At the moment of seeing Dongfang Waner, ye leisurely was not calm.

At first, according to ye Youran's plan.

First confirm whether it is Dongfang Waner.

If so, ye Youran won't show up so soon.

Because he needs to wait, wait for the employer behind him to appear.

Because that employer is the culprit.

Only by catching the culprit, ye Youran can rest assured and never have a future trouble.

Because that employer can kidnap Dongfang Waner today.

You can kidnap tomorrow.

Ye Youran can't follow Dongfang Waner all the time.

However, when one of the killers pulled Dongfang Wan'er out of the toilet.

Ye Youran doesn't care about any plans.

Because Dongfang Wan'er is very miserable at the moment.

Her hands and feet were tied.

The mouth is still stuck with tape.

Although the clothes were intact, ye Youran saw fear and despair in her eyes.

Ye Youran can imagine.

Dongfang Wan'er was so helpless at this moment.

After all, she is just an ordinary person, a rich lady who doesn't touch the spring water.

Although the last time she met a kidnapping on Yuxie island.

But at that time, after all, she was not alone.

There are also Wang Yan and ye Youran around.

And this time, she is a real person.

A woman, in the face of such a scene, her spirit has already collapsed.

Look at her frightened and desperate eyes.

Ye Youran knows he can't wait.

Because one more second is a kind of suffering and torture for Dongfang Waner.

"Bang Dang."

Ye Youran broke through the window directly.

For the killer and Dongfang Waner in the room.

Ye Youran is like a divine soldier.

This is the fifth floor.

Ye Youran suddenly breaks through the window.

It scared all three of them.

But the two killers were obviously used to the wind and waves.

They're just stuck for less than half a second.

It was a conditioned reflex. Generally, both raised their guns and wanted to point at Dongfang Wan'er's head.

Because they know that Dongfang Waner, the hostage, is the only card in their hands.

But how could ye Youran let them go?

Ye Youran was ready to shoot at the moment of breaking through the window.

Before the guns of the two killers had time to point at Dongfang Wan'er's head.

Ye Youran has already flown out two air needles.

The two air needles went straight through their armed wrists.

The pistol immediately fell to the ground.

If ordinary people are caught in such a situation, they must be caught at a loss.

However, both killers are outlaws with countless bloody hands.

The dangers and difficulties encountered are unknown.

The killer industry is a high reward and high-risk industry.

He lives with his head tied to his belt.

All those who can survive in this industry have been screened by the cruel reality of the waves washing away the sand.

So, after the wrist is pierced.

One of them did not give up resistance.

He turned around and came behind Dongfang Wan'er.

The other hand touched a dagger from his thigh.

The dagger touched Dongfang Wan'er's throat.

All this is less than half a second.

Almost the moment his wrist was pierced.

He then completed a series of movements in a general manner.

Ye Youran, who originally wanted to continue shooting, dared not move rashly.

Because ye Youran dare not gamble.

Dare not bet on Dongfang Wan'er's life.

In fact, this is also the reason why ye Youran's experience is limited and his heart is not cruel enough.

If the air needle ejected by Ye Youran at the beginning doesn't pierce their wrists.

But through their heads.

There's nothing left now.

But ye Youran doesn't want to kill.

It's not just because ye Youran is worried about the return of the ghost fetus.

More importantly, these killers are ordinary people.

If they are practitioners, maybe ye Youran will kill them.

Of course, if I had known this would be the case.

Ye Youran will kill them without hesitation.

Unfortunately, there is no if.

It's too late to say anything now.

Even with Ye leisurely's speed, he is sure to kill the two killers in an instant.

But there is no full assurance that Dongfang Waner is intact.


Seeing ye Youran throwing a rat repellent, another killer cursed and asked ye Youran.

"This is China. Don't talk to me about birds."

Ye Youran pretended not to understand.

At this time, Dongfang Waner finally came back.

She looked at Ye leisurely, and her eyes were no longer despair.

At this moment, she felt like a princess in a fairy tale.

Her prince charming finally rode a white horse to save her.

Happiness had drowned all the despair and fear in her heart.

Now she can't speak.

But God knows how much she wants to run to ye Youran's arms.

As long as you get to ye Youran's arms.

She can be indifferent to life and death and face everything with a smile.

Unfortunately, her hands and feet were tied and subdued with a dagger.

She couldn't move forward without struggling.

"Are you a policeman?"

When Dongfang Wan'er stared at ye Youran happily.

The killer asked ye Youran in broken Chinese.

What killers like to do is kill secretly.

I don't want to have direct contact with police anywhere.

They all know that ye Youran is the target of their assassination.

But I don't know ye Youran's true identity.

If ye Youran is a policeman, it is likely that their whereabouts and purpose have been exposed.

This is not what they want to see.

"It doesn't matter whether I'm a policeman or not. What matters is that you should know who I am."

Ye Youran smiled, took out the cell phone of the killer who assassinated ye Youran from his pocket and threw it on the ground.

"This is your partner's cell phone. I've killed him. If you don't want to die, let people go, and I can give you a way to live."

Ye Youran had no panic on his face.

He said half truely.

False is that the companions of these killers were not killed by Ye Youran.

If nothing happens, their companion should have fallen into the hands of Wang Dapeng.

But what ye Youran said later was not a lie.

Ye Youran, as long as Dongfang Waner is unharmed.

After all, these two killers just use money to eliminate disasters for others. They are not the culprit.

As long as Dongfang Waner is safe, ye Youran is really willing to let them leave.

"No, no, no, now it's not you who give us a way to live. It's you who want to die. Our task is about to be completed."

The killer sneered and picked up the gun under his foot with his left hand.

Although his right hand is useless.

But at such a close distance, he had a gun in his left hand, which was enough to shoot ye Youran.

He is confident, as long as the gun is in hand.

No matter how powerful ye Youran is, he can't escape his bullet.

"Are you sure you want to die?"

Ye Youran's eyes are filled with murders.

He doesn't want to kill, but someone wants to die, that's another matter.

"It was you who died. I'll send you to God."

The man raised his gun. As soon as the voice fell, he immediately pulled the trigger against ye Youran's chest.

The killer's pistols are equipped with silencers.

With a puff, the bullet immediately went out of the chamber towards ye Youran's heart.

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