Time goes back half an hour ago.

Ye Youran just woke up from meditation.

With the huge figure of the spaceship falling from the sky.

Although ye Youran was on the vast sea, ye Youran saw it with his own eyes.

Ye Youran saw the Superman spaceship coming near the Bohai Bay.

Ye Youran took out his own mobile phone from the fish intestines sword without hesitation.

Ye Youran started up and immediately dialed a phone.

Ye Youran called Li Jianbin.

Li Jianbin is a soldier and used to be a special force.

But today's world situation does not need special forces, what we need is Kong Jun.

So he returned to the air force.

At this time, Li Jianbin's air force was gathering urgently.

Although Li Jianbin, they can't directly participate in hand to hand combat.

But their air force is still very effective.

Li Jianbin, they are on standby at the airport and ready to take off to support Taiji Zun and others.

At this time, Li Jianbin received a call from ye Youran.

Ye Youran gave the coordinates of Ye Leng and them to Li Jianbin.

Li Jianbin was asked to fly to the location of the coordinates immediately and drop three bombs on the sea.

Then he took people from the bottom of the sea to the Bohai Sea.

These requirements of Ye Youran made Li Jianbin not understand.

But Li Jianbin will not hesitate to implement it.

Li Jianbin directly controlled the helicopter to take off without even requesting to take off.

It is worth saying that Li Jianbin's rash take-off greatly angered the headquarters.

At this juncture, some people even took off without listening to the command.

A majestic voice shouted at the radio station:

"Li Jianbin, what are you doing? If you are greedy for life and afraid of death..."

"Report to the chief, ye hero asked me to perform the task and ask for approval."

Li Jianbin interrupted loudly.

Execute before requesting approval.

This has never happened in the history of the air force.

But I heard the words "Ye hero".

There was a two second silence in the headset, followed by the excited voice of the head:

"Li Jianbin, you can follow all the instructions of Ye Yingxiong without reporting and approval. You must strictly implement them. I now give you all the command. Note to all units that Li Jianbin needs any support or request. You must meet it unconditionally and do not need to report to me."

Joking, who dares and who can stop Ye hero's request?

Without ye Youran, the world might have been destroyed.

Ye hero can appear at this juncture and ask.

That must be carried out urgently.

Of course, ye Youran doesn't know these things.

After contacting Li Jianbin.

Ye Youran immediately flew in the direction of the spacecraft.

Ye Youran is no busier than an ordinary fighter.

In just 20 minutes, ye Youran arrived.

However, when ye Youran arrived.

A large number of bodies have appeared on the battlefield.

These are the of the royal guards or those ordinary Valley opening practitioners in the ancient martial world.

Tai Chi venerable and others have been surrounded by countless robots.

Superman stands proudly above the heads of Taiji venerable people.

If you make a move, you have to give an order to kill.

"Superman, stop."

Ye Youran's voice rolled like thunder.

At this moment, ye Youran suddenly appeared, just like a shot of cardiotonic.

Whether it's Tai Chi venerable and others, or hundreds of millions of viewers in front of TV.

There was a flash of light and morale was high.

Although their hearts did not hold much hope before.

Although they thought a moment ago that even the emergence of Ye Youran could not change the current situation.

But when I really saw Ye leisurely appear.

They still couldn't help being excited and wanted to cheer.

Because ye Youran is already the spiritual pillar of everyone.

Is everyone's hope.

It's like a drowning man sees a straw.

Knowing that this straw can't save their lives.

But I still hold on to it.

"Ye Youran? You really dare to appear."

Superman is also stunned.

Even at the moment of seeing ye leisurely.

Superman's pupils couldn't help shrinking.

Ye Youran has left an indelible psychological shadow on Superman.

But soon Superman calmed down.

This time, he brought powerful assistants and countless robots.

This time, ye Youran will never defeat him again.

This time, he wants ye Youran to die.

"Why not?"

Ye Youran flew directly in front of Superman ten meters before stopping.

Ye Youran looked straight into Superman's eyes.

On the surface, ye leisurely is very calm, but there seems to be a flame jumping in Ye leisurely's eyes.

Because of Superman, ye Youran's family is threatened.

Cai Zhiling almost died because of Superman.

Because of Superman, ye Youran suffered countless unbearable pain.

This time, ye Youran also wants Superman's life.

This time, no accidents are allowed.

Today, only one person can live.

"Are you going to let those robots deal with me, or are you going to fight with me alone?"

Ye Youran looked straight into Superman's eyes.

Asked faintly:

"Or you can let me lose my arms again."

Although ye Youran's tone is plain, it has a taste of ridicule.

"Hum! If you want to die yourself, I'm not to blame."

Superman was a little angry. After all, the last time he threatened ye Youran was not honorable.

So he gave orders directly to the robots:

"Kill him for me."

The voice fell.

All robots are like soldiers ordered by the general.

They all gave up Taiji venerable and others.

A swarm of bees emerged, and ye leisurely.

"Ye leisurely, be careful."

The Tai Chi venerable was shocked, shouted angrily and was ready to take action.

After all, ye Youran is just a person.

Faced with more than 100000 robots, they don't think ye Youran can win.

"Don't shoot anyone."

Ye Youran quickly retreated and shouted to the Tai Chi venerable and others.

Soon, ye Youran retreated to the middle of the Bohai Sea.

Led all the robots to the sea.


Here, ye leisurely no longer flinches.

The in his hand took the fish intestine sword and killed into the middle of the robot.

Although there are many robots.

But few can attack ye Youran at same time.

Ye leisurely, like entering the uninhabited land, killed three in and three out.

Ye Youran passed by, and all the robots were in different places.

Then it fell directly to the sea.

"He is ye Youran? Indeed, he is a young talent."

"The strength is not weak, but after all... Alas!"

"This may be fate! No generation of strong people will be born with a strong enemy."

Looking at ye Youran's wise and powerful, fighting in blood.

Swallow, Li San and other reclusive antiques no longer have pride.

They have to admit that ye Youran is indeed the only great genius they have seen in their life.

Unfortunately, although talents are good, they are envied by heaven.

However, the fire phoenix did not participate in their discussion.

She stared nervously at ye Youran, and suddenly said to the Tai Chi venerable in some doubt:

"Master, look at the bottom of the sea. What's that dark?"

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