Chen Shuxian couldn't help laughing at herself all the way while driving. It's stupid.

Even the things in my dream are taken seriously.

However, she cares too much about ye Youran.

She loves Ye leisurely too much.

But ye Youran disappeared for no reason.

She can't find ye Youran now. What she can do for ye Youran.

Maybe it's just what ye Youran said in the dream.

Chen Shuxian drove smoothly to the Qingyuan police station.

It's more than four in the morning.

Watching the man guarding the police station is dozing off.

Chen Shuxian drove into the police station smoothly.

Chen Shuxian did not drive to the underground parking lot.

But after finding a parking space on the ground, take the elevator to the parking lot on the lower floor.

After getting out of the elevator, Chen Shuxian turned left.

Sure enough, I saw an elevator that said "only for staff, no admittance for idle people".

"It's strange that there is such an elevator."

Chen Shuxian saw the elevator.

Instead, she became more confused.

Although she came foolishly, she still didn't believe the dream was true.

Originally, Chen Shuxian was still thinking about it.

If she didn't see the elevator ye Youran said when she got here.

She turned and left.

It means that the dream was just her random work.

But when I saw the elevator.

Chen Shuxian is a little hard to accept.

She's pretty sure she hasn't been here.

Her subconscious mind wouldn't know there was such an elevator here.

Everything seemed so strange that she unconsciously walked into the elevator where no admittance was allowed.

Look at the red "- 5" button on the elevator.

Chen Shuxian hesitated and tried to reach out and press it down.

"Hmm? Is there really such a button? Can't press it? Is it broken?"

Chen Shuxian hesitated to take out the hammer in her bag.

This is a police station!

If you destroy public property here, you may go to jail.

Just, at the thought of the leisurely and generous eyes in the middle of the dream.

And exhortations.

Especially ye Youran's last sentence, I will marry your promise.

Chen Shuxian finally took out the hammer.

Die, die.

She will go crazy for the man she loves.

Chen Shuxian used all her strength and hit it hard.

"Woo, woo, woo!"

However, at the next moment, Chen Shuxian suddenly had an impulse to run away.

Because the elevator called the police.

The shrill alarm echoed in the elevator.

But now it's too late for Chen Shuxian to run.

Because the elevator is closed.

She had already felt that the elevator had begun to go down slowly.

"Who are you?"

Just when Chen Shuxian was in a panic and didn't know what to do.

The elevator door opened.

At the door stood an expressionless man.

The man wore sunglasses in the middle of the night.

Tall and thin pestle at the door of the elevator.

This frightened Chen Shuxian even more.

"I... I..."

Chen Shuxian trembled and didn't know what to say.

If there had been no roaring alarm in the elevator.

Chen Shuxian can barely keep calm.

Most importantly, in the middle of the night, in a fully enclosed elevator.

The elevator door opened and there stood a frightening strange man.

A woman is afraid.

"I'm looking for Gong Yaping."

Chen Shuxian subconsciously jumped out this sentence in her panic.

"Who are you? Do you know Gong Yaping?"

The man in sunglasses is still expressionless.

It was shivering cold.

"No... No."

Chen Shuxian said instinctively.

But then he reacts and quickly nods his head:

"Recognize... Know."

"Do you know?"

The man in sunglasses asked.

"I... I..."

Now Chen Shuxian doesn't know what to say.

She really doesn't know Gong Yaping.

In the dream, ye Youran asked her to come to Gong Yaping.

However, at this time, Chen Shuxian was unable to speak.

She couldn't say that I didn't know Gong Yaping, but I had a brother's dream.

I dreamed that someone asked me to come here to find Gong Yaping!

It's hard to believe if you don't say it.

Even Chen Shuxian herself had no confidence to say it.

However, at this time, even Chen Shuxian regretted that she had foolishly believed in a dream.

A middle-aged man suddenly came out of the elevator door.

He also looked at Chen Shuxian coldly and said:

"I'm gong Yaping. Are you looking for me?"

Gong Yaping was in a very bad mood at this time.

All the people he sent to Shennong mountain lost contact.

And his daughter.

He was already hot tempered. Now he is like a volcano about to erupt.

However, in the middle of the night, an ordinary woman broke into here.

There is something strange about this matter.

So he tried to restrain his emotions.

Gong Yaping has no pity for jade.

If Chen Shuxian can't give him a perfect explanation.

He promised to throw Chen Shuxian into prison.

"I'm not looking for you... Oh, no! I'm looking for you."

Chen Shuxian trembled. Her language ability at the negotiation table could not be brought into full play at this time.

Gong Yaping and ghost eye outside the elevator didn't speak.

All staring at her like this.

She stared Chen Shuxian to the bottom of her heart.

"I want to say one thing. You may find it very strange, and I also think it very strange. I beg you, I'll leave after I finish. Will you let me go?"

Chen Shuxian is almost crying.

Most importantly, Gong Yaping and ghost eye outside the elevator still didn't speak.

However, Chen Shuxian said truthfully:

"I just slept at home, but I had a dream about a man named ye Youran..."

"Ye Youran? Are you sure it's ye Youran?"

However, after hearing the name ye Youran.

Gong Yaping is not calm.

He blurted out a drink and asked.

His voice frightened Chen Shuxian into jumping.

The bag in his hand also fell to the ground.

If time can do it again.

She would never come here.

Because there are two freaks here.

She is a weak woman, and her heart is about to jump out of her throat.

"Come in and say."

Gong Yaping knew that he frightened Chen Shuxian.

He said as softly as he could.

But where is Chen Shuxian willing to come in?

"No, I'll just say it here and leave."

Chen Shuxian's face turned white for a while, and there was no blood at all.


Gong Yaping motioned.

"In... In my dream, ye Youran told me that he wanted me to come here to find a man named Gong Yaping and tell him that ye Youran and Xing... What is Xing..."

Chen Shuxian had a deep understanding of everything in her dream.

But now she was so frightened that she almost forgot.

"Xing Tianyou."

Ghost eye reminded me expressionless.

"Yes, yes, yes! It seems that they are called Xing Tianyou. He said that they are in danger and are trapped in one place."

Chen Shuxian said quickly.

"And then?"

Gong Yaping asked.

"He asked me to tell Gong Yaping to climb over the wall from the playground behind the campus of the Medical University into the Qingguang mountains. Then five kilometers southwest, there is a cave where there is a ghost... The ghost king. Let the ghost king take Gong Yaping to save him."

Chen Shuxian is going crazy.

Ask Gong Yaping to find the ghost king.

She really doubted that she would be beaten if she said this.

"Why did the ghost king take Gong Yaping to save people?"

Gong Yaping asked.

"No... I don't know."

Chen Shuxian shook her head like a rattle.

Because in the dream, ye Youran didn't say why!

"What else?"

Gong Yaping continued to ask.

"No... no more."

Chen Shuxian quickly shook her head.

And after Chen Shuxian finished.

Gong Yaping was silent.

The ghost eye didn't speak.

A long time later.

Gong Yaping looked at Chen Shuxian lightly and said:

"You made up this story very well."

"Are you going to the mental hospital yourself now? Or do I call the mental hospital and ask them to pick you up?"

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