Ye Youran suddenly went crazy, and Alice and ye Leng were startled.

They never knew that ye Youran had such a card.

Including Ye Leng and ye leisurely, he doesn't know.

The momentum emanating from ye Youran at the moment.

It's not much weaker than the evil spirit of the giant ape.

And ye Youran actually chose to fight against giant apes and monsters.

In contrast, the giant ape's fist is bigger than ye Youran himself.

Ye Youran's fist is so small in front of the giant ape.

But I don't know why.

Even if the disparity is so great.

Alice and ye Leng had an absurd idea in their mind at the moment.

Maybe ye Youran can really stop the heavy fist of great apes and monsters.

It's late, it's fast.

Ye Youran flashed a fist.

In an instant, they collided with the giant fist of scar King Kong.


The two fists collided, and the space seemed to be shattered by the concussion energy at this moment.

But ye Youran and scar King Kong touch each other.

Scar King Kong's Leaping body hit the bottom of the cliff heavily.

Several huge trees were broken in a row.

Also hit a huge pit on the ground.

Ye leisurely's body also flew backwards.

Hit the top of Ya cave hard.

The whole person is deeply embedded in the cliff at the top of the cave.

The arm that ye Youran punched before was drooping in a strange shape.

Obviously, ye Youran's arm has been broken.

And the real bone is broken.

Only when the bone is broken can the arm droop at this angle.

However, although ye Youran was obviously seriously injured, ye Youran's face did not have the slightest color of pain.

It's like that arm is not his at all.

But at the cost of an arm.

Beat back the scar King Kong who made every effort.

Alice and ye Leng were already stunned.

However, scar King Kong is more surprised than Alice and ye Leng.

Scar King Kong was in a frenzied state before. He didn't recognize his relatives.

But it never thought that ye Youran was so powerful.

In its eyes, the small leaves are leisurely, and it seems that it can be crushed to death with one finger.

Because of this, scar King Kong will escort Ye leisurely back all the way.

It just doesn't want ye Youran to be killed by some strange animals on the way.

But now it knows.

Ye Youran's strength is so terrible.

Such a small man can match it.

No wonder he can save his children.

However, although ye Youran's strength gave it a great shock.

But it is very puzzled. It is killing strange animals for ye Youran.

Why did ye Youran attack it?


Scar King Kong roared angrily at Ye leisurely.

It cannot speak, but it is expressing its dissatisfaction.

Of course, although the scar King Kong is dissatisfied with Ye leisurely at the moment.

But it did not lose its mind.

He fought hard with ye Youran. He was also badly hurt. His arm was also numb and disobedient.

But it retreated from its bloodthirsty and violent state.

Therefore, its roar at the moment is only an expression of dissatisfaction.

He didn't shoot Ye leisurely again.

"It's my friend. I don't care if you can understand it."

Ye Youran said, pointing to the black tiger and shaking his hand.

It means it can't move the black tiger.

At this time, the evolution of the black tiger has come to an end.

Before, all its actions were unconscious.

At this time, it gradually wakes up.

The scales on the body also began to fade slowly.

Back to the previous sound of black fur.

"Black tiger, how are you?"

Ye Youran came down from the top of the cliff and asked the black tiger.

The black tiger shook his head and then warned. King Kong showed a fierce color to the scar.

Because he doesn't know scar King Kong, he instinctively shows hostility.

"All right, it's all our own people."

Ye Youran touched the head of the black tiger.

Then he asked:

"Black tiger, what happened to you before? Your scales..."

The black tiger was clearly covered with scales before, but those scales disappeared in an instant.

"It should be a genetic mutation."

Alice came up and explained:

"All the animals on this planet are genetically mutated. It should be the high oxygen state that makes their genes different from ordinary beasts, so they are tall and powerful."

"Snake Qiu has written his genes into his demon pill, which can ensure that his blood can be passed on from generation to generation."

"The black tiger swallowed its demon pill and naturally inherited its gene."

Alliston continued:

"If I'm not mistaken, the scale of the black tiger should be that it combines the advantages of snake Qiu and belongs to the state of battle."

"When the combat state is lifted, it will return to the original state. This kind of thing is not uncommon on Krypton."

The mutual phagocytosis and fusion between different animals to achieve the purpose of evolution.

The purpose is to make yourself stronger to adapt to survival.

Ye Youran has never seen or heard of such a thing.

That's why I'm surprised.

And ye Youran asked the black tiger. The black tiger was afraid he couldn't say it clearly.

So Alice has the most say in this matter.

"What other negative effects will this have on it?"

Ye Youran asked with some worry.

"The survival of the fittest is a truth that you people on earth know. Gene fusion or evolution must be based on the principle of selecting the best. Generally, negative effects will not be used."

Alice explained.

But then aishe looked at the scar King Kong and the mother King Kong and asked ye Youran:

"Ye Youran, I'm curious. How did you establish friendship with them?"

King Kong, this is the name of the earth people.

On Krypton, they are called great apes.

Great apes and monsters can hardly be subdued.

They are naturally alert and suspicious.

He is naturally very hostile to animals that are not of the same race.

Even if it's the same race, different ethnic groups.

It is difficult to coexist peacefully.

Often encounter, that is, the situation of immortality.

In the history of krypton, great apes and monsters have never established diplomatic relations with humans.

But obviously, the two great apes and ye Youran came back together.

They live in peace with ye Youran, and even Alice can feel it.

These two great apes and monsters still have some gratitude and even respect for ye Youran.

It almost ruined Alice's three views.

"In short, I saved their children. They thanked me, so they insisted on escorting me back all the way. I couldn't even refuse."

Ye leisurely said helplessly.

At the same time, ye leisurely ran the medicine Qi, broke his broken arm and began to treat secretly.

Ye Youran is still in a crazy state.

So ye Youran doesn't feel pain.

It's also more casual.

It's really like that arm is not ye Youran's.

But ye Youran is very happy.

This is the first time he has used the magic power of crazy devil devouring the moon.

This sense of power is unprecedented. It can even compete with scar King Kong.

The ancient demon body refining didn't disappoint him.

"Well! Well, you can always do something you can't bear to do."

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