The ancestors of the Wang family captured the demon soul of the demon king Qiu Xiaomei.

He wanted to say something sorry.

After all, if he hadn't given advice to Qiu Xiaomei, the demon king.

And provided a lot of babies.

Nor will Qiu Xiaomei, the demon king, almost kill ye Youran.

But what the ancestors of the Wang family never thought of was.

He is still considering the language and making an apology to ye Youran.

Ye Youran said first:

"Lao Zu Wang helped me avenge this. In the future, if the Wang family can use ye, just speak."

Ye Youran said sincerely.

It's like ye Youran didn't know it was Wang Qiu's younger sister who was instigated by the religion of the ancestors of the Wang family.

Of course, ye Youran pretended not to know.

But the ancestors of the Wang family knew it.

Ye Youran was willing to give him this step. The ancestors of the Wang family suddenly felt that ye Youran was not so annoying.

In fact, the reason why the ancestors of the Wang family were willing to bow to ye Youran.

He is also helpless.

Because ye Youran's talent is amazing.

If you can't kill, you can only make friends.

After all, Wang Feihai, the current owner of the Wang family, and Wang FA, the evil genius of the Wang family, died because of Ye Youran.

What's more, ye Youran is backed by the royal guards and Tai Chi Masters.

The ancestors of the Wang family can't fight ye leisurely.

So he is unwilling to come today.

But ye Youran didn't embarrass him today.

This makes the ancestors of the Wang family suddenly have some good feelings for ye Youran.

In fact, ye Youran is willing to step down for the ancestors of the Wang family.

It is not ye leisurely and magnanimous.

But the ancestors of the Wang family have caught Qiu Xiaomei, the demon king.

Already sincere.

The ancestors of the Wang family, however, were also strong in their innate state.

An enemy should be solved rather than settled.

Hate can be put down or try to put it down.

The most important thing is that ye Youran's medicine Qi cultivation has been unable to advance inch by inch.

The reason is that ye Youran has accumulated hatred in his heart.

If you can't let go of hatred, you can't reach the heart of the doctor.

Also, in the tomb of the murderer Bai Qi.

Without the help of the ancestors of the Wang family.

Ghost eyes and charm boys can't escape from the sky alive.

So ye Youran doesn't want to do things too well.

"Good! Elder Ye is broad-minded and ignores past grievances. Wang admires him."

The ancestors of the Wang family looked at Ye leisurely with some gratitude.

Based on the cultivation and generations of the Wang family's ancestors.

Ask him to bow his head in front of Ye Youran.

This is really a little difficult for him.

Ye Youran took the lead in expressing his position.

It saved the embarrassment and embarrassment of the Wang family's ancestors.

This is something that the ancestors of the Wang family did not expect at all.

"By the way, this is the demon pill of Qiu Xiaomei, the demon king. He also gave it to elder Ye. Wang said goodbye."

The ancestors of the Wang family paused and took out a glittering bead the size of a table tennis ball from their sleeves.

This is the demon pill of demon king Qiu Xiaomei.

The ancestors of the Wang family put the demon Pill on the tea table.

He stood up and said goodbye.

Looking at the demon Pill on the tea table, ye Youran was stunned first.

Then there was a look of joy.

After the monster has reached a certain level of cultivation.

Will condense the demon Dan.

Demon pill is the core of Demon power.

Just like the elixir field of human cultivators.

The demon pill is of great benefit to human practitioners.

Especially for those who practice external skills.

After absorbing the energy of demon pill, you can strengthen your body.

After all, monsters are natural external skill practitioners.

The demon pill at the demon king level is even more rare.

With this demon pill, ye Youran is confident that he can improve his external skill cultivation to a small level.

Ye Youran's external skill cultivation is now in the later stage of the fitness state.

After absorbing the demon pill, ye Youran's external skill cultivation can reach the perfect state of fitness.

It's one step away from the innate state of external skill.

Originally, the ancestors of the Wang family didn't want to give the demon pill to ye Youran.

After he brought the demon soul of Qiu Xiaomei, the demon king.

Even if it's done.

But ye Youran returns good for evil.

The ancestors of the Wang family can't hide.

Therefore, the ancestors of the Wang family gave Qiu Xiaomei's demon pill to ye Youran.

Because ye Youran is both inside and outside.

The attraction of demon pill to Ye leisurely is certainly not small.

The ancestors of the Wang family are willing to be a natural person.

"Let's go, Mr. Wang!"

Ye Youran did not refuse.

After politely sending the ancestors of the Wang family away.

Ye Youran returned to the reception Pavilion again.

Ye Youran picked up the demon Pill on the tea table and looked at it.

Ye Youran also saw the demon pill for the first time.

This demon pill is not surprising, it contains very surging energy.

Ye Youran took it in his hand and couldn't help closing his eyes.

Feel the energy emitted from the demon pill.

The smell gives ye Youran a refreshing feeling.

It's a wonderful feeling.

"Woo woo."

However, when ye Youran paid all his attention to the demon pill in his hand.

The black tiger who has been obediently following ye Youran suddenly shows his eager eyes.

Then it suddenly jumped on the tea table.

And suddenly opened his mouth.

With a roll of tongue, ye Youran rolled the demon pill in his hand into his dog's mouth.

"Black tiger, what are you doing?"

Ye Youran was surprised.

Shout loudly.

But at this time, the demon Dan has reached the mouth of the black tiger.

Ye Youran, unless you kill it now.

Otherwise, you will never get it back.

"Woo woo!"

However, I don't know it's because of greed.

Or because he was frightened by Ye Youran's explosion.

As soon as the black tiger grunted and stretched his neck, he swallowed the demon pill.

"It's over."

The leaf cools leisurely.

This is the demon pill of Qiu Xiaomei, the demon king.

This demon pill contains extremely terrible energy.

Don't say it's a black tiger.

Even if ye Youran swallowed it, it wouldn't feel so good.

Take the energy contained in the demon pill.

You can burst the black tiger's body in an instant.


The next moment is like to confirm ye Youran's worry.

The black tiger roared fiercely.

The roar was like a tiger roaring in the mountain forest.

Full of violent domineering.

And the black tiger's body is like an inflated balloon.

The whole became swollen.

The most terrible thing is the black tiger's eyes.

Its eyes are full of blood.

That is the surging energy running around in its body.

The blood in the black tiger's body flowed back into his eyes.

Plus the mania emanating from the black tiger.

At this moment, it is almost impossible to look directly at.

"Black tiger, hold on."

Ye Youran is also worried.

Because the black tiger at this moment has a faint sign of explosion.

Ye Youran hurried to run, and the medicinal gas was injected into the black tiger.

Ye Youran's medicinal Qi not only nourishes and repairs the black tiger's body.

What else can you do to dredge energy.

At this time, the black tiger's body is full of demon Dan energy.

If not guided correctly.

They can tear the black tiger's body into pieces.

However, even with the guidance and nourishment of medicinal Qi, the black tiger's body began to collapse.

Although the speed has slowed down a lot, it still doesn't help.

Just when ye Youran thought there was no way to return to heaven.

Qiu Xiaomei, the demon king kneeling aside, suddenly said:

"Let me do it! Maybe I can save it."

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