What is Tao, ye Youran doesn't know.

Because of cultivation, ye Youran simply couldn't understand the magic of Tao.

Therefore, ye Youran listens to specious and incomprehensible.

However, once ye Youran is very clear, now is not the time to go deep into what is Tao.

"Master drug slave, you said it's not difficult to defeat kryptonians. What's difficult is their scientific and technological power. Please give me some advice on how to defeat kryptonians?"

Ye Youran asked the key point.

Ye Youran doesn't know how strong the scientific and technological power brought by Superman is.

But ye Youran knows that Superman is really strong.

Even if ye Youran's cultivation is stronger than before.

Defeating Superman ye Youran is confident that you can do it.

But ye Youran really has no confidence in killing Superman.

After all, Superman's speed is no slower than ye leisurely.

Most importantly, Superman can fly directly out of space.

And ye Youran can't survive in outer space even with his current cultivation.

Unless ye leisurely reaches the realm of cultivation.

But the improvement of the realm can not be achieved in a moment and a half.

Ye Youran's external skill cultivation is just the later stage of bone strengthening, and he hasn't even reached the peak.

Medicine Qi cultivation is only the middle stage of Qi Dan realm.

If Superman escapes to outer space again.

Ye Youran can only catch the blind.

"The earth is actually a very small planet on the edge of the universe, which is very far away from the source force at the center of the universe. When people from Krypton come to the earth, the source force they can use naturally becomes very weak."

The drug slave said faintly:

"So people who want to defeat krypton, as long as they cut off the weak source force into the earth, they will become very weak and can't even fly."

The drug slave said it clearly, but ye Youran still didn't understand.

"In your modern words, the power of the source is like a WiFi signal. If you are close, the natural signal is good, and if you are far away, the signal will be weak. Do you understand?"

The drug slave made an analogy.

Ye Youran suddenly lost his smile.

Although the drug slave's dress is sloppy, it has a taste of immortality, just like ancient people.

An ancient man used WiFi signal as an analogy.

This somewhat makes Ye leisurely dance.

But this analogy is easy to understand.

"Elder drug slave, what I want to know is how to make Superman unable to receive the signal, evil! I mean, make him unable to receive the power of the source?"

Ye Youran asked for advice.

Ye Youran believes in drug slaves very much. Since you say so, he must have a way.

"The best way to not receive a signal is to shield the signal."

The drug slave said:

"I teach you a magic power. At a critical moment, you can use this magic power to completely cut off the power of origin and enter the earth."

"What magic power?"

Ye leisurely rejoiced.

The drug slave is mysterious and powerful in ye Youran's mind.

It must be a big deal for him to teach ye Youran's magic power.

"In fact, you can also understand this magic power behind the Golden Prescriptions, but you can only understand it after you reach the real cultivation state."

The drug slave explained:

"With your current cultivation accomplishments, I have simplified this magic power to let you play some magic tricks. Power must be greatly reduced. But it's just right to deal with kryptonians. But I can teach you magic power, but I have a request..."


When the sun rises as usual.

More than a dozen strong people in the congenital environment appeared over the moon worship club in the capital.

Tai Chi venerable and others all came out to meet.

The tea table was placed on the roof of the glazed hall, the tallest building of the moon worship club.

"All Taoist friends have come to work hard. Please come down and have a cup of thin tea."

The Tai Chi venerable bowed his hands in awe inspiring manner.

It's all real antiques.

Some are older than Tai Chi Masters.

Of course, in terms of cultivation, they are almost the middle stage of congenital environment.

Only two people reached the late stage of congenital environment.

A man and a woman.

The man is a fairy with a bun tied behind his head.

The woman looks like a Taoist, looks very proud, and holds a brush in her hand.

"Tai Chi venerable, what do you mean by young talents?"

The woman dressed as a Taoist nun asked the Tai Chi venerable arrogantly.

Others also looked at the Tai Chi venerable one after another.

Because in the crowd, they did not find the real young talents worthy of their special treatment.

"Ask abbess Xin. Ye Youran hasn't returned yet, but I believe he will come back soon."

The Tai Chi venerable saluted and said.

Abbess Wenxin is a real antique.

His seniority is higher than that of Tai Chi venerable.

Moreover, after the realm of Taiji venerable fell, he was even more afraid to hold it up in front of Nun Wenxin.

At this time, she was behind nun Wenxin.

The old man with a bun said with a smile:

"Haven't come back yet, or is there no such person at all?"

In fact, it's not just the old man with a bun who suspects.

Almost all the old antiques, such as nun Wenxin, doubt it.

Because they have always been unable to shut up and do not know ye Youran's previous feats.

But they are sure that cultivating this kind of thing will not be achieved overnight.

According to the Taiji master.

The young man named ye Youran is just a young man in his early twenties.

And the strength has been above the Tai Chi venerable, and in the face of Superman, he has won the upper hand twice, beating Superman and running away.

For the power of Superman, these hidden antiques have been heard of.

They may not have seen Superman, but they know the one armed old man.

The one armed old man was the real first person in the ancient martial world.

The existence of half step cultivation realm.

But the one armed old man put his life on in order to seal Superman.

It can be seen that Superman is terrible.

Ye Youran, a young man in his early twenties, could beat Superman and escape twice.

It can be seen that ye Youran's strength is close to the one armed old man of that year.

Even if the Taiji venerable told them this personally.

But they still don't believe it.

It can be said that nun Wenxin and other antiques are willing to be born to deal with Superman together.

A large part of the reason is to meet young people who are so respected by Tai Chi worshippers.

But now they're here.

But I didn't see ye Youran.

So they have to doubt it.

In the face of the doubt of the old man with a bun, the face of the Tai Chi venerable was also slightly gloomy:

"Senior swallow and Li San, I'm a respected Tai Chi person in the ancient martial arts world. I'm not going to make up a nonexistent person to deceive you."

The Tai Chi venerable is a little excited.

Not because the old man with a bun doubts him, but because the old man with a bun doubts ye Youran's strength.

The Tai Chi master took a deep breath and finally said:

"Now the spaceship will reach the earth in half a day. I believe ye Youran will appear in time. You will wait and see."

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