"Isn't his cultivation abolished by the demon king? Why..."

On hearing that ye Youran signed up for this rookie competition in the name of King Qin.

Wang feijiang was immediately shocked.

However, before he finished, he reacted.

He immediately closed his mouth.

Because ye leisurely's cultivation was abandoned.

Not many people know.

Even the ancient military world knows little about ye Youran.

The Duwei mansion in Qingyuan City was almost destroyed by the demon king, and not many people in the ancient martial arts world knew it.

Because this is an internal matter of royal guards.

In line with the attitude of keeping the family ugly, fire phoenix blocked the news.

And Wang feijiang's words are no less than not telling himself.

"Wang feijiang, how do you know that ye Youran's cultivation has been abolished, and it has been abolished by the demon king?"

The fire phoenix looked at me.

Although ye Youran has always refused to say that the Wang family was behind the joint calculation of Ye Youran and the demon king.

But the fire phoenix knows it.

It's just that there's no evidence.

At this time, Wang feijiang didn't recruit himself. How could fire phoenix easily let go of this clue?

This is not how much fire phoenix values Ye leisurely.

Want to avenge ye Youran.

But ye Youran was once a member of the royal guards.

That time, not only ye Youran almost died.

Even the whole Qingyuan Weifu was almost destroyed.

The Wang family dares to risk the world's condemnation and plan the royal guards' Duwei mansion.

Fire phoenix is the governor of royal guards.

She can't just let it go.

"I... I..."

Wang feijiang was speechless for a moment.

He opened his mouth but didn't know what to say.

Of course, this is also the fire phoenix's long-standing prestige.

Almost no one in the whole ancient martial world was afraid of her.

So under her pressure.

Wang feijiang will be so nervous and incoherent.

"Fire Phoenix, my Wang family's intelligence system is not for nothing. Some things can't hide from my Wang family."

After all, Wang Feihai is the owner of the house.

He soon calmed down.

A simple explanation is to change the topic and say:

"But now the most important thing is that the murderer has been determined. I want him to die now."

Wang Feihai said he was about to turn and leave.

But the fire phoenix's eyes were frozen and shouted:

"How dare you?"

Fire Phoenix can be the governor of royal guards.

Definitely not fancy.

At this time, she was angry.

There was a faint feeling of killing.

The temperature in the whole golden room fell to freezing point in an instant.

Wang Feihai is fine.

He is the head of the Wang family, and he is in a high position.

And he is an expert in breaking the valley.

But Wang feijiang is a little worse.

Wang feijiang is just the peak of internal skill realm.

Although it is already a half step Valley realm.

Can face the anger of the fire phoenix.

He suddenly hit a cold cicada.

Some looked at the fire phoenix in horror.

I dare not say a word.

"Fire Phoenix, you are the governor of royal guards. Can you bend the law for personal gain?"

"As you said before, find out the murderer and let my Wang family deal with it. Do you want to go back now?"

"I still feel that I am not qualified as the master of the Wang family. I want to invite my ancestors of the Wang family to talk to you?"

Although Wang Feihai's cultivation is not as good as fire phoenix.

But the Wang family can become one of the four ancient martial families.

It wasn't built.

As long as he takes care of it.

He may not be afraid of the fire phoenix or the royal guards.

No matter how strong the royal guards are, they dare not make enemies with the whole ancient martial world!

"You don't have to take your king's ancestors out to oppress me. My royal guards never bend the law for personal gain."

The fire phoenix's face remained unchanged and said coldly:

"It is precisely because of the selflessness of my royal guards that you can't move your leaves leisurely."

"Why? Just by your word? Or was he once a member of your royal guards, so he could kill without paying for his life?"

It has come to this point anyway.

Wang Feihai can't flinch.

Otherwise, what's the face of his royal family?

"Hum! It seems that your Wang family knows a lot. Even he used to be a member of my royal guards."

The Fire Phoenix made another cold irony.

Then he went on:

"But don't forget. My royal guards expressly stipulates that the safety of all contestants must be guaranteed during the competition."

"I don't care whether ye Youran killed your son or not. Now that he has signed up for the rookie competition and passed the examination, my royal guards is obliged to ensure his safety."

"If you want to move him, ask me if huofenghuang agrees."

The fire phoenix was very domineering.

Whether it's Wang Feihai or Wang feijiang.

They were all speechless.

Because this rule does not exist only now.

Many years ago.

During the competition, it is forbidden to fight privately or seek revenge.

Just like the spirit of the Olympic Games.

During the games, the world must cease fire and no war.

So, even if Wang Feihai is impulsive.

He must not kill ye Youran now.

"OK! Since governor huofenghuang has said this, my Wang family has nothing to say."

"However, if something happens to him after the game or on the stage, I hope you won't stop him."

Wang Feihai snorted coldly.

Turned and left.

The owner of the family has left, and Wang feijiang quickly asks the people in the family to take the stiff prince.

Fish run through.

After all the Wangs left.

The fire phoenix sighed:

"Alas! You bastard, even if you really want to kill someone, you don't have to be in my moon worship club! Now I have no reason to help you."

Fire phoenix actually favors Ye leisurely.

If ye Youran killed Prince Wang elsewhere.

She can find a reason to protect ye Youran.

But childe Wang did it in the moon worship club.

If the fire phoenix wants to favor ye Youran.

I'm afraid it will cause riots in the whole ancient martial world!

"By the way, what accomplishments did ye Youran achieve when he passed the examination?"

The fire phoenix suddenly asked the people nearby.

"Unbiased, it's just 500 kg of fist weight and passed the external skill assessment."

The people next to him reported the news in a matter of fact.

I listened to the people next to me.

The fire phoenix suddenly thought:

"External skill? Did he find a suitable method for external skill cultivation and recover his accomplishments? How could it be in such a short time?"

However, when the fire phoenix meditates.

It's outside the moon worship club.

Wang Feihai said to Wang feijiang in awe:

"Immediately inform me of all the children of the Wang family, especially the Qianlong. Once you meet ye Youran during the competition, kill him. Don't give him a chance to surrender."

Wang Feihai can't wait for a moment now.

He wanted to kill ye Youran immediately, so as to eliminate his hatred and the pain of losing his son.

"Brother, will the identity of the hidden dragon be exposed?"

I heard Wang Feihai say to inform the Qianlong.

Wang feijiang hesitated.

The real name of Qianlong is Wang FA.

He is the illegitimate son of Wang Feihai.

He is also the half brother of Prince Wang.

Even many people in the Wang family don't know that Wang Feihai has a child called Wang FA.

Because the real identity of Wang FA has always been concealed by the Wang family.

Just to be famous in the rookie competition.

So Wang FA signed up for the rookie competition under the name of the hidden dragon.

The Qianlong was also the man with a cold face who was particularly concerned by Ye Youran at the scene of the assessment.

"The Qianlong has signed up successfully. It doesn't matter to hide. It's natural for him to avenge his brother."

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