If you can choose.

Ye Youran doesn't want to join any sect, force or department.

Because ye Youran wants to be free and unrestrained.

Do your own business, live your own life, easy and simple life.

But now ye Youran is desperate.

The Wangs are now iron and want ye Youran's life.

Ye Youran can't compete with the Wang family yet.

Therefore, taking refuge in royal guards is the only and best choice for ye Youran now.

And sister you is the best friend of fairy mantuo.

Its full name is Xing Tianyou.

A very neutral name.

She appears to be in the name of the National Security Bureau, but she is actually a member of the royal guards Duwei mansion.

Royal Guards is divided into three departments.

One is Duwei mansion, which is responsible for dealing with ghosts, gods and supernatural things in China.

One is the bodyguard house, which is responsible for leading travel safety.

The last one is the patrol house.

It is specialized in supervising and managing the ancient military community.

"I don't think the person introduced by Xuanxuan is so young. I'll call you ye! Ye, do you have a girlfriend?"

However, what ye Youran didn't expect is.

He just reported to himself.

Xing Tianyou looked at ye Youran without concealment.

And asked such a private question so directly at the first meeting.

It seems that people in the ancient martial arts world really have a different style from ordinary people!


Ye Youran didn't hide it.

Now he and Dongfang Waner are in a state of passionate love.

"Oh! No wonder Xuanxuan introduced you to me. It seems that she is from her own family!"

Xing Tianyou has an expression of enlightenment.

This surprised Ye leisurely.

But soon ye Youran paid attention to it.

Xing Tianyou misunderstood the relationship between ye Youran and fairy mantuo.

"Sister you, it's not what you think..."

"What do I want? Don't worry! Although I like handsome men, I won't pry the corner of my sisters unless... Hee hee..."

Xing Tianyou interrupted ye Youran's words.

But the smile behind her made ye Youran feel creepy.

"Well, don't tease you. Hurry in! The old palace is in a hurry."

Xing Tian lobbied to go inside.

Watching the graceful posture of Xing Tianyou swing too much in front.

Ye Youran really doubts that she did it on purpose.

No disrespect, though.

But ye Youran followed her, but her eyes could not be separated from her body.

"By the way, sister you, who is Lao Gong? I don't know much about our department. Can you tell me a little first, so I can have a good foundation."

To distract yourself.

In order to get a general understanding of the special department of royal guards.

Ye leisurely takes two steps and walks with Xing Tianyou.

"The old palace is the head of the Duwei mansion in Qingyuan City and the general director of the royal guards in Qingyuan City. His name is Gong Yaping. He is in his fifties. He is the initial cultivation of opening up the valley. We all call him the old palace. Just call him the old palace."

Xing Tianyou didn't hide ye Youran.

While leading the way, he explained.

"What kind of assessment do you have to do to join the royal guards? For example, you have to investigate your identity and background."

Ye Youran asked.

"The identity background is simple. It takes minutes for the royal guards to check a person's identity."

Xing Tianyou said proudly.

But think about it.

These special departments want to investigate the information of some citizens.

That's not easy.

"However, if you want to join the royal guards, you can't escape many rigid indicators. In addition to being innocent, the most important thing is cultivation."

Xing Tianyou explained.

If you want to join the royal guards, you must have no sect and no family in Duwei mansion and bodyguard mansion.

Because the royal guards are ordered by the Chinese government.

It cannot be infiltrated by the forces of the ancient martial world.

There is a saying that Confucianism confuses the law with grammar, and chivalry violates the ban with martial arts.

China also had to leave a hand to the ancient martial world.

In particular, the bodyguard house must be a casual cultivation. Talents who have no interest in the ancient martial world can join.

The conditions of Duwei mansion are slightly relaxed.

As long as it's casual practice, it's OK to have some friends with the ancient martial world.

As for the last patrol house, it was almost acted by people in the ancient military world.

The patrol house mainly manages the ancient martial world.

If no one from the ancient martial forces joins such a department at all.

The ancient military world may not be subject to management.

This is also in line with the principle of one country, two systems.

It is also similar to those autonomous counties and municipalities.

Let the people of the ancient martial world manage the ancient martial world.

In this way, it can not only reduce the workload of China.

It can also calm the hearts of the ancient martial world.

As long as the people in the patrol house don't act too much.

Royal guards can turn a blind eye.

If the patrol house is too bumpy, the royal guards will intervene directly.

Xing Tianyou is from Duwei mansion.

If you want to join Duwei mansion, your accomplishments should at least be the second level realm, which is the initial accomplishments of internal skill realm.

Just like the cultivation of Xing Tianyou.

Moreover, in addition to cultivation, it also needs to pass the appraisal of ability.

Identify whether it is suitable to join Duwei mansion.

If you are innocent, but your ability does not meet the requirements of the Duwei mansion.

It is generally recommended to the bodyguard's house.

And if you're not innocent.

If the ability does not meet the requirements of the Duwei mansion.

Then it will be recommended to the patrol house.

"So it is."

Ye Youran has a general understanding of royal guards.

Ye Youran measured it in her heart.

I probably know where I should be in that department.

Duwei mansion.

The bodyguard's office is to protect the leaders.

Leaders should follow wherever they go.

You need to run all over the world. It's a hard life.

Ye Youran still has a lot to do.

There's no time to run around.

Ye Youran doesn't want to appear in public.

It's not suitable for ye Youran to work in the bodyguard's house.

As for the patrol house.

Almost 90% of the people in the patrol house are from the ancient martial world.

The Wang family is one of the four families in the ancient martial world.

You don't have to think about it. There must be someone in the Wangs' house.

Youdao is extremely jealous when enemies meet.

Ye Youran came to take refuge in royal guards just because she wanted to avoid the Wang family.

In the patrol house, I didn't look up and looked down.

Ye Youran doesn't want to live a life of being excluded and calculated everywhere.

Therefore, the patrol house is also a great place to go.

All that's left is the Wei mansion.

Ye Youran studies medicine and can cure people and ghosts.

Ye Youran also has some means to deal with ghosts.

Duwei mansion is only for ghosts.

This is a professional counterpart.

Therefore, ye Youran can stay in the Lieutenant's house anyway.

"Sister you, I've decided to join Duwei mansion. We'll be colleagues in the future. Please also invite sister you at that time..."

Ye Youran wanted to say two polite words.

But ye Youran's words haven't finished yet.

Xing Tianyou interrupted:

"Whether you can join the Duwei mansion or not is not up to me. It's up to the old palace."

Xing Tian lobbied and pointed forward:

"See? The elevator in front, turn left in the parking lot on the lower first floor, and take another elevator to the lower fifth floor. Where you will see the old palace."

"Sister you, won't you go?"

Ye Youran asked.

As a stranger, ye Youran thought that Xing Tianyou would personally take him to the old palace!

"I'm going to do some work handover. I must be responsible for your assessment later. Go first! Lao Gong has a bad temper. Be careful ~"

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