What kind of creature is hermit crab? Ye Youran certainly knows.

It is a small crab that lives exclusively in the bodies of snails or shellfish.

But ye Youran didn't expect that even hermit crabs could become sperm in the deep sea.

Ye Youran is also drunk.

It seems that the secrets contained in the deep sea are far from what human beings can understand now.

In this untouched deep sea.

There are too many secrets. All mankind knows is the tip of the iceberg.

"Tell the crab king that I can spare him from dying if I show up now. If I do it, I will destroy him."

The crab king doesn't understand human language.

Ye Youran can only let the tiger shark monster be the translator.

The tiger shark monster chattered again.

Finally, with red eyes, he told ye Youran in despair:

"The bastard said that no one can peel the hermit crab from the Queen's soul. Even if he forcibly peels it, he can burn with the Queen's soul."

Tiger shark monster is completely desperate.

If it's an ordinary ghost, it's OK.

Hermit crab is a specialized hermit.

Once such a creature enters the soul, it is like being terminally ill.

The tiger shark monster was completely desperate.

"Really? Maybe he's going to miscalculate."

Ye Youran sneered.

If you are an ordinary Taoist, you may really have no way to take him.

But ye Youran is naturally the enemy of ghosts.

Ye Youran's means are by no means comparable to those of ordinary Taoists.

Especially ye Youran after cultivating spiritual power.

More than ordinary ghosts are qualified to be presumptuous in front of Ye Youran.

"Spiritual storm."

Ye leisurely shouted angrily.

The spiritual power in the later stage of human life swept towards the jade clam essence like a storm.

Ye Youran's spiritual power broke through to the later stage of human life.

Mental power can be condensed into silk thread.

Although not physical.

But it can directly attack the human soul.

And the leaves leisurely control the subtle energy.

Ye Youran can accurately attack the ghost of the crab emperor.

Without hurting the soul of the jade clam essence.

Because ye Youran's spiritual power has already locked the ghost of the crab emperor.


A scream suddenly came out of the jade clam essence.

Then, a cloud of black gas gathered over the head of the jade clam essence.

And the black gas was still desperately trying to get into the body of jade clam essence again.

But ye Youran won't let it do it again.

"Nail soul nail."

Ye leisurely and empty.

Because of the breakthrough of medicine Qi cultivation.

It makes the medicinal Qi of Ye leisurely more vigorous.

Glyphs are also faster.

Soul nailing is an extremely vicious magic power.

The soul control nail just controls the soul, or ghost.

When ye leisurely doesn't start.

No harm to souls and ghosts.

But soul nails are different.

It's like a nail.

Deeply nailed into the soul or ghost.

This kind of damage really comes from the depths of the soul.

Such pain is definitely not comparable to ordinary injury.

At the next moment, the black air above the head of the jade clam essence was nailed to the wall.


The great pain made the black gas burst into a roar at the bottom.

"No, he's going to explode."

Ye Youran was startled.

The ghost of the crab king is so determined.

You know, being killed and self exploding are two different things.

If killed, the ghost may be reincarnated.

Even with luck.

It may go further and become a more powerful ghost.

Ghost Yi is ghost Zun.

People die as ghosts, ghosts die as ghosts, ghosts die as hope, hope dies as barbarians.

When the crab emperor was alive, like the tiger shark monster, it was the existence of demon respect level.

But after his death, his strength has long been gone.

He has only the strength of the ghost King level.

But ye Youran never thought of it.

The crab king was so cruel and cruel to himself.

Knowing that the general situation is gone, I decided to explode without leaving any room.

The power of a strong man at the ghost King level is absolutely not weak.

Maybe it doesn't threaten ye Youran's life.

But the jade clam essence is absolutely unbearable.

Jade clam essence has suffered unprecedented damage to both body and soul.

At this time, she was the weakest.

And she is now the closest person to the ghost of the crab king.

Once the ghost of the crab king explodes

That power can definitely kill the jade clam essence alive.

At this time, the tiger shark monster was completely unaware.

Because he has very weak energy sensing ability to ghosts.

You can't detect the energy fluctuation or other abnormalities of the ghost of the crab emperor.

Ye Youran noticed it in advance.

But ye leisurely's cultivation is not as good as the tiger shark monster, and his speed in the sea is naturally not as good as the tiger shark monster.

At this critical moment, ye Youran didn't think too much.

He had only one thought, that is, he could not let the jade clam essence have an accident.

Otherwise, the tiger shark monster will be in great sorrow.

Any contribution of Ye Youran will be wiped out.

Even sad, the tiger shark monster may blame ye Youran.

So yubengjing must not die.

Ye Youran roared in his heart:

"Resist Qi and become a boat."

In the past, speed was not ye Youran's strength.

But now, the weakness of speed has been overcome by Ye Youran.

Because he can resist Qi and become a boat.

A large amount of medicinal Qi forms an invisible boat under Ye Youran's feet.

At the next moment, ye leisurely is like an arrow off the string.

Flying towards the jade clam essence.

The ghost of the crab king explodes too suddenly.

It's definitely too late to stop.

Now the only way is to keep the jade clam essence.

And in front of Ye leisurely reaching yubengjing.

Hold the jade clam essence in your arms, and ye Youran turns around to protect the jade clam essence with his own body.

Behind Ye leisurely, the earth shaking explosion suddenly came.

A terrible energy raged.

Ye Youran's ears will be completely deaf at this moment.

Then, ye Youran is a mouthful of blood.

Holding the jade clam essence, they threw it out together.

At this moment, ye Youran's back was already bloody.

Even with the natural protection of the Lord's belt.

Still can't protect Ye leisurely and comprehensive.

Because ghosts at the ghost King level explode.

The power is no less than that of an ordinary missile.

Most importantly, the missile exploded less than two meters behind ye Youran.

It's too close.

The Lord's belt and ye Youran's medicine Qi protection will lose their function.

Yes, of course.

At this time, ye Youran seems very miserable.

But in fact, ye Youran's injury is far less serious than it seems.

However, ye Youran must be as miserable as possible.

Because only in this way can we win sympathy.

In order to enlarge ye Youran's credit as much as possible.


However, ye Youran's "performance" did not get the sympathy of the tiger shark monster at this moment.

Because all the attention of the tiger shark monster is on the jade clam essence.

All his concerns are only related to yubengjing.

Therefore, ye Youran was sadly lifted between the arms of the tiger shark monster.

A giant man of three meters, the demon statue of the congenital realm.

He picked up the comatose jade clam essence and burst into tears.

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