The so-called folk prescription that ye Youran wants to say next is a little weird.

Related to ghosts and gods.

So ye Youran said before the folk prescription.

We must first ask Mr. Cai what he thinks of the theory of ghosts and gods.

"Since master ye asked, let me tell you the truth!"

Cai Guofu thought for a moment and replied seriously:

"When I was a child, I especially believed, and even was very afraid of the dark."

"At the age of twenty, that's 100% disbelief."

"But at my age, I'm over fifty, but I'm beginning to be skeptical again."

Cai Guofu's answer was very sincere.

This may also be a mentality of most people!

It is also a mental process that many people must go through.

Because children are ignorant, they believe in ghosts and gods. Fear of the dark is fear of ghosts.

At the age of twenty.

Many people will have the world's largest, give up their blood.

Think God is the biggest, I'm the second.

So few young people believe in ghosts and gods.

And to the middle age of forty or fifty.

Knowledge has increased.

Heard of, or more or less experienced some strange things.

Instead, they began to be skeptical again.

"What I say next may be beyond your understanding, but I'm definitely not kidding you."

Ye Youran made a cushion first, and then solemnly said:

"To be exact, the old man's illness came from the military coat he often wore. I heard that it was a relic of the dead, so it was easy to attract evil."

"What? This... Won't it?"

Cai Guofu was surprised.

Although Cai Guofu is skeptical about ghosts and gods.

But I heard ye Youran's affirmative tone.

On the contrary, he didn't believe it.

"If you recall carefully, did Uncle Cai's illness begin after he photographed this military coat at a high price?"

Ye Youran asked.

Cai Guofu thought for a moment and nodded definitely.

Cai Guofu was also at the auction site when the army coat was auctioned.

He clearly remembered that it was the fifth day after the Taiwan forest fire.

And the first time uncle Cai got sick was in the third month after he photographed this dress.

"Also, if you think about it again, does old master Cai wear this military coat every time he gets sick? And does he not wear that military coat every time he wakes up?"

Ye Youran asked again.

If it's an ordinary person.

Ye Youran will not speak so thoroughly.

Because ye Youran doesn't want anyone to know that he has special abilities.

Ye Youran just wants to live like ordinary people.

But old master Cai is a philanthropist.

A good man who really loves charity and takes action.

This society needs such people.

Therefore, ye Youran also hopes that master CAI can live a long life.

"It's hard to say whether it's true every time. Because I'm not with my father when he gets sick."

Cai Guofu tried hard to recall, and then said:

"But I can recall it several times, and that's true."

Master Cai's military coat is very valuable.

Unless it's summer, it usually won't be put away.

Now, although spring has just passed, it is still a little cool sooner or later.

Old master Cai is old again. Sometimes he still wears it sooner or later.

And Cai Guofu remembers that after the last time the old man got sick.

He saw that the army coat had not been washed for a long time.

He sent someone to the dry cleaner.

On the third day, before his clothes came back, old master Cai suddenly woke up.

So it's really in line with what ye Youran said before. When he got sick, he always wore a military coat.

When I woke up, the army coat was not around.

"Anyway, whether it is or not! I hope this military coat won't be close to old master CAI in the future."

"In addition, old master Cai still has the resentment of the dead. He asks him to bask in the sun at a quarter past noon every day."

"Of course, do not expose to the sun, but as long as it is maintained for a long time, it should be able to completely cure it."

Ye Youran finally said his folk prescription.

With master Cai's body and bones, I've been haunted by the idea of complaining for too long. I'm sure I can't get rid of it all at once.

As long as the resentment remains, old master Cai's body will be very weak, as if he had just recovered from a serious illness.

Only by basking in the sun every day can we get rid of the idea of complaining.

As for why ye Youran stressed that he must bask in the sun at a quarter past noon.

That's because the third quarter of the afternoon is the most sunny time of the day.

In ancient times, the capital of the capital for the execution of the most heinous criminals would be at 3:15 p.m.

Because at the third quarter of the afternoon, the Yang Qi was the most prosperous and the Yin Qi dissipated completely.

At this time of execution, the most heinous criminals will disappear, and even ghosts can't do it.

For those who are not condemned to death, they usually choose to execute at noon.

The moral is to keep a glimmer of life for reincarnation.

Ye Youran asked master CAI to bask in the sun at 3:15 p.m., which is self-evident.

"Well, CAI must obey master Ye's orders."

Cai Guofu nodded leisurely to Ye.

Although Cai Guofu still doesn't believe it.

But ye Youran, after all, wakes up old master Cai, which shows that ye Youran is a man with real skills.

Even with the attitude of trusting it or not.

He will also follow Ye leisurely's advice.

"Well, in that case, my work is finished."

Ye Youran smiled and was ready to leave.

However, Cai Guofu suddenly stopped ye Youran and asked ye Youran:

"Master ye, can I venture to ask, how old are you this year?"

Cai Guofu asked ye Youran politely.

Since ye Youran practiced.

Ye Youran's physique has become better.

White skin, it's natural beauty.

Wang Yan, Annie and Dongfang Waner once admired ye Youran very much.

Said his skin was more watery than women.

This makes it even more obvious that ye Youran's appearance is inconsistent with his actual age.

I don't know. I thought ye Youran had just turned 18!

"I'm twenty-two years old."

Ye Youran knows Cai Guofu's curiosity.

Of course, he doesn't mind satisfying Cai Guofu's curiosity.

"Only twenty-two! Master Ye is really young and promising!"

Cai Guofu exclaimed.

But the heart is somewhat lost.

In fact, what ye Youran doesn't know is.

Cai Guofu is not just curious about his real age.

At first, Cai Guofu didn't react.

Now he has remembered.

Last night at the casino of Shanlin Hotel, a young man beat his daughter Cai Zhiling.

Cai Guofu has sent someone to investigate the young man.

If Cai Guofu remembers correctly, the young man seems to be called Ye Youran.

Cai Guofu has always been worried about his daughter's marriage.

Hundreds of times.

But Cai Zhiling made a poison oath.

There was no man who had won her in gambling.

She's never married in her life.

Cai Guofu thought that at last a young man came out to "save" Cai Zhiling's marriage.

Forget it, one of his wishes!

Who knows ye Youran is only 22 years old.

And his daughter Cai Zhiling is thirty-two years old.

Cai Zhiling has grown up and ye Youran is ten years old.

Although Cai Guofu has great confidence in his daughter's appearance, figure and family background.

But the age difference of these ten years is here.

I'm afraid it's a difficult hurdle to cross!

"Mr. Cai praised me falsely, mainly because master taught me well. Goodbye, Mr. Cai."

Ye Youran smiled and said humbly.

Then ye Youran took the lead in coming out.

Ye Youran walks to Luo Dazuo and winks at Luo Dazuo.

Deliberately raised his tone and said:

"Nephew Luo, it's over here. Why don't we go!"

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