Baoma is now in fear.

After all, the old man is a big man.

She served the old man's daily life and always prepared carefully.

Dare not make any mistakes.

But her old cousin asked her for something.

Baoma can't refuse.

After all, the cousin's daughter-in-law has had three children in a row.

The whole family was very nervous about the birth.

Although the old man has not been consulted for many years.

But Bao Ma begged the old man to do it because of her face.

If ordinary people beg the old man.

The old man may not agree.

It's just that Baoma has never complained about being a cow and a horse in the Wang family these years.

Although the Wang family did not treat her badly.

But in view of her years of hard work, there is no credit and hard work.

Mr. Wang finally agreed.

Then on Saturday morning, because it was the weekend, Wang Yan didn't get up yet.

Young people, who doesn't like to sleep in?

Bao Ma sent her old cousin's daughter-in-law to the Wang family.

At that time, the cousin's daughter-in-law was eight months pregnant.

My stomach is very big. It's not far from giving birth.

After seeing her, the old man wrote a prescription and sent the pregnant woman away.

It doesn't matter if the pregnant woman is gone.

The old man went to the study to read.

At noon, Bao's mother asked the old man to get up for lunch.

The old man is already in a coma in his study.

In a hurry, Baoma informed Wang Yan and Wang Dapeng.

Then Chen Zheng and Lu Lao came to the Wang family with doctors and various medical equipment.

The old man's study was transformed into a temporary ward.

Unfortunately, it has been tested by various instruments of Lu Lao, Chen Zheng and Western medicine.

Finally, it was impossible to diagnose what disease father Wang got.

The only thing to be thankful for is.

The old man's pulse is stable.

There is no life-threatening emergency yet.

For this difficult and complicated disease with no etiology.

Chen Zheng and his Chinese doctors are helpless.

They all thought of Ye Youran for the first time.

But ye Youran seems to have evaporated from the world.

Wang Yan looked for him all over the world, but there was no news.

"Mr. Ye, i... I just asked my cousin's daughter-in-law to come to the door. The old man just gave her a pulse. Does this... Have anything to do with the old man's condition?"

Baoma is trembling now.

She has no culture or medical skills.

Is there any connection between the old man's illness and his illness?

If there is any connection.

Then she'll die.

"Alas! It's all right. Go down!"

Ye leisurely sighed.

I can see that Baoma is unintentional.

And she could not know that the pregnant woman was pregnant not with a human fetus, but with a ghost fetus.

It can only be said that it is a mistake of yin and Yang.

"OK, OK, I'll be busy."

Bao Ma was relieved and went on.

After Baoma goes down.

Wang Chao sneered and said:

"Young man, you don't mean to say that the old man made some taboos or got some evil spirits when he saw a pregnant woman? Don't fool people here with superstition. We study traditional Chinese medicine, not magic sticks."

Bao Ma is honest. She can't see what ye Youran's expression means.

But many people at the scene saw something.

Ye Youran will ask this. It must have ye Youran's intention.

In other words, ye Youran found something.

Otherwise, ye Youran could not have known that the old man had treated pregnant women,

After all, Wang Yan was sleeping in his room.

How did ye Youran know that even Wang Yan didn't know?

But it sounds too mysterious.

It's so mysterious that people can't believe it.

"Who are you?"

Ye Youran did not wrinkle and looked at Wang Dynasty.

Although Wang Chao was dressed like a dog.

The hair on the head is shiny.

The image looks uncomfortable.

The most important thing is that he looks too proud.

Eyes seem to grow on the brain.

At first glance, ye Youran was very uncomfortable with him.

"He is also my grandfather's student. His name is Wang Chao. He can be regarded as your senior brother."

Wang Dapeng explained.

Wang Dapeng actually doesn't catch a cold towards Wang Chao.

Of course, Wang Dapeng is a person in the system after all.

Wang Chao's attitude towards Wang Dapeng was also fairly good.

The key is that Wang Dapeng knows that Chen Zheng and them have no good feelings for Wang Dynasty.

If he doesn't open his mouth to explain the identity of the Wang Dynasty, he's afraid that Chen Zheng and they don't bother to bird the Wang Dynasty.

"It's senior brother Wang Chao. Disrespect!"

Ye Youran didn't stand up. He still sat and arched his hands at him.

Not ye Youran.

It's really not worth ye Youran to get up and salute in the Wang Dynasty.

"It's really disrespectful of you to sit and say disrespectful after a few days."

Wang Chao said unhappily.

"Buddha is in the heart, not in worship, talent is inside, not outside. Elder martial brother, why do you care about those red tape? What's more, my teacher taught me that learning has no priority, and those who reach are teachers. It has nothing to do with how long I've been in school."

Ye Youran smiled.

There is nothing wrong with not getting up.

Moreover, ye Youran especially accentuated the four words "my teacher".

The unspoken meaning is to say.

Although I haven't been in school for a few days, I am the real disciple of Master Wang.

Although you started early, you are only a student of Master Wang after all.

There is an essential difference between disciples and students.

"Arrogance! Listen to what you mean, you have talent to learn? Then tell me, what's the disease of the old man?"

Wang Chao was a little angry.

He is a student of Master Wang in China.

Medical skills have also been recognized by the Chinese medicine community.

Abroad, he is a great master of Western medicine.

He has published papers and won some international medical awards.

Ye Youran dares to say that there is no order in learning in front of him, and those who reach it are teachers.

This yellow haired boy dares to be his teacher in Wang Dynasty.

It was a humiliation to him.

If it were not for the presence of powerful figures such as Wang Liye.

Wang Chao wanted to tear his face directly with ye Youran.

"Didn't you get started earlier than me? You should know my master's condition better than me. Please give me some advice."

Ye Youran is my teacher.

Even the title of senior brother was omitted.

Directly to the cabinet.

Wang Chao's face was very ugly with anger.

The key question is.

He didn't know what the old man had.

What did he teach?

"The old man's condition... I'm still in the process of diagnosis. As long as you give me two days, I'm sure I can find out the cause."

Wang Chao said with some confidence.

Although in theory, any disease will have a cause.

But the old man's disease is really strange.

Wang Chao is really not sure.

"Really? Two days are too long. Give me twenty minutes. I can wake the old man up right away. Do you believe it?"

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