After practicing with fairy mantuo in the morning.

Ye Youran went to class.

I had two classes.

Ye Youran called Yan Jingyun.

Ask her to pick herself up at school.

In the car, ye Youran simply told Yan Jingyun his purpose of buying the land for the sewage treatment plant.

Then they went to the sewage treatment plant in the development zone to find leaders.

The sewage treatment plant in Qingyuan has been moved to the development zone.

Ye Youran wants to open a hospital without delay.

Chen Shuxian asked ye Youran to buy the land in her own name.

This matter should be done sooner rather than later.

Ye Youran went to the sewage treatment plant and found the director of the sewage treatment plant.

That is a fat man in his fifties.

Although the man is just a factory director.

But it is also a department, cadre and department.

"You want to buy the land in the University District?"

In the factory director's office.

The fat man looked at ye Youran suspiciously.

It's not that he despises ye Youran.

Ye Youran is really too young.

Younger than his son, do you really have so much money to buy that land?

"Yes, where am I going to build a large warehouse? I don't know the ownership of that land belongs to your sewage treatment plant?"

Ye Youran lied without blushing or jumping.

"Do you know the exact area of my land and the selling price?"

The factory director asked ye Youran back.

"The area should be about 50000 square meters. As for the specific price, I came for this today."

Ye Youran said firmly and steadily.

"Well, I'll tell you that the land is exactly 55000 square meters. Because of the inconvenient transportation, the price is about 2000 yuan."

The factory director said faintly:

"In addition to my factories and former staff dormitories, we clearly priced 150 million last year. Can you really eat it?"

150 million, which is 50 million higher than ye Youran's heart valuation!

Fifty million is not small money. How can ye Youran promise?

"Factory director, you said yourself that the price was 150 million last year, but it hasn't been sold yet."

Ye Youran did not directly reply to the question whether the factory director could eat or not.

But a direct counter-offer:

"As you know, the traffic problem at the sewage treatment plant may also be one of the reasons for the relocation of the sewage treatment plant."

"Large trucks can't drive to the city. I want to build a warehouse there. All large vehicles can only go in and out in the middle of the night or late at night."

"And I want to build a warehouse there. Your staff dormitories and factories have no effect on me. Even I need to push down and build a warehouse with steel structure."

"So I think the price of 2000 yuan per square meter is more appropriate. Those old dormitories and factories should not be included."

Ye Youran can make the factory director ask high prices.

But ye Youran must also pay back the money.

If the price is 2000 yuan per square meter, 55000 square meters is 110 million.

Originally, ye Youran's appraisal was that one hundred million won the land.

Spend another 100 million to win the health center in the university district.

But its actual area is 5000 square meters more than the 50000 square meters estimated by Ye Youran.

Fifty five thousand square meters, 110 million is still worth it.

As for those factories and dormitories, it is really useless for ye Youran.

"Come on, let's sit down and talk while drinking tea."

Hear ye Youran start to bargain.

The factory director's attitude immediately became eager.

Sewage treatment plants are not like other departments.

There is no oil and water, and some are only sewage.

Now the sewage treatment plant owes a lot of foreign debt in order to move the plant area!

His factory director, Alexander, was in urgent need of selling the land to fill the hole.

But as ye Youran said, 150 million have been sold for a year and haven't been sold yet.

Since ye Youran is a person who can afford it and has the intention to buy it, can he not be eager?

But the factory director is also an old fox.

He refused to set the price at 110 million.

The lowest price is 130 million.

Ye Youran also saw that the factory director really wanted to sell.

So ye leisurely said with hesitation:

"If the factory director really can't make any more concessions, it seems that I can only buy land in the development zone."

"Although the development zone is relatively far away, at least large trucks are convenient to get in and out, and there is no need to transport goods in the middle of the night."

Ye Youran said, and Yan Jingyun regretfully stood up and prepared to leave.

Seeing the collapse of the talk, the factory director was in a hurry.

At present, the monthly loan and interest to be repaid by the sewage treatment plant is not a small expense.

Finally, someone came to the door to buy it.

He can't let ye Youran leave like this.

"Wait, Mr. Ye is young and promising. Since you really want to buy, 110 million is not bad, but I have one condition."

The factory director hesitated to speak.

"What conditions?"

Ye Youran was delighted, but asked quietly on the surface.

"Well, the land is public after all. It takes half a month to deliver all kinds of programs."

"But my sewage treatment plant continues to use money now."

"110 million is OK, but you first need to deliver 60 million to my sewage treatment plant, and the remaining 50 million will be settled after the formalities come down. What do you think?"

The sewage treatment plant can't survive.

There is no profit in the treatment of urban domestic water in Qingyuan City.

Although industrial sewage can earn a little.

Under the banner of environmental protection and energy conservation.

Qingyuan's industry has become less and less.

Various industrial plants have either closed down or moved to the countryside.

Now the sewage treatment plants almost survive on the relief of the state.

In order to move the plant area, the sewage treatment plant owes a lot of foreign debt.

That's why the land was priced at 2000 yuan.

Originally, in the city center, even if the transportation is inconvenient, it can be sold at the price of 2500 or even 3000 yuan per square meter.

Only nobody cares, so the selling price drops again and again.

And ye Youran listened to the leader.

Turned and looked at Yan Jingyun.

Yan Jingyun is a professional in law.

This is why ye Youran brought her here today.

"It's not impossible to do so, but we have to sign a contract first."

Yan Jingyun said:

"We can pay $60 million first, but the right to use the land must be delivered within half a month."

"If not, plus liquidated damages, the sewage treatment plant needs to pay us 70 million."

"At the same time, no matter what the reason is, the land of the sewage treatment plant can not be sold or resold to others. We need to pay us 80 million."

"If you are willing to sign this contract, we can transfer $60 million to you immediately."

"OK, I'll sign."

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