"Hello! Is there anyone? Your fat grandpa is here. Come out and die."

The call of fat ball is really a little pompous.

Ye Youran had to sigh that this guy is a living treasure.

The leaf hiding in the tree almost didn't laugh.

But soon ye Youran couldn't laugh.

Because, let the fat ball shout and jump here.

But it's still quiet around.

No crazy villagers showed up at all.

Ye leisurely listened with bated breath on the treetop.

Still nothing.

"Have the villagers left?"

Ye Youran couldn't help guessing.

If those villagers were nearby, they would certainly hear the sound of fat balls.

If the villagers have moved their positions.

Then it's no use for them to break their throats here.

After a while.

When ye Youran was ready to give up.

The fat ball below rubbed his hands and said angrily:

"Grandma, it seems that you won't show up unless you show some real skills."

The fat ball seemed to say to himself.

Then he cleared his throat and took a sudden breath.

Fat ball's lung capacity is amazing to ye Youran.

Ye Youran looked at the fat ball and breathed for half a minute.

After a lot of air enters the body of the fat ball.

It seems that the fat ball has become fatter.

If the previous fat ball was a little human.

So now he is as fat as a snowman.

The whole body is round and round.

Except that a round head is more eye-catching.

Others, I can't bear to look directly at them.


The next moment.

A fat ball is like a deflated balloon.

He opened his mouth, and the sound of tiger roaring and dragon singing tore out of his mouth.

You can even vaguely see the shock wave of the air around his mouth caused by the loud sound.

It spreads out in circles like water ripples.

"Lion roaring skill?"

At this time, the leaves on the treetops are leisurely and stunned.

Is this the legendary lion roaring skill?

This voice roars out. Most people are afraid to break their eardrums and lose their hearing!

Ye Youran is not facing the fat ball.

It can be separated from an altitude of 20 or 30 meters.

Ye Youran can feel the vibration of the leaves.

It's hard to imagine that such a shell like sound roared out of the mouth of the fat ball.


Some of the night birds nearby were not frightened by the voice of the fat ball and flew up one after another.

It's just like the camera in the movie.

"No wonder he can join the Duwei mansion."

Ye Youran looked at the fat ball below and guessed.

If ye Youran is right.

The reason why fat ball was admitted by Gong Yaping.

It should not be just because of the fat ball's amazing body.

Because no matter how strong the fighting ability is, it can't deal with ghosts.

But this is similar to the roar of lion roar.

After the sound reaches a certain level, it has the magical effect of calming ghosts and expelling evil spirits.

Ordinary ghosts are roared by fat balls.

I'm afraid I'm going to be scared.

Ghosts that are more powerful will also suffer a lot of shock.

While ye Youran secretly guessed.

The villagers finally appeared.

Far away, ye Youran heard the same voice as before.

That's the sound caused by the human body running through thorns.

"Fat elder martial brother, go quickly."

Ye Youran quickly calmed his mind and warned with a voice that can be heard by the fat ball.

"Finally appeared? Hey, it seems that my soul roar is still effective!"

The fat ball was not afraid at all.

Instead, he became complacent.

But soon, fat ball saw the villagers.

Strangely, the villagers did not come from all directions this time.

It's all coming from the southwest.

See this car scene.

The leaves on the top of the tree suddenly thought of something.

Could it be that

"Fat man, go!"

Suddenly, the fat ball below roared, turned and began to run away.

He is telling ye Youran and telling ye Youran to be careful.

The speed of the fat ball is not slow.

It'll be gone in a minute.

And the villagers who rushed in lost their goal.

Began to wander around blankly.

Ye leisurely was on the top of the tree and didn't move.

Even ye Youran completely blocked his breathing.

When it comes to ye Youran's cultivation.

It is not very difficult to have fetal rest in a short time.

For a long time, the villagers who wandered around seemed unable to find the target.

And began to walk back one by one.

Ye leisurely watched over the treetops.

This is the direction in which the villagers returned, just as they had come before.

Ye Youran quietly pressed a button on his bracelet.

That's a button that sends its own location.

As long as ye Youran presses this button.

Fat ball and even Xing Tianyou can take the initiative to search his position.

The fat ball will soon follow the signal sent by Ye Youran to find ye Youran.

After the villagers have gone away.

Ye Youran began to leave.

If you can't find the nest of those villagers, it depends on now.

But ye Youran didn't dare to follow too closely.

They can only follow the villagers 200 meters away.

The villagers ran fast when they appeared.

But it was slow to go back.

One by one, like zombies, walking in twos and threes.

This provides ye Youran with a good tracking opportunity.

Soon, about half an hour later.

Ye Youran finally knows where the villagers' nest is.

That is a village.

The village is not big, there should be only dozens of households.

The village was built near the river.

The village was surrounded by high fences.

It should be used to defend against the intrusion of some wolves, weasels and other wild animals.

Those houses are even more down.

Some are even thatched houses.

If people who don't know suddenly see such a village.

Maybe you have to wonder if you've crossed.

Through the ancient times.

Only in ancient times did there be such a primitive and dilapidated house!

In reality, even the worst villages are bungalows.

There are only a few tile roofed houses. As for thatched houses, they are really rare.

"It seems to be here."

Ye Youran is crawling outside the village.

Ye Youran was not in a hurry to show up.

But waiting for the fat ball.

It's been half an hour.

Why hasn't the fat ball caught up yet.

Did he run too far?

It's just, at the speed of a fat ball, for such a long time.

He should have found it back no matter how far away.

Is there something wrong?

Ye Youran was also worried.

After all, Shennong mountain is not peaceful.

Any danger is possible.

"This fat elder martial brother is really incompetent!"

Ye Youran waited for a while.

There's still no fat ball.

With a helpless wry smile, I decided not to wait.

Fat ball is a cultivator and should be able to deal with general situations.

Li Jianbin is probably in this village.

Maybe he will face the danger of life and death if he slows down for a moment.

So ye leisurely set off and was ready to break through alone.

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