Ye Leng's insight is certainly not comparable to that of Ye Youran.

It takes years, not talent, to see such things.

If ye Leng's guess is true.

If you understand the Rune of Zhenmo Sutra, you can suppress spiritual power.

That leaf leisurely can be regarded as seeing vitality.

Although it is certainly not easy to understand the town magic Sutra.

But at least ye Youran's hope is not just on the ghost of Chiyou.

What's more, ye Youran has rubbed all the rich people in the town magic Scripture in his mind.

As long as you understand it slowly, you may not feel it.

Ye Youran didn't delay any longer. He sat up again and turned out his mental strength to observe the stone. It's brave.

Ye Youran was fascinated by the golden runes.

However, I don't know if the ghost of Chiyou knows that ye Youran has found a way to live.

Or because he couldn't hold his breath.

When ye leisurely and wholeheartedly burst into his understanding of the Runes of the town magic Sutra.

The voice of Chi You's ghost resounded through ye Youran's mind again.

"Boy, do you want to let me out?"

The voice of Chi You's ghost is still high above.

For him, ye Youran is a mole ant.

Even if ye Youran is a natural cultivation, even if ye Youran is the most powerful hero in the eyes of people all over the world.

But in the eyes of Chiyou remnant soul, ye Youran is a piece of shit.

In Chiyou's time, ye Youran didn't even have the qualification to enter the third rate sect.

Because only when we really step into the realm of cultivation.

Is the real starting point of cultivation.

So in Chi You's view, he can talk to ye Youran like this.

Ye Youran should be grateful.

Suddenly, the ideal is full, but the reality is very skinny.

Ye Youran continued to observe the Runes of Shi Gandang and turned a deaf ear to the words of Chi You's remnant soul.

If it had been before this, ye Youran would not have hung Chi You's ghost like this.

But now ye Youran has a new hope. There is no need to hang from a tree.

"Little beast, are you deaf? Did you hear me talking to you?"

Chi You's remnant soul moved his anger.

He was ignored by Ye Youran.

He was a demon God. Even ordinary immortals would tremble in front of him.

He took the initiative to talk to ye Youran, but ye Youran didn't bird him.

"Old bastard, are you stupid? Didn't you hear that your grandpa doesn't want to talk to you? Do you have to ask for trouble?"

Ye Youran's cold voice sounded in his heart.

The ghost of Chiyou really takes himself as a master.

Maybe he was strong, but now he is trapped in a small stone.

Even if he has the ability to understand Heaven, ye Youran is not afraid of him.

What's more, ye Youran is not the submissive poor boy before.

If someone treats him well, ye Youran will return it a hundred times.

If someone treats him badly, ye Youran will return it a hundred times.

Chiyou ghost is called Ye Youran little beast.

Don't say he's just a ghost. What if he's the king of heaven?

"You, you, you want to die."

Chi you was stunned for two seconds.

He could hardly tell his ears in detail.

Ye Youran dares to call him an old bastard.

And he dares to call himself his grandfather.

Treachery, treachery!

It is said that the tiger is bullied by the dog. In front of him, where is ye Youran qualified to be a dog?

It's just mole ants. He's a demon God. He was bullied by mole ants.

He can't wait to kill ye Youran.

"Yes! I just want to die, or you will kill me?"

Ye Youran sneered back in his heart.

Ye Youran was afraid and respectful to Chiyou.

Who knows this old bastard is shameless.

Not to mention, ye Youran has a new hope and a new choice.

Even if there is no, ye Youran can't stand such bird spirit!

"Do you think you can live without me? If I don't preach your true ancient gods, you'll die waiting for the explosion!"

Chi You's ghost exploded and roared.

If someone can enter shigandang at this time, he will know.

The eyes of Chi You's ghost are red.

It was anger. He hadn't been so angry for years.

"Then don't bother you. Shut your mouth."

Ye leisurely said indifferently.

In fact, the more chi you's ghost is so angry.

The more it shows that he can't hold his breath.

The more he could not hold his breath, the more ye Youran wanted to annoy him.

Because the initiative is now firmly in the hands of Ye Youran.

The ghost of Chiyou has lost the qualification to negotiate with ye Youran.

"You... Are you really not afraid of death? I tell you, your spiritual power has been strong to a certain extent. Once your spiritual power breaks through to the middle of the earth, even if my ancient gods teach you, you can't escape death."

Taigu's mind is against the sky.

But ye leisurely's cultivation is here after all.

When the realm of spiritual power exceeds ye Youran's cultivation too much.

No matter how rebellious the skill is, it can't suppress those soaring spiritual power.

This is also the reason why Chi You's ghost can't hold his breath.

Because he knows his roots.

It's not that he has no time, but ye Youran has no time.

As ye Youran said.

Now the Miao people are dead.

When Chiyou was killed, his blood was also cleaned by the Yellow Emperor.

There are not many people left to survive.

After so many years, it's not surprising that the Miao family's blood is broken.

Now ye Youran is the only one who can communicate with him.

If ye Youran dies, all his wishful thinking will fail.

"I said, it doesn't bother you. Shut your mouth."

The original sentence made Chi You's ghost jump again.

If he can come out, he wants to eat ye Youran alive.

Such a mole ant without oil and salt would kill him alive.

"Boy, I tell you, I'm not kidding you. If you don't believe me, you..."

Chiyou ghost tried to control his temper.

He didn't dare to call ye Youran a little beast anymore.

He wants to explain to ye Youran how dangerous his situation is.

However, what drives the ghost of Chiyou crazy is.

He hasn't finished yet.

Ye Youran suddenly cut off his mental power.

At the moment when ye leisurely cut off his spiritual power.

An impatient voice echoed in the heart of Chi You's remnant Soul:


Of course, the word "quack noise" was said by Ye Youran.

Obviously, the ghost of Chiyou was rejected by Ye Youran.

And it's an undisguised dislike.

"Damn it, damn it! Little beast, if I can come out and put you out first, I'll cramp and peel your skin, making your life worse than death."

The voice of Chi You's remnant soul is constantly shaking in Shi dare.

He was really angry. It had never been so humiliating to him.

He is saving ye Youran. He wants to teach ye Youran the wonderful skill of Taigu divinity.

But ye Youran thought he was croaking.

In ancient times, if Chi you released a message that he would teach Taigu shennian.

People waiting to be taught by him can line up from Jiuli mountain to Nantianmen.

The little beast thought he was croaking.

Who is the devil?

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