The next day, ye Youran and fairy mantuo got up.

Sure enough, I didn't wake fat ball up.

There is no "drag" of fat ball.

Ye Youran and fairy mantuo arrived at the competition venue early in the morning.

When they arrived, the game had not yet started.

But there are already many people waiting here.

"Xuanxuan, promise me that no matter who the opponent is, it's not too late for a gentleman to avenge ten years. I don't want you to fight with your own life."

Ye Youran suddenly said solemnly to fairy mantuo.

On the first day of the game, Antoine met the people of the changsun family.

The changsun family must hate fairy mantuo now.

If we meet again.

Inevitably, there will be uncontrollable sparks.

If the opponent is weak, it's OK.

But if the opponent is strong.

For example, the eldest and grandson Wuwei, the half brother who met fairy mantuo.

Ye Youran hopes that fairy mantuo can protect herself.

Instead of fighting senselessly.

"Don't worry! I have discretion."

Fairy mantuo said absently.

Fairy mantuo's heart is very firm.

Although she wants to kill all the people in the eldest grandson's family.

But for those who are not the culprit.

She still can't kill.

But for the eldest sun Wuwei, who killed his mother himself.

If fairy manto meets him.

Even if she can't fight, she will definitely fight.

Even if it is because of this, she will not hesitate.

"You have no sense of propriety."

Ye Youran shouted angrily:

"If your mother is still alive, she certainly wants you to live happily. Instead of trading your life for those animals."

Ye Youran can't play for fairy Manduo.

If you can.

Even on the stage.

Ye Youran can't help fairy mantuo.

It is because of this that ye Youran is more worried.

"What if it's you? Can you spell it?"

Fairy mantuo also yelled at Ye leisurely:

"Now that your family is alive, you have to fight with the Wang family. What qualifications do you have to say me?"

Fairy Manduo was already upset.

So I know ye Youran is kind.

But she couldn't help but go back angrily.

And fairy mantuo's words made Ye leisurely a burst of dumb words.

In fact, if ye Youran is the fairy Manduo.

Ye Youran will not only fight with the eldest grandson's family.

Even ye Youran won't wait until now.

Even if he was carrying a dynamite bag, he would run to Chang sun's house and blow it flat.

"Your situation is different from mine. The Wang family wants me to die. If I don't fight, I may not even have a chance to fight next time."

"On the contrary, the changsun family doesn't pay attention to you at all. If you can live better and look like yourself to the changsun family, it will make the changsun family regret its original behavior in frustration."

"This kind of conscientious condemnation may be more painful for them than killing them."

Ye leisurely calmed down.

It's like talking to yourself.

Fairy mantuo also calmed down slowly in the words behind ye Youran.

The two stood side by side.

No one spoke.

As if they were meditating.

"Ye Youran, you fucking bastard, I'll kill you."

But right now.

Ye leisurely suddenly heard an angry cry behind her.

Ye Youran suddenly turned around.

Immediately, I saw a huge fist like a casserole constantly magnifying in my face.

If ye leisurely doesn't flash or hide.

This huge fist will surely hit ye Youran's left eye.

In this way, ye Youran will certainly become a panda eye.

However, in the face of this quick and hard punch.

Ye leisurely remained unmoved.

The next moment.

Ye Youran raised his hand.


A crisp sound.

The huge fist was grasped by Ye Youran.

The powerful power was transmitted from the fist to ye Youran's palm.

Follow ye Youran's arm and drill straight into ye Youran's body.

Ye Youran's face changed slightly.

A mistake at the foot leads out the great force that goes through the body from the foot.

Peng's muffled sound even came from the palm of Ye Youran's foot.

Where ye leisurely stood, a depression immediately appeared on the ground.

Just covered by the soles of Ye Youran's feet.

No one can see it.

Ye Youran gently removed the fist that stopped in front of him.

Just saw Gong Yaping's angry face.

"House Lord, I haven't seen you for a long time. There's no need to fight and kill as soon as you meet!"

Ye Youran said to Gong Yaping with a bitter smile.

In fact, at the moment when Gong Yaping spoke.

Ye Youran's strong perception knows that it is Gong Yaping.

Moreover, ye Youran could not feel the murderous spirit from Gong Yaping's fist.

Otherwise, ye Youran would have fought back.

"Good boy, good, ha ha."

One moment, Gong Yaping, who was still full of faces, put his fist away the next.

Looking at ye Youran with appreciation.

In fact, Gong Yaping really came to find ye Youran's trouble today.

Because ye Youran doesn't know what nonsense he said.

Let his daughter Xing Tianyou abstain.

Although Gong Yaping also knows that relying on his daughter will never get rid of the bottom situation of Duwei house in Qingyuan City.

However, if you want to lose, you can't lose so fast. There's no dignity!

What's more, Gong Yaping doesn't think ye leisurely's cultivation has been restored.

It must be his disheartening daughter who fell in love with ye Youran, an asshole.

Cheated by this bastard with sweet words.

So today he came to swim out for his daughter Xing Tian.

He didn't use his best punch before.

But it is also equivalent to the full blow of the strong in the later stage of the internal skill realm.

If ye Youran can take his move.

Then he has nothing to say.

Because that at least shows that Xing Tianyou is not ye Youran's opponent.

It doesn't matter whether you surrender or not.

But if ye Youran can't take his punch.

As it happens, this punch is regarded as a lesson.

And deceive his daughter. That's the price.

But obviously, ye Youran took the punch.

Even Gong Yaping clearly felt that ye leisurely was very calm.

That means my daughter was right last night.

The boy not only recovered his accomplishments in just one month.

Maybe he really has a competition with the fire phoenix's own disciple.

And when I think about it.

Gong Yaping felt bitter again.

Alas! What a good seedling!

If I hadn't left Duwei house.

Today, Qingyuan Duwei mansion relies on ye Youran's strength.

It can definitely make a big show.

He Gong Yaping can also raise his face greatly.

"The Lord of the palace is also old and strong!"

Ye Youran said a compliment.

Then he asked:

"Sister you, didn't they go back to Qingyuan last night? The palace master didn't stay to teach me a lesson?"

"It's enough to have them in Qingyuan. Over the years, my old palace will be crazy! I also signed up for the competition."

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