Ye Youran was really moved by green hair flying stiff.

Under the leadership of green Mao feijiang.

Ye Youran holds Shi Gandang and finally arrives at the Bank of the Yellow River in Henan Province.

The Yellow River is the mother river of China.

Now the Yellow River Basin in Henan province belongs to the middle and lower reaches.

There are dozens of kilometers from Shaoyi temple to here.

This is the choice of Ye Youran and green Mao feijiang, which is almost a straight-line distance and comes over mountains and mountains.

If it was on the highway, the distance would be longer.

At this time, ye Youran is really tired.

After all, the stone is not light.

At least a few hundred pounds.

The most important thing is that it is almost as tall as ye Youran.

Holding a piece of wood with hundreds of kilograms and an oval boulder with hundreds of kilograms.

That's totally two concepts.

Besides, I have to climb mountains and mountains with my arms.

But green Mao feijiang refused to give a hand.

He's just carrying Wolverine's body.

Now, the Wolverine's body is only a silver skeleton on the green hair's stiff back.

Because all the flesh and blood have been completely corroded.

It can be seen how domineering the green hair flying corpse poison is.

The body of a powerful person like Wolverine can't resist enough.

Just thinking that spider man, Batman and Wolverine were killed by green hair.

Ye Youran still has some sound insulation in his heart.

On the screen, all three of them are invincible superheroes.

It is the object of worship of countless young men and women.

Now he died silently.

And if they die, no one will know that they fell into Shaoyi temple.

Although ye Youran knows in his heart that these powerful powers are the products of scheming aliens.

But I still can't bear it.

"Come on! Why are you here? And you said that Shi dare have a great effect on me. What's the great effect?"

Ye Youran gently put the stone on the Bank of the Yellow River.

He asked, slumping on the ground.

"Have you ever heard of the Yellow River corpse fisherman?"

Green hair flies stiff, facing the turbulent Yellow River.

He asked leisurely with his back to Ye.

"Well, I've heard of it."

Ye Youran nodded.

Ye Youran once saw the Yellow River corpse fishing industry on the mobile news.

In short, it is a group of poor people who want to make a living.

He is engaged in salvaging corpses in the Yellow River Basin.

There are too many provinces across the Yellow River Basin, and tourists are attracted by the Yellow River.

Or there are too many people living on the Yellow River.

It's hard to avoid falling into the water.

In many parts of the Yellow River, once you fall into the water.

It's no use even if you can swim.

Because the surging flow and the river containing a lot of sediment can easily take a person's life.

Plus some people who are full of despair for ginseng because of emotional things, or because of the blow of life, or because of the failure of business.

Will also choose to end their lives in the Yellow River.

Since ancient times, too many people have died every year because of the Yellow River.

Therefore, the Yellow River corpse fisherman was born, which is a profession that people should avoid.

But according to the news.

Today's Yellow River corpse fishers are no longer the previous single person operation.

Now it is a corporate and collectivized body salvage operation.

"The Yellow River has existed since ancient times. I had it in that era. Before, there was an ancient sect called the Yellow River corpse fishing gate all over the Yellow River Basin."

Green hair said faintly.

"The Yellow River corpse gate? I haven't heard of it, but does it have anything to do with my previous questions?"

Ye leisurely looked at the green hair flying stiff in doubt.

"Of course it does."

Green Mao feijiang said:

"The Yellow River corpse fishing gate is a great and respectable sect. It's not difficult to guess the reason! Most people mention that it's unlucky to deal with corpses."

Ye listened quietly.

This time there was no mouth.

It turns out that the Yellow River corpse fishing gate is not an evil sect.

On the contrary, it is also a decent sect.

In the age of green hair flying dead.

The Yellow River breeds life and is also a place where the flames of war are concentrated.

It is said that where there are people, there are Jianghu.

The Yellow River is often the best place to deal with corpses after the war.

After the war, the bodies of civilians left behind, as well as the bodies of soldiers on both sides.

Many will be thrown into the Yellow River.

Those bodies will flow away with the Yellow River.

Some will flow downstream, and some will be eaten by fish and shrimp.

In this way, the plague caused by the decay of corpses can be avoided.

In addition, there were many people who lived by fishing on the Yellow River in ancient times.

It's inevitable that something will fall into the water.

It is precisely because there are many floating corpses in the Yellow River.

That's why the Yellow River corpse gate was born.

Although the cultivation method of the Yellow River corpse fishing gate is very evil.

However, the first rule of the Yellow River corpse fishing gate is that the dead are the greatest. The first thing for all people who enter the corpse fishing gate is to learn to respect the corpse first.

So when they encounter some bodies that fall and drown, they don't receive a penny.

Help the family salvage the body.

For those unclaimed floating corpses, the Yellow River corpse fishing gate will be used for cultivation.

Make those unclaimed floating corpses into puppets.

Or absorb the corpse Qi of floating corpses to cultivate yourself.

In the era of war, there are many poor people.

Although dealing with bodies is taboo.

But there are still a large number of people involved in the body salvage gate.

That's also the most prosperous thing of the body salvage gate.

And with the advent of the era of peace.

The Yellow River corpse gate has long declined.

Because there are fewer bodies in the Yellow River Basin.

Ordinary people can also eat.

Fewer people join the body salvage gate.

Therefore, the decline of the Yellow River corpse gate is almost doomed.

"I've gained my knowledge today, but I still don't understand after listening to you so much."

Ye leisurely shook his head helplessly.

"You'll see right away."

Green Mao still didn't look back, as if he continued to say to himself:

"In those years, I was known as killing God. Many people died because of me. I didn't know how many corpses I had handled in the Yellow River Basin. Therefore, I knew the head of the Yellow River body fishing gate in its heyday."

"It used to be a very important branch of the Yellow River corpse gate. There is a corpse pond built by the owner of the Yellow River corpse gate."

"Corpse pond? I still don't understand."

Ye Youran was stunned, and then continued to smile bitterly.

The green hair flew stiff and pulled a lot.

But I still can't get to the point.

"Usually you are very smart. How can you be so stupid."

Green hair flew back, white leaf looked leisurely and said:

"The Yellow River corpse fishing gate has raised nearly 100000 floating corpses in this corpse pond at most, and at least more than one million floating corpses have entered this corpse pond, more than I killed."

"Is there anything more suitable for storing stones in such a dark place with evil spirits?"

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