The life experience of fairy mantuo is actually very poor.

The world only sees her as the glory of the eldest grandson's children.

But I didn't know that as a concubine, she lived a life inferior to pigs and dogs in the family.

Fairy Manduo's mother was just an entourage.

The status is the same as Zhang Sanli Si.

Zhang San and Li Si are the followers of Prince Wang.

Prince Wang controls their fate, even life and death.

In ancient words, the so-called entourage is actually a slave.

It's really because fairy mantuo's mother has a low status, so even if she is pregnant, she can't be recognized by her eldest grandson's family.

Especially in the four families in the ancient martial world, where family interests are above all else.

If fairy mando's mother gave birth to a boy.

Maybe you can get a good end to a certain extent.

The father of fairy Manduo didn't even bother to look at their mother and daughter.

The main house is the wife of mingmatchang, the father of fairy mantuo.

The main room takes fairy Manduo's mother as a typical example.

Make trouble, scold and beat.

Finally, he was killed alive.

In front of fairy mantuo, he killed fairy mantuo's mother on the spot.

From the standpoint of the main room, she did so only to safeguard her own interests.

Otherwise, with her old age.

More and more followers can give their bodies in order to curry favor with the Lord.

If those are a little beautiful and happen to have a son.

Then her status in the main house must be lost.

So the purpose of the main room is very simple.

Is to set an example.

Let other female attendants dare not seduce her men easily.

However, from the standpoint of fairy mantuo.

Her mother, a weak woman with no strength to bind chickens.

Killed alive by the main room.

And her irresponsible father, the head of the eldest grandson's family, didn't fart.

Without her mother, fairy mantuo, who was only 13 years old at that time, was inferior to her entourage in the eldest grandson's family.

Even ordinary followers dare to bully her master.

But fairy mantuo survived.

Because she always knew that no matter how bad it was at the eldest grandson's house.

You can also obtain certain cultivation resources.

At least she can practice the family skills.

There will also be a certain subsidy for traditional Chinese medicine every month.

Although this subsidy has been deducted layer by layer.

She doesn't have much.

But it's much better than wandering outside alone.

Because fairy mantuo always had a dream in her heart.

A dream of avenging blood and hatred for my mother in the future.

However, the revenge dream has not yet begun, but the nightmare has quietly come.

With the fairy mantuo growing up day by day.

She is generous and looks more and more beautiful.

Her cousin kept harassing her.

In the secular world, cousins cannot marry.

This is a close relative.

However, in the ancient military world, it is not uncommon for cousins to form ties.

And the most hateful thing is not so.

I don't know whether it is out of the interests of the family or the jealousy or hatred of the main house.

The main room was greedy to advise the head of the changsun family.

Think of the mando fairy as a political marriage.

Marry the Luo family, one of the four families.

The Luo family has a fool who can't practice by nature.

The Luo family has a good reputation among the four ancient Wu families.

If the Luo family was not a fool, maybe fairy mantuo agreed at that time.

Because the fairy Manduo wanted revenge.

She married the Luo family and not only could she live better than her eldest grandson.

Maybe she can also provoke the relationship between the Luo family and the eldest grandchildren.

Help her avenge with the help of the Luo family.

But that's a fool.

Marry a fool, fairy manto has no hope.

Because the rights of the Luo family can never fall into the hands of a fool.

So fairy manto fled.

She fled on the eve of her marriage and escaped from her eldest grandson's house.

She fled the nightmare home where she had lived for more than 20 years.

After leaving Zhang sun's house.

Fairy mantuo began to hide her name and wander around.

Maybe God also sees fairy manto's pity!

After years of wandering, fairy mantuo finally turned her luck.

She not only had good luck, but also got an unknown incomplete skill.

Fairy mantuo named it mantura divine skill.

And she also met ye Youran.

After meeting ye Youran, her life finally settled down.

Not only did he feel warm from ye Youran's family.

Her accomplishments are also rising.

With the mantra skill and ye Youran's selfless help.

She has successfully broken through the later cultivation of internal skill.

Really among the ranks of evil geniuses.

"I'm sorry, I didn't expect your life experience... So poor. But don't worry, I will never let you suffer any injustice in the future."

After listening to Manduo fairy, she finished her life story with tears in her eyes.

Ye leisurely and painfully hugged fairy mantuo in his arms.

Ye Youran and fairy mantuo are nominally soul mates.

They live a Platonic love life.

But in fact, the relationship between them has not made much progress.

It's just because fairy mantuo has been waiting on Ye leisurely's daily life.

Ye Youran is more grateful to fairy mantuo than her feelings.

But after listening to the life experience of fairy mantuo.

Ye Youran felt more pity for her than gratitude.

There is a kind of love that begins with poor.

Otherwise, how could the word "chuchupitiful" appear!

ChuChu is always very lovable.

It can always easily arouse the desire for protection in men's hearts.

"Didn't you say we couldn't touch each other? You've crossed the line."

Fairy mantuo sucked a nose.

Strong steady mind, gently pushed Ye leisurely.

However, she did not resent Ye leisurely holding her.

Maybe all these years.

She is also eager to have a hug that can let her stop one day!

Being held by Ye Youran like this, her heart seems to be enriched a lot.

Also a lot more down-to-earth.

"How can it be said that the husband hugged his wife?"

Ye Youran did not loosen fairy mantuo.

Instead, he deliberately teased her.

"The devil is your wife."

Fairy mantuo spat at Ye leisurely.

Her face turned a little red.

But she did not break free from ye leisurely's arms.

"But seriously, how are you going to treat the Chang Sun family? Or if you meet the Chang Sun family on the field, you..."

"No mercy."

Fairy mantuo finished without waiting for ye leisurely.

She said faintly in her eyes.

No one in the eldest grandchildren's family has ever looked at her.

No one in the Chang Sun family deserves her mercy.

The rookie competition is the biggest event in ancient martial arts.

The purpose is to select real talents.

So the rookie competition is not a child's play to the end.

It allows casualties.

If you can, fairy mantuo even wants to kill several geniuses of the eldest grandson's family. How can she be merciful?

Because the eldest grandchildren owe her all this.

Of course, although the rookie competition allows casualties, it also allows surrender.

As long as the opponent surrenders, the game is over.

Any further action by either party will be a major violation.

Major violators will be disqualified from the competition.

The most important thing is to erase it on the spot.

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