Ye Youran was most worried that the Wang family would not give him time to practice.

With the determination of the Wang family to kill ye Youran.

Without the protection of royal guards.

They probably won't leave overnight revenge.

But now I hear fat ball say that the Wang family can't shoot ye Youran within a month.

This is a big piece of good news.

A month should be enough.

A month later, maybe the Wang family wants to deal with ye Youran again.

That's not so easy.

"By the way, senior brother Pangqiu, I'm leaving the royal guards now. Can I still participate in the martial arts competition?"

Ye Youran suddenly asked.

"Of course, there are three kinds of people participating in the competition."

"The first is the talent cultivated in royal guards."

"The second is the talented children of the major forces in the ancient martial world."

"As for the third, we call it the wild force."

"The so-called wild forces do not belong to the royal guards, nor do they belong to the major forces in the ancient martial world."

"It's made up of some disciples of casual practice or some secluded antiques."

Fat ball said with a wry smile:

"Elder martial brother, I'm leaving the royal guards now. I'm one of the wild forces."

After self mockery, the fat ball suddenly lowered his voice and said to ye Youran:

"In fact, the royal guards encourage the talented disciples of the wild forces to participate in the competition, because compared with them, the talented disciples of the wild forces are better disciplined."

"It can also prevent the ancient martial forces from encroaching on or overhead the royal guards."

Fat ball is telling the truth.

If all the talented disciples of the major forces in the ancient martial world enter the royal guards.

There are no wild forces in the royal guards who are not inferior to the major forces.

When the talented disciples of the major forces in the ancient martial world develop and become more powerful in the future, there will be no other people to compete with.

Talented disciples of various forces will become high and powerful in the royal guards.

If all the top leaders in the royal guards are the talents of the major forces in the ancient martial world.

Then the royal guards will become the royal guards of ancient martial arts.

So for the talented disciples of the field forces.

Royal Guards always pay more attention to it.

They will also recruit talents from wild forces.

"Younger martial brother, do you still want to compete?"

Fat ball finished and looked at ye Youran suspiciously.

Ye Youran has been abandoned.

Take ye Youran's current physical condition.

He was afraid that he might not even pass the audit.

Let alone compete.

"Why can't I compete?"

Ye Youran asked back with a smile.

"Your body..."

Fat ball hesitated.

"Things are changeable. Maybe there will be miracles?"

Ye Youran didn't speak so clearly.

But it seems a little unfathomable.

Look at ye Youran.

Fat balls are hard to say.

After all, his heart also hopes ye Youran can get better.

Ye Youran can be full of hope and vision for the future.

That's the best thing.

What fat balls fear most is.

Ye Youran will sink from now on.

A person's will is negative, that is the real disability.


When ye Youran and they returned to Qingyuan City.

It's already more than 4 a.m. in the evening.

Back to Qingyuan City, breathing the familiar air.

Ye Youran suddenly found that he didn't know where to go.

He used to have a villa in Qingyuan city that he shared with Chen Shuxian.

Now the villa is gone.

He disappeared for a month and now he's back.

And it's more than four in the morning.

Ye Youran really doesn't know where he should go.

"Why don't you go to my sister's house!"

Li Jianbin saw ye Youran's blankness.

So he suggested.

"Forget it, take elder martial brother Pangqiu to your sister's house for the night. Lend me your car and I'll go back to my hometown."

Ye leisurely sighed and said.

Ye Youran once saw such a sentence on the Internet.

What is home.

Home is when a person is hurt outside.

There can be a place to lick the wound.

This place is home.

After so much experience, ye Youran suddenly feels homesick.

I want to go back to my parents.

Think about it, he hasn't been back with his parents for a long time.

I almost couldn't come back this time.

As the only child in his family, if something really happens to him.

I can't imagine what kind of sadness his family will be.

Now he's been gone for so long.

I don't know if his parents and his grandfather knew about it.

Grandpa is old.

Can't withstand such a big blow.

Therefore, ye Youran is very eager to return to Lianhua town and Songshan village immediately.

Go back to your family.

"Can you do it yourself?"

Li Jianbin is worried.

Not to mention whether ye Youran can drive.

With ye Youran's current body driving, how can he rest assured?

"I'll go back with you! Don't worry, no one will find me if I don't show up."

Said Juliet.

In fact, Zhu bi'er is not just worried about ye Youran's body.

She was more worried about the Revenge of the Wang family.

Now she has almost recovered.

She must always protect ye Youran.

"I also..."

Fat ball and the ghost King spoke in unison.

Who do they want to talk to? Ye Youran.

But ye Youran waved his hand.

"Senior brother Pangqiu, you're lucky to have two days of leisure in Qingyuan City. I'll be back in two days. As for the ghost king, go back to the Qingguang mountains and find the plaque and peach wood sword. It'll be useful when I come back. Just have Zhu bier with me."

Ye Youran said firmly

Know ye Youran's mood must not be very good.

Plus ye Youran said so firmly.

Fat ball and ghost King don't say anything anymore.

"By the way, younger martial brother, this is your thing. Take it with you!"

The fat ball said and took a package from the car.

There is also a silver gun familiar to ye Youran.

The reason why I am familiar with it is that this silver gun is the of the demon king Zhu bil.

Ye Youran was once pierced by the silver gun.

So ye Youran is sure that this silver gun is a very good physical magic weapon.

The level may still be above ye Youran's soft armor gloves.

"This is..."

Ye Youran was stunned.

"These are the things of the demon king. When we found you, we also found these around you. The demon king was defeated by you, and naturally you deserve them."

Said the fat ball.

Ye Youran took the silver gun and grasped it.

It's really heavy enough.

He can't even mention it.

But it's also normal to ye Youran's body now.

It's strange to be able to pick it up.

Ye Youran opens the package on the fat player.

That's a soft sweater.

The material is the same as the soft armor gloves in ye Youran's hand.

"It's really the Wang family."

Ye leisurely thought angrily.

This soft armour shirt must be given by the Wang family to the demon king Qiu Xiaomei.

In order to prevent ye Youran from playing cards.

Ye Youran's cards can seriously hurt the two elders of the Wang family, so the Wang family is also worried that the demon king will be plotted by Ye Youran.

If Qiu Xiaomei hadn't turned into herself at that time, I'm afraid ye Youran's yin-yang ghost eyes could not hurt Qiu Xiaomei.

And Qiu Xiaomei ran away too quickly.

I left this soft armour on the scene.

Now it's cheap again, ye Youran.

"I want this soft armour shirt. I'd better give you this silver gun. It's no use holding my body."

Ye Youran thought and accepted the soft armor shirt.

Soft armour leaves need leisurely.

Ordinary people can't see it on their bodies.

You can save your life at a critical moment.

As for the silver gun, it is not ancient after all.

Swaggering through the market with a silver gun.

Ye Youran can't do such a thing.

"Well, I'll keep it for you for the time being."

Fat ball doesn't refuse.

Because the silver gun weighs more than 100 kilograms.

With ye Youran's body now, I really can't pick it up.

Finally, ye Youran drove Li Jianbin and sent them downstairs to Li Sheng man.

Then he took Zhu bier and drove towards Lianhua town.

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