The ancestors of the Wang family are the strong ones in the innate environment.

But he just left the customs.

in other words.

The ancestors of the Wang family are now the initial cultivation of congenital environment.

At the early stage of the congenital environment, the strong one's eyes damaged ye Youran's spirit.

The momentum of his body shook ye Youran out of internal injury.

Thus, it can be seen how terrible the strong in the congenital realm is.

But the master of fire phoenix is actually the later cultivation of congenital environment.

The later the cultivation, the higher each level is, the better it is.

There was a great difference between the early stage and the late stage of Valley opening.

Not to mention the early stage of congenital environment and the later stage of congenital environment.

The strong in the later stage of congenital environment feel terrible when you think about ye Youran.

Think about it, ye Youran can't help but respect.

While ye Youran waited respectfully in fear.

Suddenly, a deep and vicissitudes voice came from the stone gate:

"Come in!"

Three simple words fall.

The heavy stone gate finally began to open slowly.

An old air suddenly came to my face.

I don't know how long the stone gate hasn't been opened.

The air inside has become full of mildew.

Ye Youran really can't imagine.

How can the fire phoenix master stay in such an environment?

Is it that the strong in the innate realm don't even need to breathe?

The strong in the valley can completely eliminate the need for food.

If the strong in the innate state don't even need to breathe.

Is this still human?

At the end of cultivation, he cultivated himself into a monster who doesn't eat, drink or breathe.

Ye Youran had a certain resistance to cultivation for the first time.

"What are you doing? Come in."

Just when ye Youran was thinking.

The fire phoenix urged ahead.

Ye Youran quickly converged and followed the fire phoenix.

After entering Shimen, ye leisurely knew.

There's another hole in it.

There is a stone gate inside the stone gate.

On the second stone gate, there is a huge stone plaque.

I wrote "pass on the merit".

It turns out that this is the place for the royal guards to spread their skills.

And after the second stone gate opens.

A fresh air came at once.

There is a sweet smell in the air.

It's a far cry from the moldy air before.

Enter the second stone gate.

Ye Youran was even more stunned.

This is a cave nearly 100 meters underground.

But ye Youran saw some incredible pictures.

There are mountains and water, birds and flowers.

Even ye Youran found the sun here.

If you don't look up at the sky, you see rocks.

Ye Youran almost thought that he had really arrived at the blessed cave of some immortal cultivation.

"That's an artificial sun lamp."

See ye Youran's shock and doubt.

The fire phoenix quietly explained to Ye leisurely.

It has the most advanced and scientific equipment.

It can change and circulate air.

There is also sunlight that simulates the outside world.

It can alternate day and night.

The space here is as big as a dozen football fields.

There are man-made lakes and man-made mountains.

The plants planted here can almost meet the ecological needs here.

Of course, it costs a lot of money to maintain here every day.

But the royal guards are backed by the Treasury.

I don't care about this consumption.

"Money is really a good thing! If only I could practice in isolation here."

Ye Youran sighed in her heart.

However, ye Youran's idea has just fallen.

He suddenly felt a flower in front of him.

An old man with a white beard suddenly appeared in front of him without warning.

Ye Youran instinctively vigilant.

Took several steps back.

When ye Youran was shocked beyond measure.

The fire phoenix quickly and respectfully knelt down and gave a big gift:

"The fire phoenix pays homage to the master."

It turned out that he was the master of Fire Phoenix.

He is known as the first person of ancient martial arts.

Looking at his face, he has white hair, but he looks very energetic.

I can't tell it's a man of hundreds of years old.

Perhaps this idiom is used to describe people like tai chi venerable.

It's just strange to let Ye leisurely.

At present, ye Youran feels more like an ordinary person.

When ye Youran first met the ancestors of the Wang family in the congenital state.

It feels like a towering mountain.

The magnificent momentum was suppressed.

Let Ye leisurely suffocate.

But the Tai Chi venerable in front of Ye Youran's feeling is as plain as water.

I can't see a cultivator at all.

But if you feel it carefully.

You will find that his breath seems to be integrated with the whole space.

If you close your eyes, you can't even feel a person in front of you.

"You are ye Youran?"

Suddenly, the Tai Chi Master smiled at ye Youran and asked faintly.

From his eyes, ye Youran saw the look of appreciation and kindness.

"Young ye Youran, I've seen your predecessors."

Ye leisurely regained his consciousness.

Bow your hands and salute quickly.

"Yes, the fire phoenix thinks highly of you. Your talent is the second person I've seen in so many years."

Taiji venerable's voice is very peaceful. Listening to his voice can give people a sense of peace of mind.

"Thank you for your praise."

Ye Youran seemed a little restrained.

Ye Youran's mentality at this time is the same as that of ordinary people. Suddenly, he sees a billionaire.

I feel flattered.

But for the second person mentioned by the Tai Chi venerable.

Ye Youran is still a little dissatisfied.

Ye Youran is a man who does not fight or rob.

But as ye Youran comes into contact with more and more talents.

Ye Youran still has some confidence in his talent.

How many geniuses, such as stealing heaven.

Which one of them didn't start practicing since childhood.

Step by step to build the foundation, many years as a day of expert guidance.

Only then did I have today's cultivation.

However, ye Youran has been practicing for less than half a year.

Half a year, from a poor boy.

It becomes a point where we can compete with the strong ones who break the valley.

How can ye Youran not be confident?

Ye Youran didn't say it, but he was proud of it.

So ye Youran is the second person.

Ye Youran naturally disagrees.

It's just that ye Youran doesn't dare to say.

"When the one armed old man was young, he had broken through the cultivation of the valley state at the age of 18."

The Tai Chi venerable also seems to see ye Youran's dissatisfaction.

He smiled and said:

"It's a pity that he was not as steady as you. He was young and arrogant and competed with others everywhere."

"Later, someone designed to cut off one hand. He lost one arm. He was depressed for nearly a hundred years, which delayed his talent and practice."

"When he was 150 years old, he still broke through the congenital state."

The words of Tai Chi Master immediately convinced ye Youran.

He broke through the valley at the age of 18.

This talent is against the sky.

Although the one armed old man must have been practicing since childhood.

But he doesn't have the adventure of Ye Youran's "thousand gold Prescriptions".

By virtue of the status of casual cultivation, he broke through the valley state at the age of 18.

There's no talent to choose.

"Well, don't say that. Fire Phoenix, go down first! Ye Youran, come with me."

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