Ye Youran is back.

This has aroused strong repercussions in the whole Songshan village and even Songjia village.

Many villagers know ye Youran is back.

They all flocked to greet ye Youran warmly.

Because their good life today is brought to them by Ye Youran.

Ye Youran's door has never been so lively.

Finally appeased the villagers.

Ye Youran's family had a happy breakfast at home.

But breakfast has just finished.

Song Bajin took a middle-aged man to ye Youran's door.

Song Bajin was originally a bully at the head of Songjia village.

Once he ate eight kilograms of powder alone.

So I got the nickname song Bajin.

Song Bajin has no mind.

But he has strength.

He used to hang out with ye Youran's unscrupulous uncle song noble.

After Song noble was renovated by Ye Youran.

Song Bajin followed ye Youran.

Now Song Bajin has organized many former village bullies.

Be a patrol security guard at ye Youran's Yaotian base.

The main defense is not sabotage.

But to prevent wild animals from destroying the medicine field.

After all, ye Youran's medicine field base is on the top of the mountain.

There will also be some wild boars or mountain beavers on other hills.

Now the safety work of Yaotian is entrusted to song Bajin and his people.

Song Bajin also got a name: Security captain.

"Song Bajin, why don't you come in?"

Ye Youran also found song Bajin outside the door.

But they hesitated at the door.

I don't seem to dare to come in.

If ye Youran remembers correctly.

The middle-aged man who came with song Bajin should be Song Chao, the head of Songjia village.

What did song Bajin do with the village head of Songjia village?

"Mr. Ye, I'm sorry to bother you."

Hear ye leisurely cry.

Song Bajin and Song Chao came in politely.

Song Chao was carrying two bags of fruit in his hand.

"Chao, you're coming right now. There are no children in my family. What fruit do you bring?"

Old ye saw the fruit in Song Chao's hand.

Said with a frown.

In fact, what does Song Chao mean by coming this time.

Old ye can't be clearer.

Ye laoweng is now the head of Songshan village.

Song Chao is the head of Songjia village.

They are both officials in the same Dynasty.

So how can Song Chao's naughty heart deceive old ye?

"It's not appropriate for me to come here empty handed, folks in my hometown. I have to mean it!"

Song Chao said very politely.

Then put the fruit in your hand on the tea table.

"Sit down, uncle song!"

The door is a guest.

Although ye Youran doesn't like the people in Songjia village because of his uncle song noble family.

But they came with a letter.

Ye Youran can't refuse people thousands of miles away.

"Song Bajin, you too!"

Ye leisurely looked at Song Bajin and said:

"I've heard that you've done well these days. You've changed your evil ways and become a good man in the future. Ye Youran can't treat you badly."

"But don't blame me for my ugly words. If you still do that kind of thing, I can't let you go."

Ye Youran's voice is very flat.

But ye Youran's body has a sense of dignity.

Where dare song Bajin say no?

Point your head like a chicken pecking rice.

In front of Ye Youran, he always has an inexplicable fear.

Especially when I think of the feeling of egg pain.

Song Bajin hurried down to faint pain.

Not just song Bajin.

Even the village head Song Chao is in front of Ye Youran.

He has a sense of restraint in sitting upright.

I can't see that the silent young generation of the Ye family has grown to this point.

The Ye family's ancestral grave is smoking.

"Song Bajin has really performed well during this period of time, which also depends on President Ye's education!"

Song Chao flattered ye Youran without showing any trace.

As for the sound of President ye, Song Chao shouted very smoothly.

Because now in Songjia village and Songshan village, adults and children call ye Youran like this.

"Ye always doesn't deserve it. Uncle song and my father are of the same generation. Just call me Xiao Ye."

Ye Youran smiled faintly and asked Song Chao:

"I don't know why Uncle song came today?"

Youdao goes to the temple of three treasures.

The ye Youran family seems to have nothing to do with Song Chao.

Song Chao suddenly made such a grand visit.

To say nothing, ye Youran doesn't believe it.

"President Ye! I really want to discuss something with you today. Of course, I don't dare to force it. But as the village head of Songjia village, I am also forced. The villagers elect me to discuss with you one by one. If President Ye thinks it appropriate, please help me and Songjia Village!"

Song Chao puts his identity very low.

He just used the word Chengquan.

This makes ye Youran dare not agree easily.

Can only say:

"Tell me what's going on first. I'll help if I can!"

"Well, the mountain top of Songjia village is bigger than that of Songshan village. It should add up to 500 or 600 mu..."

With Song Chao's narration.

Ye Youran finally understood.

Song Chao is here to attract investment.

To put it better, it is to attract investment.

It's not good to say. I just see that Songshan village is developing better and better.

Almost all the villagers can live and work in peace and contentment and get rich.

Songjiacun began to be jealous.

Songshan village is now connected with cement roads.

Many villagers in Songshan village have begun to plan to build new houses.

Songjia village and Songshan village are separated by a strip of water.

See that Songshan village has developed so fast and so well because of Ye leisurely.

Many villagers in Songjia village hope ye Youran can also invest in Songjia village.

If ye Youran can also contract all the mountains in Songjia village.

If it is developed to plant traditional Chinese medicine.

Many villagers in Songjia village can also have jobs.

Can have a better living environment.

Now ye Youran's medicine field base in Songshan village can't accommodate so many workers.

More than 500 villagers in Songshan village can participate in the work.

Therefore, the person in charge of the base is the villagers of Songshan village.

Young and strong villagers of Songjia village will be employed only if there are redundant positions.

The old and weak women and children in Songjia village could have been competent for the planting of medicine fields.

After all, they are farmers and are old, but planting these jobs can still be done.

But because of their limited positions, many villagers in Songjia village can only watch at home.

This time, ye Youran finally came back.

The villagers in Songjia village couldn't help it.

One by one, they gathered around Song Chao's door.

As the head of Songjia village.

The villagers of Songjia village forced Song Chao to come.

Song Chao and ye Youran are not familiar.

Although the Song Chao family had never bullied the ye Youran family before.

But he can't find an excuse. Come on!

Forced and helpless, Song Chao caught song Bajin.

Because song Bajin is at least an employee of Ye Youran, and he is also a security captain.

I hope ye Youran can look at the Buddha's face without looking at the monk's face.

Can promise to invest in Songjia village.

"That's it! I can't do it."

Ye Youran thought for a moment and said:

"Although I am the boss of the company, every investment of the company, especially large investment, needs the consent of shareholders."

"Moreover, there are professional appraisers in the company. After evaluation and accounting, they feel it necessary to invest in order to use the company's funds!"

Ye Youran didn't refuse, but he didn't promise.

But ye Youran is telling the truth.

He is a businessman, not a philanthropist.

The development of the company, especially the investment, can not be blind.

As the old saying goes, you can only wear such a big hat with such a big head.

Ye Youran had been scolded by Chen Shuxian for investing in Songshan village.

Therefore, ye Youran still needs to ask Chen Shuxian's opinions on this matter before reaching a conclusion.

"Well, song Bajin and uncle song, you go back first. I'll be at home this time. I'll discuss with the senior management of the company later and give you an answer."

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