Ye Youran didn't know that in the 38 hours he disappeared.

But a lot of people were worried.

The first is Chen Shuxian.

Chen Shuxian is not angry with ye Youran.

If she insists on being angry, she is also angry with herself.

I'm so angry that I like my boss.

I like someone who is ten years younger than her and is still a little boy.

She tossed and turned the night before yesterday and couldn't sleep.

I've been thinking about how I should face up to my heart.

Think about the attitude or way you should get along with ye Youran.

After thinking about it all night, she finally made a difficult and painful decision.

When it's broken, it's broken. This evil relationship really can't develop like this.

Because she can't afford it at her age.

What's more, she is a man who has been married once.

She thinks she doesn't deserve Ye leisurely.

So she called Ye Youran early yesterday morning.

I want ye Youran to come out for morning tea.

Everyone is an adult. Just say it.

But ye Youran's cell phone was turned off.

At first, Chen Shuxian didn't care much.

But it wasn't long before the police called.

Said her villa collapsed last night.

She ran to the scene and saw that her villa had turned into ruins.

Most importantly, she also found blood in the ruins.

Although I don't know who left the blood.

But when I think of Ye Youran missing.

She panicked.

Not only called the police, but also called the hook machine to look for it in the ruins.

What makes Chen Shuxian feel at ease is.

The ruins were ploughed almost once, but ye Youran was not found.

No news is the best news.

But where has ye Youran gone?

The woman's sixth sense makes Chen Shuxian vaguely feel that ye Youran's disappearance may not be so simple.

The sudden collapse of the villa must have something to do with ye Youran.

In fact, Chen Shuxian's sixth sense is not wrong.

The collapse of the villa was really caused by Ye Youran.

The villa itself is already crumbling.

Finally, ye Youran uses Yin and Yang ghost eyes to seriously injure the two elders.

Also blew down a wall.

This has hurt the foundation of the villa.

This led to the disintegration and collapse of the villa in the middle of the night.

Besides Chen Shuxian, Dongfang Waner was also anxious.

Ye Youran has little time to accompany her.

But I talk to her on the phone or text every morning and evening.

But from the night before last.

She can't find ye Youran's man.

Dongfang Waner also called the police.

Even Dongfang Waner contacted Wang Yan, the head teacher.

Looking for ye leisurely all over the world with Wang Yan.

Wang Yan informed her brother Wang Dapeng again.

Now all the people who know ye Youran are looking for ye Youran.

Meanwhile, all the police stations and police stations in Qingyuan are looking for ye Youran's whereabouts.

Li Shengnan is on duty at the police station.

She naturally received the alarm.

However, Li Shengnan is not too worried about ye Youran's safety.

Because she has seen ye Youran's strength with her own eyes.

It can be said that ye Youran is the most powerful man Li Shengnan has ever seen.

No one.

Therefore, Li Sheng's mind always unconsciously emerged that he was in the parking lot.

The scene where ye Youran blows the terrazzo floor down.

Naturally, it always appears that the leaf is full of sunshine.

But there are some annoying faces.

Li Shengnan has always advertised himself. Only the most powerful man in the world can deserve her.

But when such a man really appeared.

Li Shengnan couldn't help shrinking back.

Because she suddenly found that she was somewhat dwarfed in front of Ye Youran.

She doesn't deserve a man like ye Youran.

Therefore, these days, Li Shengnan is no longer as vigorous as before.

She is often in a daze, silent, and seems a little out of her mind.

She has insomnia again tonight.

She couldn't sleep. She drove out for a ride in the middle of the night.

I didn't expect to meet ye Youran here.

It's a happy time to meet ye Youran.

But Li Shengnan is a police officer after all. Now that she has seen ye Youran.

It's time to take ye leisurely back to the office to close the case.

"It's not necessary to go back to the Institute!"

Ye Youran hesitated and said:

"Well, I'll go back to Chen Shuxian and ask her to cancel the case at the office."

Ye Youran just wants to stay away from Li Shengnan.

She was so hot that ye Youran couldn't bear it.

She's not hot anymore. Ye Youran is not used to it.

"No, as a policeman, I have the duty to take you back."

Li Shengnan couldn't help saying.

"I don't want to go back with you. I'll never ride your motorcycle again in my life."

Ye Youran resolutely objected.

Last time, ye Youran got on Li Sheng man's motorcycle.

He's scared half his life.

At this little girl's terrible speed.

Even if ye Youran has ten lives, it's not enough to die.

"Yo! I can't see that there are still things you're afraid of!"

Li Shengnan looked at ye Youran's frightened eyes.

I couldn't help laughing.

She thought a strong man like ye Youran.

Should be fearless.

Unexpectedly, he was afraid of his motorcycle.

At the thought of this, Li Shengnan couldn't help being a little proud.

Is this one thing falling to one thing?

"Yo! I can't see that you still have time to laugh!"

Ye Youran was stunned.

Li Shengnan is really charming to laugh.

This is a handsome charm.

People have an impulse to conquer.

But ye Youran was teasing Li Sheng man.

And prepared to prevent her riots.

Because this is a rose with thorns, it can easily hurt others and yourself.

But ye Youran thinks too much.

Li Shengnan didn't choke with ye Youran this time.

She coughed softly, scraped the leaves, glanced leisurely and said:

"If you don't go back, go to my house! My brother has been waiting for you. He seems to have something to say to you."

If he hadn't been waiting for ye Youran, Li Shengnan's brother Li Jianbin would have returned to the Department and team yesterday.

Of course, Li Shengnan is also somewhat selfish.

She actually likes the feeling of being with ye Youran.

This is a feeling without reason and unclear.

Anyway, Li Shengnan was very satisfied to see ye leisurely.

This is just a legitimate excuse.

"Well, you let your brother come to the Royal Hotel. I'm hungry and just ask him to rub it."

Ye Youran refused again.

It's really inappropriate for ye Youran to go to Li Sheng's house in the middle of the night.

What's more, ye Youran is afraid that Li Jianbin will say that he wants to help ye Youran his sister.

So it's better to go to the hotel.


Li Shengnan muttered with some dissatisfaction.

Then he got on his motorcycle and left.

Looking at Li Shengnan's leaving figure.

Ye leisurely smiled bitterly.

There are more and more women around.

Dealing with these women.

Ye Youran also feels more and more unbearable.

After abandoning those messy ideas.

Ye Youran walks to the Royal Hotel.

At the same time, he also took out the mobile phone grabbed from the Wang family and sent a message to Chen Shuxian.

Chen Shuxian must be worried.

It's just that it's not appropriate for ye Youran to call in the middle of the night.

But what ye Youran didn't think of at all was.

It wasn't long before his text message was sent out.

His cell phone rang.

It's Chen Shuxian's number.

"Sister Chen, you haven't rested yet!"

Ye Youran asked with a smile.

"You bastard, Wuwu... Ye Youran, you are a big bastard. Tell me where you are right away."

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