There are always a group of people in this world, for fear that others don't know they have money and power.

When I got married, I made a lot of pomp.

In terms of pomp and pageantry, ye Youran's marriage can definitely make it vigorous and cause a sensation all over the world.

Even being recorded in history is not impossible.

Ye Youran had thought before that Chen Shuxian and her friends followed her wrongfully.

They must not be shabby at the wedding only once in their life.

But after so many things.

Ye Youran's state of mind has changed.

He doesn't want to work hard, nor does he want a life full of surprises everywhere.

Ye Youran believes that Chen Shuxian and she must think so.

Because whether it is sad or happy, they have suffered too much.

They must also want a plain and light life.

Of course, ye Youran is also a man in the ancient martial world after all.

Therefore, if the strong in the ancient martial world want to participate.

Ye Youran didn't stop.

After all, compared with ordinary people, there are few strong people in the ancient martial world.

Ye Youran should still be able to cope.

As for ye Youran's request, the Tai Chi worshippers have no way to refuse.

After the marriage was settled.

Ye Youran is going to interrogate Alice.

Several days have passed since the battle with Superman.

Alice has been in the royal guards' prison for several days.

This is a little punishment for her!

Although she didn't kill humans, she killed a lot of strong sea people.

Today's sea people have returned to the deep sea.

But to be honest, the sea clan is a monster after all.

Ye Youran's hatred for Alice is not great.

I spent a few days in prison, which can be regarded as an explanation to the strong of the Hai nationality.

Although the weight of this account is very light.

But Alice is also of great use to Ye leisurely.

So ye Youran can't kill her.

"Ye Youran, let me go. It's inhumane for you to treat your followers like this."

Seeing ye Youran appear, Alice with disheveled hair immediately yelled at ye Youran with red eyes.

Because she was treated unfairly.

And the environment here is too bad.

She was in the dark, cold, damp dungeon.

Her accomplishments have been sealed and there is no way to resist the cold.

And there are often mice and cockroaches here.

This is for Alice, who always loves cleanliness.

It's something you can't stand.

She hasn't closed her eyes for days.

She's going crazy.

"Follower? When did you become my follower?"

Ye Youran looked at Alice with some laughter.

Alice is so beautiful.

But she is not from earth after all.

Ye Youran's compassion can't be used on Alice.

"I said that the people of krypton worship the strong. If I lose and submit to you, I will be your followers. I can obey your orders. But in krypton, no one will treat their followers so inhumanely."

Cried Alice.

This is the education and thought she received from childhood.

Now she is being treated unfairly.

So she's been protesting.

"As I said, this is not krypton, this is the earth. The rule here is to win the king and defeat the enemy."

Ye Youran said naturally:

"If you really want to make it up, you lost to me. You are not my follower, but should be my slave."

"Your life and death are in my hands, so I am your Lord. Even if I want you to die, you have only the qualification to obey, and there is no room for resistance."

"What's more, I don't see your so-called humanity from Superman."

Although ye Youran can almost tell from Alice's expression.

What she said should be true.

Obviously, people on krypton are smarter, smarter and more powerful than people on earth.

The evolution and development of life must be civilization first.

Take the earth for example. It was common for ancient people to urinate everywhere.

Nowadays, spitting on the street is not allowed.

And this kind of impermissibility is recognized by the vast majority of people.

This is quality.

In the past, people who were sentenced to death were beheaded after autumn and beheaded in the street as an example.

Nowadays, many countries have cancelled shooting and chose euthanasia instead.

This is humanitarianism.

Personal cultivation and quality, national civilization and humanity.

It is the inevitable trend of the development of human society.

Krypton has been ahead of earth for countless years.

Therefore, krypton does not regard the surrender as a slave, but as a follower with independent consciousness.

This does not seem to be difficult to understand.

But what about this?

This is the earth. There is a saying on the earth that do as the Romans do.

Here, Alice has to follow the rules of the earth.

"My cousin is the son of King Zhou. He has been assigned to the earth for too long and has caught the bad habits of your earthmen..."

Alice glared at Ye leisurely.

But ye Youran raised her hand and interrupted:

"Stop it, every life is different. Good people are good and bad people, and low-quality people are high-quality people. I still say that this is the earth."


Alice has a lag.

She really has no way to refute ye Youran.

Because here she calls the sky should not be, and the earth should not work.

She also has no way to appeal for herself and strive for a fair treatment.

This is the earth. This sentence can eat her to death.

"Well, I'm not here today to argue with you about these things."

Ye Youran doesn't want to continue to entangle on this issue.

Instead, he said:

"If you don't want to stay here for ten or eight years, you can answer my question honestly."

Alice didn't open her mouth and waited for ye leisurely to follow.

"What is Superman's level of strength on your krypton planet? Why did he come all the way to the earth? You said he was the son of the king of Zeus. What is his identity on your krypton planet?"

Ye Youran asked three questions in a row.

These three questions are crucial.

Ye Youran now knows nothing about krypton.

In particular, too little is known about the strong of krypton.

It is most appropriate to make a horizontal comparison with Superman's strength.

At least let ye Youran have a bottom in his heart.

"His strength can only be regarded as average. At least he is a great genius among the younger generation."

"I once lived on your earth for some time."

"Based on my understanding of the earth, I think the strongest person on Krypton should be stronger than Zhang Zhenren on the earth."

Alice said, pausing and emphasizing:

"But I have to tell you that in krypton, personal strength is never the most important. The scientific and technological power of krypton is much stronger than personal strength."

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