It all happened too fast and too suddenly.

Nobody thought of it.

The first confrontation between ye Youran and Wang Feihai.

Ye Youran clearly fell into the downwind.

But in a twinkling of an eye, in the second confrontation.

Ye Youran not only has the upper hand.

And a knife broke the scientific and technological magic weapon at the foot of Wang Feihai.

Broke through the defensive light shield.

The palm long dagger was sent to the soles of Wang Feihai's feet by Ye Youran.

Although people often say that ten fingers connect the heart.

But the sole of the foot is also a fatal pain point.

Especially when the root of the palm long dagger is submerged.

It's not just through the sole of the foot.

The tip of the dagger has gone deep into the lower leg.

Such injuries may not be fatal.

But this pain, the people around just looked, could not bear to shiver.

This is more terrible than nail pricking with the top ten torture toothpicks in ancient times.

Wang Feihai screamed like a pig.

At this moment, he was in pain without the dignity of the owner.

There is no usual master style to show.

"Help you out."

However, just when Wang Feihai was dying of pain.

Ye Youran has no pity.

It's a little scary.

"Help you free" came out of Ye Youran's mouth.

The whole martial arts stage seemed to be filled with the smell of killing.

However, just in ye Youran's eyes.

When preparing to use the killing move of Yin-Yang ghost eyes.

The fire phoenix suddenly stood up.

"Ye Youran, don't."

In fact, everyone can feel that ye Youran is really killing.

At this moment, ye Youran will certainly continue to kill Wang Feihai.

However, no one knows how ye Youran will rob and kill Wang Feihai.

The reason why the word "rob kill" is used is that Wang Feihai may surrender at any time.

As soon as Wang Feihai opens his mouth.

Ye Youran has absolutely no chance to kill Wang Feihai even if he has all the means.

Because the ancestors of the Wang family were born.

The strong man in the congenital environment is present. He doesn't want ye Youran to kill. Ye Youran can't kill anyone.

So ye Youran's only chance to kill Wang Feihai is.

Kill Wang Feihai before he admits defeat and surrenders.

But what ye Youran didn't expect was.

At this time, it was the Fire Phoenix who spoke to stop him.

If it was the ancestors of the Wang family, they would speak at this time.

Ye Youran's yin-yang ghost eyes will burst out without hesitation.

Under the eyes of yin and Yang.

Wang Feihai was unprepared.

Ye Youran is absolutely sure to let Wang Feihai die.

Even if the Lord of hell comes, he can't be saved.

However, the fire phoenix actually spoke to stop ye Youran.

This made ye Youran hesitate.

Ye Youran is not a small bellied man.

But at the same time, ye Youran is a man who must repay.

First, whether someone is provoking the contradiction between ye Youran and the Wang family or not.

The Wang family has been killing Ye leisurely.

Ye Youran naturally cannot turn a blind eye.

And ye Youran is sure.

Today he even released Wang Feihai.

The Wang family will never be grateful to him.

Even more powerful means to deal with him.

Therefore, ye Youran didn't want to settle his feud with the Wang family at all.

But the fire phoenix spoke, causing ye Youran to hesitate.

This gave Wang Feihai a chance.

"I surrendered, I lost."

Wang Feihai said hurriedly.

Because he felt ye Youran's murderous spirit before.

Locked by Ye Youran's murderous spirit, he actually has a feeling of cold hands and feet.

It's like a sharp knife against his throat.

So Wang Feihai calmed down at this time.

He endured the sharp pain and pulled his foot back.

Regardless of the blood from the soles of your feet.

Shivered and surrendered.

This is just a short three moves.

Wang Feihai was defeated.

And almost confessed his life.

Such a thing is amazing.

Who could have thought that the development of things was so ups and downs.

And it came to an end so soon.


Ye Youran took a complicated look at the fire phoenix.

Originally, ye Youran had enough chance to kill Wang Feihai.

Now, ye Youran knows he has no chance.

Unless he is willing to die with Wang Feihai.

Because as long as he does it again.

Maybe you can kill Wang Feihai.

But the ancestors of the Wang family can definitely let ye Youran bury Wang Feihai in an instant.

So ye Youran forced himself to take back the killing opportunity.

My heart is full of regret.

"Is this an illusion? Are geniuses so terrible now?"

"Is ye Youran a human? What is his cultivation?"

"I just want to ask! Why does he meet enemies stronger and stronger, but he can do it when he meets strong?"

"I found that I have lived on dogs for 180 years."

"Stop talking. I almost feel that compared with him, I'm not even as good as a dog."

After a brief silence.

There was a lot of shocking comments.

And listen to this talk.

But Wang Feihai felt more like thunder pounding on him.

He is the head of the Wang family.

He is a strong man who has been famous for a long time in the ancient martial world.

Although all the people on the scene today are strong.

Not many of the younger generation of the ancient martial world were present.

But Wang Feihai knows that the battle between him and ye Youran will be in a very short time.

Can spread throughout the ancient martial world.

His face was lost.

He even shamed the Wang family.

In this life, as long as ye Youran doesn't die.

He, Wang Feihai, and his family will never raise their heads.

"Ancestor, I'm sorry, I..."

Wang Feihai got up with a worried heart and a deathly gray face.

He wanted to apologize to the Wang family's ancestors.

He is incompetent.

But he didn't have the courage to say it.

Because the number of eyes on the scene is like how many knives there are.

On him.

Let him have no courage to stay any longer.

Because it is a feeling of not having the courage to live and not having the courage to die.

So Wang Fei hasn't finished his Haihua yet.

He just endured the internal injury and the sharp pain under his feet.

It disappeared into the surrounding bamboo forest.

The ancestors of the Wang family looked at the direction of Wang Feihai's disappearance.

His face is also complex.

Ye Youran refreshed his prediction again.

Ye leisurely's rapid progress really frightened the ancestors of the Wang family.

Even the ancestors of the Wang family had a faint feeling in their hearts.

At the beginning, he personally went to find Qiu Xiaomei, the demon king, and offered his plan to kill ye Youran.

Maybe he did it wrong.

It was he who made Ye leisurely look too simple.

Today's Ye leisurely may have become a major problem for the Wang family.

If time can really do it again.

Maybe he shouldn't have gone to the demon king.

Instead, we should find ye Youran.

Quietly say sorry to ye Youran.

Maybe it can resolve the hostile situation between ye Youran and the Wang family.

Now you can't kill ye Youran at this ancient martial arts conference.

It will be more difficult later.

Perhaps ye Youran was born a nemesis of the Wang family.

In the near future, the Wang family will certainly fall into a dilemma because of Ye Youran.

Unfortunately, the world does not exist if again.

All the ancestors of the Wang family can do now is sigh in their hearts.

Of course, while the ancestors of the Wang family regretted, they also had some problems with Wang Feihai.

Such a blow is fatal.

The ancestors of the Wang family gave a worried look to Wang feijiang behind them.

Wang feijiang immediately understood.

He hurried to follow the direction of Wang Feihai's disappearance.

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