Originally, ye Leng was going to Tell ye Youran the actual situation directly.

But when he arrived at the suction house, even ye Leng couldn't help hesitating and afraid.

Because he knows that once this matter is told to ye Youran.

It will usher in ye Youran's biggest madness in history.

Ye Leng didn't speak, but ye Youran was the first to find him outside the suction house.

"Ye Leng, are you out of the customs? How do you feel?"

Ye Youran came out of the suction room sweating.

Ye Youran knows that ye Leng is closing.

But it can be seen that the closing effect of Ye Leng is good.

It seems that the whole person is full of spirit. Where he stands, he is like a sword out of his body.

I have to say that ye Leng's body is very handsome and capital.

Let ye Youran not help but envy.

"Ye Youran, I want to tell you a very bad thing."

Ye Leng hesitated, but he still spoke.

Because this matter must be said, there is no way to hide it, and no one can save it.

"What's the matter? Did Superman appear?"

Ye Youran was stunned and asked with a frown.

Ye Youran knows that ye Leng is not a hesitant character.

And at present, the only thing that can make ye Leng look like is superman.

"He appeared, but what's more serious is..."

Ye Leng swallowed a mouthful of water. He stared at Ye leisurely's eyes.

Because he knew that the next moment was earth shattering.

Ye Youran's anger is unbearable even for him.

And no one can extinguish it.

Seeing ye Leng's face getting more and more ugly.

Ye leisurely's heart is getting heavier and heavier.

Ye Youran's face slowly changed from doubt to anger.

"Die, ah!"

The leaves roared out.

Although Ye Leng didn't say anything, he had seen the seriousness of the matter from ye Leng's face.

With Ye Leng's careless character, Superman won't let Ye Leng hesitate even if he slaughters a city.

Ye Leng didn't do less about slaughtering the city.

Therefore, ye Youran's last angry roar, and the terrible medicine Qi shook out.

The clothes on ye Youran are windless and automatic.

The terrible momentum seemed more terrible than the hundred times suction house.

Even ye Leng couldn't help turning white and retreated a little step.

"What a terrible momentum. I'm not his opponent."

Ye Leng instantly judged it.

Ye Youran's strength is still above him.

And the leaves in this state are more terrible.

The spirit is rampant. With the momentum of Ye Youran, ye Youran is like a demon God.

If they were ordinary people, they would have been scared to death by Ye Youran's momentum.

Even ordinary practitioners, I'm afraid they can't even mention their courage to fight in front of Ye Youran.

"Ye Youran, don't be impulsive. I have people ready for the helicopter."

Ye Leng sees Ye leisurely and will rise from the ground.

Hurriedly pulled the leaf leisurely.

Because this is the capital, if you fly back to Lianhua town directly from here.

Even ye Youran has to exhaust himself.

After all, it's more than 2000 kilometers away.

Generally, people with strong natural environment can only glide for one kilometer.

Even the peak of congenital environment can't fly 500 kilometers.

Ye leisurely is gifted. He can form special energy under his feet to carry Ye leisurely flying.

But even ye Youran can't bear the journey of more than 2000 kilometers.

If ye Youran runs out, he can't save people when he goes back. On the contrary, he will be easily killed by Superman.

"Lead the way."

Ye leisurely roared.

The terrible momentum came to Ye Leng in an instant.

Although ye Youran is angry at the moment, he wants to kill.

But ye Youran did not completely lose his mind.

This also benefits from ye Youran's breakthrough in external skill cultivation.

The breakthrough of external skill cultivation made ye Youran suffer more pain.

These pains exercise ye Youran's nerves and make him more tenacious.

But anyway, ye Youran is still on the verge of collapse.

If it is normal, ye Youran dares to scold Ye Leng.

Even if ye Leng is defeated by Ye Youran, he will definitely have a theory with ye Youran.

This is the pride of Ye Leng.

But at the moment, the leaf cooling dare not delay.

Because he knows that ye Youran may really take action against him.

With Ye Leng's and ye leisurely's speed, we arrived at the apron of the moon worship club in an instant.

And there's already a helicopter here.

This is the royal guards helicopter, which is specially used to deal with all kinds of emergencies.

At this time, on the helicopter, Tai Chi venerable and Fire Phoenix had already been waiting here.

After the helicopter took off, it went in the opposite direction of Lianhua town.

"Where are you going?"

Ye Youran glared at the Tai Chi Master, and Sen's cold voice made the whole cabin suddenly cold.

The fire phoenix looked at Ye leisurely in fear. She couldn't help beating a cold cicada.

"I have prepared the fastest fighter for you. You can arrive in two hours."

Tai Chi worshippers dare not hesitate, and have no plans. They are more disrespectful than ye leisurely.

There are only helicopters in the royal guards' moon worship club.

Because although fighters are fast, they need runways.

Now they are on their way to the nearest military base.

The Tai Chi venerable has prepared fighters.

Ten minutes later, ye Youran finally arrived, and there were already four fighters parked here.

Fighter planes have no cockpit, and the largest fighter plane can only have two positions: Master pilot and co pilot.

Ye Youran has four of them, so he needs four helicopters.

Ye Youran is still far away, flying from a helicopter to a fighter.

Now ye Youran's heart is like an arrow. He can't wait for a quarter of an hour.

Ye Leng also flew out. The Tai Chi venerable and helpless could only hold the fire phoenix and fly out.

Only in terms of speed, ye Youran and ye Leng are flying in the real sense.

The Tai Chi venerable just glided, and ye Youran and ye Leng's fighters began to take off.

The fire phoenix and Tai Chi venerable sat in their fighter.

These fighters are state-of-the-art, with a maximum speed of Mach 3 per hour.

Mach 1 is 340 meters per second.

That translates to 1224 kilometers per hour.

Sound usually travels in the air at a speed of only 346 meters per second.

These are real sonic fighters.

More than 2000 kilometers away, two hours, they are enough to rush back.

On the plane, the Tai Chi Master had the courage to speak to Ye leisurely through the plane's wireless channel.

"Ye Youran, I know it's difficult to persuade you at this time. But please be rational, because blindness and impulse will only make your family more dangerous."

The Tai Chi venerable knows that ye Youran is very impulsive now and can't listen to anything.

But he still wants to say.

Because ye Youran is the last hope.

Tai Chi venerable cannot let Ye leisurely fool around.

Ye Youran said nothing. The Tai Chi master took a deep breath and continued:

"Superman knows your weakness, so he threatens you with your family. You are the hope of people all over the world, and you are the hero in the eyes of people all over the world..."

"I can't even protect my family. What a hero? I just want to kill now."

Ye Youran suddenly roared.

The sound was so loud that the pilots on one side suddenly trembled, and the stable fighter also tilted.

So frightened that the Tai Chi venerable dared not speak again.

Because this will only make ye Youran more violent.

After a long time, the Tai Chi Master swallowed his favorite saliva and said softly:

"I brought black jade intermittent cream. I hope it can be useful to you."

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