Luneng didn't expect that ye Youran really dug Yan Jingyun away.

He really couldn't figure out how ye Youran dug people.

Ye Youran once told him that he wanted Yan Jingyun.

But Luneng didn't think so.

After all, Luneng Group is a listed company.

Luneng asked himself that he was also good to Yan Jingyun.

But who knows, ye Youran actually dug down his corner in silence.

This made Luneng angry and anxious.

That Yan Jingyun wants to resign, but Luneng still doesn't believe it.

And tried to stay.

But Yan Jingyun is determined to resign.

Finally, I knew it under Luneng's questioning.

Yan Jingyun is going to work for ye Youran's company.

Luneng even proposed to give Yan Jingyun a raise.

But Yan Jingyun still resolutely resigned.

So Luneng called Ye leisurely in a hurry.

Although he said on the phone that it was impossible to give Yan Jingyun to ye Youran, he didn't hesitate to double Yan Jingyun's annual salary.

But actually Luneng knows.

He is really going to lose Yan Jingyun, a good consultant.

He yelled at ye Youran on the phone, actually just to vent his dissatisfaction.

Because Luneng knows Yan Jingyun, she's leaving.

Money can't keep it.

"Uncle, I'm sorry. I really need Yan Jingyun."

Ye Youran said sorry on the phone.

With that, ye Youran quickly hung up the phone.

Because ye Youran knows that Luneng must scold.

After hanging up.

Luneng actually kept on calling ye Youran.

Because he's really angry.

Luneng dug a corner all his life.

No one has ever been able to dig his corner.

Dare to dig into the corner of Luneng, will Luneng let ye Youran go easily?

But let Luneng keep calling.

Ye Youran just didn't answer.

Finally, ye Youran really had no choice.

You can only turn off your cell phone.

Ye Youran and Zhu bier went back to the villa.

I was speechless all night.

The next morning, ye Youran greeted Chen Shuxian and said he was going to play for two days.

Then he took a taxi to the dock.

Zhu bier has been following ye Youran.

No accident.

The boss of Lvyou's house is waiting for ye Youran on the dock.

And there was a speedboat on the coast in front of him.

There are two large tanks of gasoline in the speedboat.

This is the material for ye Youran to and from Yuxie island.

In fact, the shopkeeper is so considerate.

He really checked Li Ran's information last night.

The shopkeeper has a classmate who works in the police station.

As a public case department, it is not difficult to check the information of a criminal.

According to the data, Li ranzhen is as good as ye Youran.

In the face of public prosecution, it is very likely to be the death penalty and, at the worst, life imprisonment.

In this regard, the shopkeeper went to his cousin overnight.

He borrowed the speedboat after a hard time.

"Master ye, I have prepared a speedboat for you. The oil should be enough for you to go back and forth. I hope you can raise your hand. I really didn't mean to."

The shopkeeper cried sadly to ye Youran.

"For your sake, I won't mention the past."

Ye Youran said generously.

Then ye Youran looked at the speedboat with some doubts and asked:

"Tell me how to drive this thing first."

Ye Youran has never driven a speedboat.

The first time I drove this thing myself, ye Youran was a little novel and eager to try.

"What? You... You can't drive?"

The shopkeeper is stupid.

Dare you drive to Yuxie island more than ten nautical miles away without driving a speedboat?

Isn't this a game of life?

The shopkeeper really regretted that he promised ye Youran.

He knew ye Youran couldn't open it. He couldn't borrow it from ye Youran.

"It shouldn't be difficult. I've seen it on TV. Just tell me how to start it first."

Ye Youran said dismissively.

On TV, people who drive speedboats are very handsome.

But the specific operation of Ye Youran is really the first time.

"Pull here and you can start. This cross bar is the direction and this is the filler. There is a life jacket in it."

The shopkeeper explained to ye Youran very carefully.

Now his biggest worry is whether ye Youran will lose his way.

Once you lose your way on the vast sea.

That's no joke.

The second is overturning at sea.

Once the ship capsizes, ye Youran is almost equal to death.

"OK, I see. Go back first! I have to prepare something."

Ye Youran sent the shopkeeper away directly.

Then ye Youran went to buy a big rope and prepared a huge axe and firewood chopper.

That's when we got back to the dock.

Ye Youran jumped into the speedboat and started it.

Lightly refuel your hands and the speedboat slowly drives away.

With ye Youran's current learning ability and mastery ability.

After driving a few hundred meters, I probably mastered the essence of driving a speedboat.

This thing is not difficult at all.

As for direction, ye Youran's sense of direction has always been accurate.

After identifying the direction.

Ye leisurely, the accelerator is fully open.

The speedboat sped away at once.

Ye Youran judged in his heart that the top speed of the speedboat should reach 80 miles per hour of the car.

Eighty miles on the sea.

It feels really good. I really want to fly on the sea.

It's really a pleasure of speed and passion.

The only drawback is that speedboats do not have the function of shading.

Facing the 80 mile sea breeze and the hot sun.

And after the speed is too fast, many times the speedboat jumps on the sea.

The feeling of subversion is also very uncomfortable.

Maybe it was OK at first under the novel heart.

But after driving for a while, ye Youran knew.

Movies are deceptive.

If ordinary people really can't bear it.

Fortunately, ye Youran's physical quality is not comparable to that of ordinary people.

I can barely bear it, but it still doesn't feel very good.

Soon ye Youran was in the real boundless sea.

Here, you can see the sky and the sea.

The sky and sea are vast, there is no one around, and there is no land or ship.

That feeling is still a little scary.

Fortunately, ye Youran has good luck.

The weather was good all the way.

There were no waves.

Ye Youran added oil twice on the way.

After all, the mailbox of the speedboat is not big.

About half an hour later, ye Youran saw Yuxie island.

The speed of this speedboat is fast, which can't be compared with ordinary fishing boats.

Ye leisurely's sense of direction and intuition.

If you are an ordinary person, without navigation.

Want to find the right direction in the vast sea.

Unless you are a real old sailor with rich sailing experience.

Or you'll definitely get lost.

But even so, ye Youran yawned for several kilometers.

Until I vaguely saw Yuxie island.

Ye Youran corrected the direction.

After landing on Yuxie island.

Ye Youran parked the speedboat on the shore.

At the same time, he also made a stake on the beach and tied the speedboat.

This speedboat is the only way for ye Youran to go back.

Without this thing, ye Youran can only go back to the police.

So ye Youran must protect the speedboat.

In case of being blown away by the waves, some leaves will cry leisurely.

And Juliet didn't have any concerns. She shouted excitedly on the coast:

"Is this Yuxie island? It's so beautiful!"

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