Royal Guards' intelligence is always accurate.

Such low-level errors are rare.

But Xing Tianyou, they have been walking around here.

But no trace of soldiers was found.

This makes the hearts of Xing Tianyou and ye Youran suddenly covered with a layer of haze.

Ye leisurely turned around in situ and squatted on the ground to touch it.

Say with certainty:

"There should be soldiers here. There are signs of camping here. But it's obvious that those people left in a hurry."

With ye Youran's insight.

He found some traces of tents on the ground here.

Even ye Youran found some bullet casings left during target practice on the ground.

Ye Youran has also been shot several times.

So ye Youran can judge from the appearance of the cartridge case.

These bullets are specially designed to kill people. They can't be bullets hunted by hunters.

But I can see.

The soldiers left in a hurry.

And many people even left with injuries.

Because ye Youran also found some dried blood trampled by disordered footsteps on the ground.

All this makes ye Youran have a bad feeling.

Ye Youran's hunch is not that this matter is difficult.

But who are those soldiers?

Could it be Li Jianbin?

Li Jianbin once told ye Youran.

He and his comrades trained in a secret place.

Some villagers near the place where he trained became hysterical at night.

Even Li Jianbin's comrades in arms are not opponents.

Although ye Youran doesn't know where Li Jianbin trained.

However, as far as ye Youran knows.

Many have coincided.

Ye Youran guessed that there was something evil in Li Jianbin's place.

The place where ye Youran is now has mountain monsters.

On the way here, ye Youran and have learned.

The so-called mountain monster is actually the spirit monster in the mountain.

That is, the monsters described in movies or novels.

Human cultivation can become more powerful.

Some spiritual animals can also become more powerful.

It's just that powerful people are called practitioners.

And powerful animals are called monsters.

Mountain monsters also belong to Yin and evil.

Also, ye Youran met soldiers here.

Li Jianbin, they are also soldiers.

Are these all coincidences?

Ye Youran is not sure.

And if the soldiers here are really Li Jianbin and his comrades in arms.

So Li Jianbin, I'm afraid their situation is very bad.

If something happens to Li Jianbin.

Ye Youran is afraid to bear some responsibility.

Because if ye Youran could pay more attention to it at that time.

Strongly ask Li Jianbin to report, not suggest him to report.

Or, ye Youran directly urged Li Jianbin not to return to the army at that time.

Many things can be avoided.

If Li Jianbin has a good or bad, it will be a big blow to Li Sheng man!

"Younger martial brother, what's the matter with you?"

When ye Youran was thinking deeply and worrying infinitely.

Xing Tian walks to ye Youran and asks softly.

Now ye Youran has brought his own bracelet.

Since then, he has been a member of Duwei mansion.

Therefore, Xing Tianyou had to change his name.

Later, ye Youran was the youngest younger martial brother of all of them.

"It's all right. What's next?"

Ye Youran regained consciousness, reluctantly smiled and asked.

Now many things are too early to say, so worry and self blame are useless.

Ye Youran knows nothing about the situation here.

Xing Tianyou came with information from Duwei's house.

So Xing Tianyou has to decide what to do next.

"In fact, I don't know what to do. I have very limited information."

Xing Tianyou said somewhat embarrassed:

"Before coming here, the house Lord told me that the intelligence shows that there are soldiers stationed here. Those soldiers have fought with mountain monsters. They can provide us with more accurate and effective information. But we can't find those soldiers now."

While Xing Tianyou was talking.

Charm boy and fat ball also came up.

Charming boys are not sociable.

Fat ball has a funny face and doesn't work well.

They always listen to Xing Tianyou when they travel.

So now they don't speak, just watching Xing Tianyou.

"Why don't you contact the master."

Ye leisurely said tentatively.

The task was taken by the head of the government, Gong Yaping. It might be better to ask him.

"It's useless. If there's new information, the government leader will contact us at the first time. So we can only act according to our own circumstances next."

Xing Tianyou rarely encountered such a situation.

Because the intelligence of Duwei mansion has always been very accurate.

Very few mistakes.

Therefore, the travel task of Xing Tianyou is generally smooth.

But this time it was an emergency.

It was only more than ten hours before and after they knew there were mountain monsters here.

Time is too tight and too far apart.

So there will inevitably be deviations in intelligence.

"Younger martial brother, do you have any ideas? Let's refer to them together."

The fat ball suddenly said.

Fat ball is actually a doctor in a hurry.

He saw ye Youran deep in thought, so he asked casually.

"I have two suggestions: the first is that we don't have to go to the soldiers, go directly to the mountain monster, eliminate it, and everything will be OK."

Ye Youran did not hide his secrets, and rationally analyzed:

"The second is not to manage the mountain monster, but to find those soldiers to obtain more accurate information."

Ye leisurely paused and continued to analyze:

"The former is more adventurous. I don't know the specific strength of mountain monsters. If they attack rashly, there may be casualties."

"The latter is safer, but it may delay the fighter, let the mountain monster run away, or let the mountain monster harm more people. How to choose, sister you, you have to come!"

After all, ye Youran was on his first mission.

He has no experience and has a short introduction time.

Even ye Youran heard for the first time that there is a species of mountain monster in the world.

So ye Youran doesn't want to stand out.

In case of his bad command, the head of the mansion, Gong Yaping, might have skinned him.

"What do you say?"

Xing Tianyou thought about it and asked fat ball and charming boy.

But they looked at each other and couldn't make up their minds for a moment.

The casualties in the team are not what they want to see.

But they don't want to see the mountain monster run away, or the mountain monster harm more people.

After all, their duty is to protect ordinary people.

If mountain monsters harm too many people, they will be eliminated at that time.

Maybe there won't be many headquarters.

At that time, the house master will be crazy again.

"Younger martial brother, you put forward the suggestion. Which one do you prefer?"

The charm boy seldom speaks.

But now she rarely asks ye Youran.

This is also the first time she spoke to Ye leisurely.


Ye Youran just wanted to say what he thought.

But right now.

Ye Youran's face suddenly changed.

"It seems that we don't have to choose. Someone has helped us make a choice."

Ye Youran said with a wry smile.

"What do you mean? There are others here?"

Xing Tianyou surprised them one after another.

But when they looked around, there was no ghost except the dark mountains and forests.

"Don't look, we are surrounded. The enemy is 500 meters away."

Ye Youran said with a wry smile.

Five hundred meters. With ye Youran's current cultivation, his hearing limit is only five hundred meters.

"Really? Why didn't I hear anything?"

The fat ball doubtfully lit it with the light on his wrist.

But the irradiation distance on the bracelet is only 100 meters.

He saw nothing.

"I'm not as good as you in terms of body elasticity and resistance, but I should be better than you in terms of hearing. Well, get ready for battle! They're coming."

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