After two punches, ye Youran probably knows the gap between himself and Superman.

In terms of power, ye Youran is definitely not Superman's opponent.

If ye Youran continues to fight with Superman.

It was ye Youran who finally lost.

Therefore, ye Youran changed his operational policy.

He forced down the injury.

When you raise your hand, dozens of gas needles come out.

With ye Youran's current cultivation accomplishments, the power of Qi needle has been increased more than ten times.

Most importantly, Superman's physical defense is terrible.

The fist attack could not break his defense at all.

What the Qi needle pays attention to is a little broken face, which can threaten Superman.

At the moment when the gas needle comes out of hand.

Ye Youran also flew to Superman.

At the same time, ye Youran's hand was empty.

A lightsaber suddenly appeared in ye Youran's hand.

A sword slashed down at Superman.

"Gravity field."

Superman doesn't dare to belittle ye Youran any more.

With Superman's insight, he has seen the air needle.

Although the air needle is transparent, it can determine the position of the air needle through the change of air.

So Superman immediately used ten times the gravitational field.

Under the gravity field, even the gas needle will lose its accuracy and slow down.

Then Superman blew out his fist, and the terrible fist power immediately shook away all the Qi needles.

At this time, ye Youran also entered the range of Superman's gravity field.

"Hoo ~ so heavy."

Ye leisurely quenched, feeling like he had a big mountain.

His body sank down three points.

The lightsaber that had split into Superman's head wiped Superman's head and split empty.

"Get out."

At the moment when ye Youran split into the air, Superman's heavy fist hit ye Youran's chest.

With ye Youran's speed, he could have avoided Superman's punch.

But under ten times the gravity.

Ye Youran's reaction is fast enough, but his body can't keep up with the speed.


With one punch, ye Youran vomited blood and flew out.

The scene came too suddenly.

All who watched the battle took a breath of air-conditioning.

Chen Shuxian and others were thousands of miles away, but one by one they were nervous and burst into tears.

"Eye of fire."

Once Superman gained power, he immediately pursued the victory.

Look at the direction of Ye leisurely flying backwards.

His eyes immediately fired two pillars of fire.

"Ye Youran, be careful!"

Fire Phoenix, their hearts are trembling.

At this time, ye Youran's body drops rapidly and there is no time to avoid.

Unfortunately, everyone can only watch quietly.

There's no way to help.

"Medicine gas armor."

At this time, ye Youran also felt the danger.

But the power of Superman's fist is too great. Ye Youran has suffered a lot of internal injuries.

Ye Youran can't control his body inertia at this time.

It's too late to avoid. Ye Youran can only choose to defend against this attack.

At Dayton time, a set of things like ancient general armor covered ye Youran's body.


The terrible high temperature corrodes ye Youran's medicine gas armor.

Bursts of smoke also emanated from ye leisurely, curling up.

"It's hot."

Ye leisurely was shocked.

Superman's fire eye has great burn power, and even the medicine gas armor is burned.

The terrible high temperature was transmitted to Ye leisurely's body.

Although it's not unbearable, ye Youran takes into account his medicine gas armor. I'm afraid it won't last long.

However, with this buffer, ye Youran has stabilized her figure.

The foot resists the Qi and becomes a boat, and the leaves fly up leisurely.

Escaped Superman's fire.

But at this time, two black holes appeared in ye Youran's medicine gas armor.

Although the medicine gas armor hasn't dissipated yet, the defense will be reduced by one level.

"The means of you practitioners are really magical, but it's not enough for you to defeat me."

See ye Youran has dissolved his attack.

And a piece of armor appeared on ye Youran's body for no reason.

Superman is not optimistic, but he doesn't say much.

This time he took the initiative to rush to ye Youran and took the main attack.

At Superman's speed, ye Youran was in front of him in an instant.

"Well done."

Ye Youran raised his hand to chop out a lightsaber.

However, although the lightsaber is powerful.

But Superman raised his hand and blocked the lightsaber.

Lightsaber can't split Superman's body.

Such defense can be described as shocking.

While blocking ye Youran's lightsaber, Superman's other hand punched ye Youran again.


Ye Youran stretched out a palm and blocked Superman's blow to his chest.

The powerful force made ye leiran's whole arm numb.

Ye Youran's body also flew backwards again.


Ye Youran hit the opposite rock wall hard.

Smashed a huge hole in the rock wall.

And Superman's eyes coagulated again.

Facing the hole where ye Youran is, two pillars of fire are fired.

The burning power of this pillar of fire is terrible.

Even rocks are instantly melted into magma.

But ye Youran in the rock wall didn't move at all.

"Knot... Is it over?"

"No... no, heroes won't die."

Ordinary people who watched the battle on the spot were already frightened.

The audience in front of the screen could not believe it and muttered to themselves.

But the heart is half cold.

Ye Youran is what really brings them hope.

Because ye Youran fought Superman for so long.

But will it fail in the end?

And all the people who have something to do with ye Youran are pale.

They almost forgot to breathe and looked at the rock wall with hope.


A man finally rushed out of the cliff after a quiet moment.

"Don't think only you have eyes of fire."

Ye leisurely rushed out of the rock wall with scattered hair. His eyes were as bright as a torch.

Being as bright as a torch is a magic power among thousands of important prescriptions.

It is an upgraded version of Yuqi Chengzhen.

All the medicinal Qi in ye Youran's body condenses in ye Youran's eyes.

Two pale yellow beams of light came out.

The difference is that Superman's fire eye burns surprisingly and can burn almost everything.

Ye Youran's eyesight is like a torch, his penetration is amazing, and the steel plate can be easily penetrated.

The two gas columns are like connecting rod steel guns.

"You can."

Superman was surprised.

His eyes can explode attacks, which is his talent.

The earth's cultivators, no matter how advanced they are, can't form an attack in their own eyes.

Plus ye Youran rushed out suddenly, Superman was caught off guard.

And it's too fast.

Superman had no time to dodge. He could only hug his chest with his hands.

Hard resistance to the move of lower leaves leisurely.


The next moment, Superman's body also blasted to the opposite rock wall.

The end as like as two peas before.

"Good, good."

"Heroes are invincible, heroes are invincible."

Finally I saw ye Youran blow down Superman.

Deafening cheers broke out at the scene and even around the world.

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