Ten days later, ye Youran finally opened her eyes.

But the injury hasn't improved much.

Although the royal guards used the best medical resources, they also used the most advanced drugs.

These drugs are impossible for ordinary people to use.

But skin injury can be cured, but internal injury is not easy to recover.

But fortunately, ye Youran woke up, everything is not a problem.

Ye Youran's medicine Qi can recover itself, but there is not much medicine Qi left in ye Youran's body.

After ye Youran woke up, he probably learned about his coma.

During ye Youran's coma, Superman never showed up.

Must be healing!

Ye Leng is also closing, in a golden house arranged by the moon worship club.

Ye Leng is the thing that green hair flies stiff, although he is very surprised by Taiji worshippers and others.

But now ye Leng is a living man, and he is also ye Youran's friend.

Naturally, it is impossible for Taiji venerable Ye Leng to fight.

What's more, more people and more strength now.

So we treat Ye Leng with courtesy.

Ye Youran, who was relieved, called his family.

Ye Youran knows the news that he fought Superman. His family must know it.

After all, the world is broadcasting live, which can't be hidden.

After reporting peace with his family and calming his family's concerns.

Ye Youran told fire phoenix that he needed a lot of Chinese herbal medicine, preferably wild.

For ye Youran, the fire phoenix naturally completely complied with this requirement.

Royal guards have few resources.

It's not easy to want traditional Chinese medicine?

In a short time, the fire phoenix brought ye Youran more than 1000 wild Chinese herbal medicines of more than 200 years.

Moreover, the royal guards also spent a lot of money to purchase a large number of traditional Chinese medicine all over the world.

With these Chinese herbal medicines, ye leisurely absorbs a lot of medicinal Qi to heal wounds.

A blessing in disguise, ye Youran not only recovered.

Moreover, ye Youran's body also stores a lot of medicinal Qi.

"Do you want to impact the second drug gas?"

Ye Youran hesitated in his heart.

Now there is a steady stream of Chinese herbal medicines, and ye Youran is very excited.

Ye Youran now has only one arm in his body.

If we can condense the second one.

Ye Youran's strength can increase a lot.

It's just that ye Youran's healing consumes a lot of traditional Chinese medicine.

The quality of many Chinese medicinal materials sent by fire phoenix is not as good as the first batch.

In ye Youran's current cultivation, the Chinese herbal medicines needed for the birth of each medicinal Qi are massive.

In particular, this low-quality traditional Chinese medicine has very limited growth in the medicinal gas of leaves.

If you can obtain two or three Chinese herbal medicines with a history of more than 1000 years, ye Youran will have an absolute assurance to impact the second medicinal gas.

But at present, the best of these years is only 500 years. Most of them are only traditional Chinese medicine of one or two hundred years. Ye Youran really has no absolute confidence to impact success.

If the impact is not successful, it will only waste the drug gas in vain.

"Or use it to strengthen your body."

Ye Youran hesitated and finally gave up.

Ye Youran's medicine Qi cultivation has broken through the Qi pill realm.

But ye Youran's external skill cultivation is only the peak of the valley.

This time, ye Youran won nothing in the fierce battle with Superman.

Although black and blue, the injury is very serious.

But ye leisurely experienced Superman's 100 times gravity field.

Ye Youran's body strength has become greater.

This is breaking and then standing.

With the help of these Chinese herbal medicines, ye Youran may also be able to break through the innate state of external skill cultivation.

The innate state of external skill cultivation has an independent name, which is called bone strengthening state.

Build a foundation, strengthen your body, keep fit and strengthen your bones.

This is the realm of external skill cultivation.

Strong bone state is to make your bones more rigid than diamond.

As long as you reach the external skill cultivation of strong bones, the power between waving is infinite.

The most important thing is that it can penetrate the body. Its lethality and defense are amazing.

Power is originally an energy confined to the body.

It is impossible to attack in vitro.

Therefore, external skill practitioners are only in close combat and have no ability of long-range attack.

But it's different when you reach the strong bone state.

Ye Youran, if you guessed right.

Superman is the later stage of bone strengthening.

Although the later stage of Zhuanggu state is ostensibly the same as the later stage of congenital state.

But external skill practitioners are extremely terrible.

Combat effectiveness can second kill the strong at the same level.

Even higher order combat is not a problem at all.

In addition, Superman has magical powers such as fire eye and gravity field.

In the cultivation realm, Superman is almost invincible.

Even ye Youran is not his opponent.

If it weren't for ye Youran's cards, there would be too many.

Superman can never escape.

Ye Youran was also deeply aware of the battle with Superman.

The more advanced grandpa's cultivation is, the more terrible it is.

If ye Youran also has the external skill cultivation of bone strengthening realm.

A hundred times the gravity field may not be unbearable for ye Youran.

Therefore, ye Youran is very eager for external skill cultivation.

"Originally, I have vowed never to cultivate external skills. Nature makes people!"

Ye Youran smiled bitterly.

External skill cultivation is too difficult and painful.

Even ye Youran can't bear the pain brought by every breakthrough in the external skill realm.

Unfortunately, Superman appeared.

Ye Youran carries the hope of the whole earth.

Although it's painful to cultivate external skills, the effect of external skills is too great.

Ye Youran really has to break his promise.

"Ye Youran, this is the third batch of traditional Chinese medicine. Do you need to continue collecting?"

Suddenly the door opened.

The fire phoenix came in with a cart pushing a large number of traditional Chinese medicine.

Fire phoenix is exhausted for these Chinese herbal medicines.

It consumes a lot of financial and material resources.

In particular, the prices of these wild Chinese herbal medicines over a century are surprisingly expensive, often more than one million.

The value of traditional Chinese medicine brought by fire phoenix to ye Youran every time exceeds one billion.

But now is not the time to worry about financial and material resources.

As long as ye Youran needs it, the fire phoenix will always collect it for ye Youran.

"More is better."

Ye Youran nodded and said with certainty.

In the past, ye Youran was excited about more than a million Chinese herbal medicines.

But now the only Chinese herbal medicines that can really move Ye leisurely are those that have been used for more than a thousand years.

But traditional Chinese medicine over a thousand years is not Chinese cabbage on the roadside.

"OK, I will continue to collect. Your injury..."

The fire phoenix asked anxiously.

In fact, ye Youran's injury has basically recovered.

Now the traditional Chinese medicine ye Youran needs is only used to refine the body.

Ye Youran is ready to improve his external skill cultivation.

"I'm all right. Where's superman? Haven't you heard yet?"

Ye Youran asked.


The fire phoenix shook her head anxiously.

She gathered herbs while searching for Superman.

But Superman never heard from him.

The earth is so big that it's too difficult to find someone to hide.

The more Superman doesn't show up, the longer it takes, the worse it is.

"Keep looking and let me know as soon as you have any news."

Ye Youran said, and then he asked:

"By the way, is there any place where you can practice your body? It's better to be the place where you can change gravity."

Ye Youran's external skill cultivation has been stagnant.

However, under Superman's 100 times gravity field, ye Youran's external skill cultivation has improved a lot.

So ye Youran also found a shortcut.

Is to practice in a place where gravity can be increased.

This can not only speed up the improvement of external skill cultivation.

Most importantly, ye Youran needs to get used to the discomfort caused by the gravity field.

In case of facing Superman again, something similar to the last time will not happen.

"Yes, I have all the suction rooms specially prepared for external skill practitioners in the moon worship meeting. The maximum suction can be increased by 50 times."

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