For ye Youran's requirements, the Tai Chi venerable is very strict.

The next day, Songshan village began full martial law.

Even Huaxia publicly announced it in an official way.

Longhai is temporarily closed to foreign tourists.

In other words, if you are not Chinese, you can't even come to Longhai City.

Chinese people, as long as they don't have a registered permanent residence in Lianhua town.

I can't go to Lianhua town.

And people in Lianhua Town, unless they have relatives.

Otherwise, you can't go to Songshan village.

Numerous checkpoints have been set up in order to enforce martial law at all levels.

Numerous police forces have been sent out in China, and a large number of practitioners have been sent out by royal guards.

Ye Youran originally wanted to enforce martial law in Songshan village and want a quiet marriage environment.

But the Tai Chi venerable made an exception and put the city of Longhai under martial law.

However, all this is worth it for ye Youran.

Ye Youran is a national hero and the Savior of the world.

He has done too much for the earth.

Moreover, ye Youran will risk to krypton for the sake of the earth and killing Superman.

With such kindness, Huaxia does something for ye Youran, and people all over the world sacrifice a little for ye Youran.

That's all right.

After all martial law, Songshan village seems to have restored its former calm.

Ye Youran returned to Songshan village with his family the next day.

Although Songshan village is calm.

But the villagers of Songshan village know that ye Youran is coming back.

Including all the villagers of Songjia village next door, men, women, old and young, all came out to meet.

At this time, nothing is happier than old Ye.

Ye laoweng himself has a high prestige in Songshan village and Songjia village.

Because he is eager for justice.

There are grandchildren like ye Youran, so he is highly respected.

At this time, seeing so many people coming out to meet them, old Ye's face was big.

Of course, in fact, the younger generation in Songshan village and Songjia village are most grateful to ye Youran.

Originally, Songshan village and Songjia village were just a poor and remote mountain village.

The traffic is inconvenient, let alone the young people who used to work in the city.

He was pushed out everywhere and couldn't lift his head.

Among the young generation, many people worry about marriage.

Now, because of the leisurely leaves, they have become fragrant pastries.

The registered permanent residence in Songshan village is particularly popular.

Countless big girls and daughter-in-law want to marry Songshan village.

Countless rich and powerful CHILDES in the city dream of marrying a girl from Songshan village.

Even go to Songshan village.

As long as it is the registered permanent residence of Songshan village or Songjia village, as long as the news of marriage solicitation is released on the Internet.

No matter beautiful or ugly, fat or thin, tens of thousands of people from all over the world immediately applied.

It can be said that the rural Hukou of Songshan village is the most noble status symbol all over the world.

The rich and politicians who want to immigrate to Songshan village every day are unknown.

And all this is because ye Youran.

Ye Youran, alone, has changed the history of the world and made China the largest country in the world.

Countless countries want to establish diplomatic relations with China.

Chinese passports are visa free worldwide.

And the United States is notorious for Superman.

Global exclusion.

The political situation in the United States also began to be turbulent and the economy plummeted.

All Americans are ashamed of their identity as Americans.

They began to immigrate, even to Africa.

Of course, these have nothing to do with ye Youran.

Ye Youran is now preparing for her marriage.

After ye Youran and Chen Shuxian discussed with them.

It was decided that the wedding of six people would be held on May 20.

May 20th, the moral is very good, 520, I love you, that is, next month.

Ye Youran announced his wedding date to the Tai Chi venerable.

At the same time, he also announced his marriage news to all villagers.

This makes the villagers of Songshan village and Songjia village happy for ye Youran.

Send their blessings one after another.

"Are they all there?"

Just when ye Youran and they are happily waiting for the arrival of the wedding date.

Fire phoenix suddenly came in with several women in professional clothes.

The women in professional clothes saw Ye leisurely, and their eyes were full of hot excitement.

But their professional quality makes them restrained.

"Why is the fire governor here?"

Ye Youran immediately stood up.

The fire phoenix is kind to ye Youran.

And because of Ye Youran and the ancestors of the Wang family.

The fire phoenix has come forward to keep the leaves leisurely.

Although ye Youran's cultivation is much higher than her.

But ye Youran's heart still respects the fire phoenix.

"Here! I know you're getting married. These are the top wedding dress customizers in the world. I'll bring them to customize dresses for my siblings."

The fire phoenix pointed to several women behind him and said.

"That's right! Thank you."

Ye Youran did not refuse.

Originally, ye Youran wanted to take Chen Shuxian and them to Longhai City to choose some wedding dresses in a few days.

But Chen Shuxian and several of them have been pregnant for four or five months.

My stomach is getting bigger and bigger.

The general wedding dress is really not suitable.

The fire phoenix brings people to customize. That's the best.

However, ye Youran doesn't know.

These people brought by fire phoenix are the top customized institutions in the world.

In the past, you couldn't hire them if you had money.

Except for the British royal family, they are rarely customized for the average rich.

But when they heard that they had come to make it for ye Youran's wife, they immediately came.

And it means nothing.

Because you can customize the wedding dress for ye hero's wife.

That's definitely the highest honor of their company.

After that, their company's reputation will rise to a higher level.

"Ye Youran, come out."

The women measured Chen Shuxian and them.

The fire phoenix has a different face and says to Ye leisurely.

Ye Youran was stunned, but he followed the fire phoenix to the door.

"What's the matter?"

Ye Youran asked.

"Do you have to go to krypton?"

The fire phoenix hesitated and asked ye Youran.


Ye Youran did not hesitate.

"Do they know?"

The fire phoenix looked at Chen Shuxian, who were measuring their bodies in the room.

"Wait until you get married!"

Ye Youran said with some guilt.

Ye Youran doesn't dare to tell Chen Shuxian about ye Youran's going to krypton.

Because they must be worried.

Ye Youran wants them to finish the wedding happily.

Let's talk about the future later!

The fire phoenix was silent.

She was suddenly a little embarrassed.

"Governor of fire, if you have anything to say, it's not your character to hesitate!"

Ye Youran can see that the fire phoenix has something to say.

So I looked at her with encouragement.

"I... can I go with you?"

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