Ye Youran couldn't understand what the strong man said to the beauty.

Because they use the language of monsters.

They are two completely different language systems from human beings.

And in the deep sea.

The demons living here are generally difficult to get in touch with humans.

Therefore, there are not many monsters who really understand human language.

However, although ye Youran can't understand the demon language of the giant Han.

But ye Youran can probably guess.

He is concerned about the beauty.

That beauty is also a monster.

What is her noumenon.

Ye Youran doesn't know.

But ye Youran knows what's wrong with her.

She was upper.

Ye Youran not only sensed the smell of monsters from her.

Also sensed the smell of ghosts.

in other words.

The beauty monster was insane because it was possessed by ghosts.

At this time, the beauty simply didn't recognize her relatives and didn't get close to the giant man.

The ghost staggered with a smile.

He said something ye Youran couldn't understand.

But it can be seen that the giant man is very concerned about the beauty.

He was extremely worried and anxious.

It's different from when you faced ye Youran before.

The countless shrimp soldiers and crab generals standing around were silent.

They all lowered their heads and dared not go to see the crazy beauty.

Even more afraid to see the worried face of giant Han.

"Hello! Who is she?"

Ye Youran is in a cage.

But suddenly he asked the giant man.

"Bold, you are not qualified to speak here."

Ye Youran's words came out.

A man with a turtle's body and a human head suddenly shouted.

Seeing this person, ye Youran thought of the prime minister turtle in his journey to the West.

Maybe he was at the scene, except for the giant man.

The only monster who can speak human language.

The cultivation of the monster like prime minister tortoise is not high, just like other monsters.

Are the existence of the demon king level in the valley.

The tortoise Prime Minister roared down.

He took the long knife in the hand of another monster beside him.

Ye Youran will be assassinated in a cage.

"I can cure her."

Ye Youran is not worried about his safety at all.

He didn't even look at the prime minister.

But stared at the giant man's eyes and said faintly.


The giant man was stunned and roared.

Then he waved.

The tortoise Prime Minister immediately threw it out.

"Can you cure her?"

The giant man completely doesn't care about the life or death of prime minister GUI.

But asked ye Youran solemnly.

"Of course."

Ye leisurely said with certainty.

Although ye Youran hasn't examined her body carefully.

But this kind of thing is not difficult for ye Youran.

Because ye Youran's golden recipe is definitely not a decoration.

"Let him out."

The giant Han said coldly.

"King, human words can't be trusted!"

Prime Minister GUI quickly climbed up from the ground.

He knelt in front of the giant man and said painstakingly:

"Human beings are a group of people who have ulterior motives and go back on their words. Our Hai family set rules thousands of years ago. The Hai family does not step into the human world, but all human beings will be killed."

Prime Minister tortoise seems to have an unforgettable hatred for mankind.

He wanted to kill ye Youran with a knife.

"Shut up and let him out."

The giant man gave the order again.

Now two shrimp and crab soldiers will come and open the cage.

"I'm not used to buoyancy in the water."

Ye leisurely and painstakingly came out of the cage.

But it's full of water.

Ye Youran needs to work hard to maintain his body balance.

The reason for this is that ye Youran's injury has not recovered.

Extreme physical weakness.

But I don't know why.

In this seabed, ye leisurely only feels the buoyancy of water, but can't feel the pressure of water.

"Can you really just her? I hope you're not kidding me."

The giant man stared at ye Youran.

He didn't believe in humans either.

In fact, all sea people have a natural dislike for human beings.

This hatred and distrust seemed to be brought out of the blood.

"Of course, but now you can see me. I'm still injured and can't afford to leave her for the time being."

Ye leisurely said helplessly.

To save people, ye Youran first needs to restore his medicinal Qi.

Without medicine Qi cultivation, ye Youran can't take ghosts.

"You lied to me."

Great Hamilton was furious.

If you make a move, you have to do it.

Ye Youran was startled.

Quickly explained:

"I'm not lying to you. In the human world, there is a kind of person called a doctor, who specializes in treating and saving people. I'm a doctor, but if I was hurt by someone, my treatment method is temporarily injured. As long as I recover, I can treat the disease immediately."

Ye Youran tried not to pull any awkward text.

Because ye Youran is really worried that the giant man doesn't understand.

"How can you recover?"

The giant Han held back his anger and murderous spirit and asked ye Youran.

"I need Chinese herbal medicine... ER! Some plants that have been growing for a long time. Do you understand? They are green things that can't be moved."

Ye Youran tried to explain.

But ye leisurely and sadly found out.

The giant man doesn't even know green.

Because in the deep sea where no sunlight can reach.

Few plants are green.

Even there are few plants here.

Because the deep sea without sunshine is not suitable for the survival of plants.

Many sea monsters have never seen green plants in their life.

Some have only black or yellow plants.

"What do you want? Go to my treasure house and get it yourself! I only give you three days. You can't cure her in three days. I'll kill you."

The giant finally said helplessly.

Because he doesn't know what ye Youran wants.

But it doesn't matter.

Giant Han is the overlord of this area in the deep sea.

His treasure house is still very rich.

There are so many things in it.

Most of them fell from humans into the deep sea.

Giant Han has a hobby of collecting and encircling.

Therefore, his treasure house is full of a wide range of treasures.

You can take whatever ye Youran needs!

The precondition is that ye Youran must cure his mother.

"Wang, is that beautiful woman your queen just now? That is to say, she is your woman..."

Ye Youran follows Juhan to the so-called treasure house.

Asked in a low voice.

It can be seen that the giant man loves the beauty who has been haunted.

She's definitely not a giant's sister.

Because of the difference in stature, there is no blood relationship between them.

Apart from kinship, there is only male female relationship.

But ye Youran is also worried that the giant Han doesn't know what a queen is.

So ye Youran wants to explain.

But the giant man was white, and ye leisurely glanced and said:

"I understand. I am the king and the queen is my woman. Her body is a jade clam."

The giant looked at ye Youran contemptuously.

It seems that ye Youran is mentally retarded.

"The essence of the king is..."

Ye Youran asked with an embarrassed cough.

"This is tiger shark palace. What do you say is my noumenon?"

Giant Han really looked at ye Youran with retarded eyes.

Ye Youran is always embarrassed.

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