of this relationship here.

Ye Youran must also mention the contract transfer.

Ye Youran wants to open a hospital.

And it is imperative and urgent.

Although ye Youran's communication with Chen Shuxian has not been taken down.

But ye Youran must make up his mind about this matter.

Even if you object, ye Youran must open it.

Therefore, ye Youran must consult Chen Zheng.

Is it possible for the health center in the University District to be contracted and transferred.

Ye Youran wants it.

"Younger martial brother! Are you serious?"

Chen was silent on the phone for a long time. This time he confirmed again and again.

"Elder martial brother, how can I joke with you about this? Just tell me directly!"

Although the health center in the university district is small.

But it is public after all.

A public health center, ye Youran really doesn't know whether it is possible to be called a contractor.

After all, these are things within the system.

It should also be determined within the system.

Ye Youran is not in this circle, so he can only ask Chen Zheng.

"Younger martial brother, I must tell you that there are seven districts in the center of Qingyuan City and two districts on the edge. There are nine districts in total."

"Each district has a health center, which is set up for the convenience of the people."

"But with the passage of time, the transportation is becoming more and more convenient, and people's living standards and awareness of medical treatment are becoming higher and higher, resulting in no business at all in the current health centers."

"Nevertheless, their existence is necessary and a symbol."

"At the same time, their problems left over by history are also very serious."

Chen Zheng explained patiently and seriously for ye Youran.

"What historical problem?"

Ye Youran asked.

"The biggest remaining problem is the problem of the previous group of retired in the health center and the retention and placement of on-the-job employees."

Chen Zheng said.

In fact, the health centers in all urban areas of Qingyuan City were established not long after the founding of the people's Republic of China.

They have a long history.

In the past, the first hospital was not so famous, and the Affiliated Hospital of Medical University has not been established.

These health centers are relatively large.

At least it's doing well.

Therefore, there are many retired people who have served in the health center.

Don't mention those who have died. It's meaningless.

According to statistics, there are nearly 100 living retired medical staff in each health center.

The pension payment of nearly 100 people, the pension payment, and the benefits that should be enjoyed by retirees in public hospitals are not a small expenditure every year.

Similarly, there are the salaries and year-end bonuses of those in-service personnel.

Sadly, there are not as many active staff as retirees in each health center.

But even so, there are twenty or thirty working medical staff.

The fate of these 20 or 30 people also needs to be considered.

According to relevant regulations.

Health centers, hospitals and other institutions are profit-making institutions.

The welfare and salary of all internal medical staff need to be self-sufficient.

Therefore, it is not impossible for those public health centers to be contracted out.

But there are too many problems left over by history.

If all problems are not properly handled, it is impossible to contract out.

No one dares to contract.

Chen Zheng continued to explain in detail for ye Youran:

"As for the health center in the university district you are talking about, although the problem in this health center is not the most serious in all health centers."

"But if you want to contract, first you have to pay off the foreign debt owed by the health center. It's a lot, it's more than 10 million."

"In addition to foreign debt, you have to be responsible for the pensions of those retirees, pensions, until life."

"The on-the-job personnel are easier to handle. If they can be retained, they can be retained. If they can't be retained, they can be dismissed with an unemployment compensation, but you have to be responsible for their social security."

When Chen Zheng finished, ye Youran was stupid.

This... This is too much, isn't it?

No wonder these health centers have survived for so many years and no one has contracted them.

Where can the average boss bear it?

If it's just a one-time compensation, it's easy to say.

After all, it's done once.

I have to be responsible for the pension of those retirees for life.

Employees should also be responsible for social security.

Especially those old employees who live in health centers.

When you drive people out, you have to be responsible for a house for them.

I don't know. I thought it was humanized and responsible for the people to the end.

But in fact, it's not fair.

Doctors in these health centers do not act.

And a health center to support the elderly.

This is equivalent to occupying the pit without shit.

And someone to wipe his ass.

Even ye Youran is eager to open a ghost clinic.

But now ye Youran also began to retreat.

"Elder martial brother, these things are not negotiable?"

Ye Youran still asked with some perseverance.

"It's not that there is no discussion. I'm afraid those old die hards won't discuss it."

Chen Zheng said:

"Of course, if you do what I said, the pension will be paid and the benefits will remain unchanged, they will not be eligible to refuse to discuss."

"Because in keeping their welfare unchanged, health centers should be reformed and developed. They have no reason to stop. If they do, our health bureau can also intervene forcibly."

In fact, some health bureaus have no way to take these health centers.

After all, those retirees have no credit or hardship.

For their sake, the health bureau can only let the health center continue to survive.

In fact, the Health Bureau itself still hopes that a boss can come forward to contract.

After all, many leaders know well about the problems of major health centers, but they just tacitly understand them,

Suffer from having no boss to invest.

Another reason why no one has invested is that it is not so easy to open a private hospital in Qingyuan.

There are two hilltops, the first hospital and the affiliated hospital.

Ordinary bosses are also afraid to invest. At that time, they are still half dead and can't make a profit.

Even Chen Zheng said from his heart.

I don't want ye Youran to get involved.

It's hard to wade in this pool of water!

"Elder martial brother, is there any other way? I'm very urgent and imperative to open a hospital."

Ye leisurely asked again tentatively.

In fact, ye Youran doesn't care much about whether the hospital can make a profit.

The key is that the pension of that group of retirees is a big problem.

It's also a big expense.

It's ok if you can't make a profit. If you have to paste it back again and again.

This is not what ye Youran wants to see.

"It's not impossible, unless you have a lot of money..."

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