The ghost king didn't expect to turn around.

Ye Youran didn't think of it.

Childe Wang's heart never dies when he dies. There are so many killers dispatched this time.

Under the suppression of fire.

Ye Youran can't move at all.

It can only be hiding under the window and facing the ghosts that bite.

Ye Youran moved his fingers.

Gas needles shot at the ghost slaves one by one.

The ghost slave screamed when he was hurt.

Unfortunately, the gas needle can only hurt the ghost slave, not kill the ghost slave.

And can't stand the ghost King's orders.

All the ghost slaves screamed and continued to bite ye Youran.

Ye Youran is now unable to defeat four hands with two fists.

The ghost king even released all his ghost slaves.

There are two or three hundred of them.

A large number of ghost slaves pressed Ye leisurely under them.

Especially under the stimulation of Ye Youran's blood.

All the ghost slaves were crazy and tore at ye Youran's flesh and blood.

Pieces of flesh and blood were bloody torn off.

Ye Youran and his canthus are all cracked.

This is no less than lingchi.

"You want to die."

Pain makes ye Youran angry, but anger makes ye Youran crazy.

Ye Youran's eyes were cruel.

Yin and Yang ghost eyes are inspired by Ye leisurely.

A loud bang.

All the ghost slaves who fluttered on ye Youran suddenly disappeared.

And the power of yin and Yang ghost eyes is more than enough.

Continue to rush to the ghost king.

"What the hell is this?"

The ghost king was shocked and shouted.

But the ghost spirit aroused by the yin-yang ghost eyes blew away half of the ghost King's body.

More than that.

Then there was another loud noise.

The power of yin and Yang ghost eyes directly pierces the villa into a washbasin sized hole.

From ye Youran's position.

Outside the hole is the Qingguang mountains.

"American and Chinese lust ghost, show me the ghost king. If he escapes, I'll make you ashes."

Ye Youran looked at the dying ghost king.

To the American and Chinese goat.

Then, ye leisurely runs the medicinal smell of ambergris and abalone pearl.

Ambergris is beneficial to Qi and hemostasis, and the medicinal Qi of abalone pearl is known to be the flesh and bones of the living dead.

Ye Youran stopped the eye-catching blood hole in his body.

Temporarily restored mobility.

Then, ye leisurely lay on the ground and climbed in the direction of the villa gate.

After climbing to the door.

Ye leisurely pushed open a crack in the door.

The figure disappeared into the night.

At this time, a large number of bullets were still ringing outside the villa.

A long time later, a foreigner outside the villa said to the walkie talkie on his shoulder:


That means stop firing.

And as his voice fell.

There was no more gunfire outside the villa.

Obviously, this man is the leader of the killer.

All the killers outside the villa obey his orders.

"Group A to confirm whether the target was killed."

The killer leader said in English to the walkie talkie.

"Head, under our fierce fire, the target can't survive. Is it necessary to confirm?"

A mocking voice came from the walkie talkie.

"Confirming whether the target is killed is the basic principle of our killer."

The killer leader took the walkie talkie seriously and said in English:

"Also, the Chinese police are not easy to provoke, and the target is not ordinary people. David, they have all been arrested. Hurry to confirm that we want to withdraw..."


However, the killer leader's words haven't finished yet.

He heard a scream from the walkie talkie.

"Oh! Damn it, what's going on? Count the number right away."

The killer leader's face changed dramatically.

He yelled at the walkie talkie.

"Group A to."

"Group B to."

"Group C to."

When group C finished reporting, there was no sound coming out of the walkie talkie.

"Damn group D, yes, please answer."

The killer leader roared in the dark.

However, at this time, a strange and gloomy voice suddenly came out of all the killers' walkie talkies.

"Group D is dead."

Ye Youran looked at the two cold bodies in front of her.

Hold the walkie talkie and say in English:

"And you're all going to die tonight."

Ye Youran finished and made a sudden effort in his hand.

The black walkie talkie was immediately pinched and exploded by Ye Youran.

If such a scene is seen by other killers.

I'm sure I'll be scared to death!

A person's strength is so terrible.

Between clenching his fist, he pinched and burst a walkie talkie.

In fact, ye Youran sneaked into the night and didn't move the killers for the first time.

But quietly locked the positions of all killers.

Then it's his turn to perform.

This time ye Youran nearly died and survived, and his anger has overwhelmed his mind.

These outlaws want ye Youran's life one after another.

If they don't die, the assassination won't stop.

So ye Youran doesn't want to stay alive tonight.

"Shit, get out, get out now."

After the killer leader heard ye Youran's words on the walkie talkie.

He immediately yelled at the walkie talkie.

Then he was the first to drop the walkie talkie and turn around with a pistol.

Unfortunately, they can't see ye Youran in the night.

But ye Youran can see them clearly.

They didn't move, but all of them were immediately exposed under Ye Youran's eyes.

Ye leisurely kept chasing out and shot out an air needle.

With ye Youran's speed, almost all those who escaped were shot.

But just a dozen seconds.

Around ye Youran, there are more than a dozen cold bodies lying.

Although these people are known as international killers.

Many people are terrified of them.

However, in addition to the guns in their hands.

There is no threat to ye Youran.

It's easy for ye Youran to kill them.

However, the killer leader ye Youran just wasted his legs and didn't kill him.

Ye Youran didn't like indiscriminate killing.

But these killers are like tarsal maggots.

She almost killed Dongfang Wan'er yesterday.

Ye Youran almost died tonight.

Clay figurines have three fires.

Moreover, ye Youran's character is not what it was.

After solving all the killers.

Ye leisurely walked slowly to the killer leader who was struggling on the ground.


The killer leader looked at ye Youran in fear.

As he retreated, he asked Ye leisurely in English in fear.

"What do I want to do? You're a killer. I want to do whatever you want."

Ye Youran sneered as he approached and said:

"Also, don't tell me you can't speak Chinese. If you really can't speak Chinese, you'll lose the need to live."

Ye Youran's English is about CET-3.

Although the oral dialogue is no problem.

But this bird language is not as fluent as its mother tongue.

And ye Youran is not used to it.

"I can, I can speak Chinese."

The killer leader said quickly.

In fact, his Chinese is the same as ye Youran's English.

Not only can he not speak fluently, but also he is very difficult to speak.

But in order to live, he must say.

"Well, please tell me where your employer is. Remember, you have only one chance. I can't get the answer I want. I'll send you to your God."

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