Ye Youran now has nothing to do but gamble.

At this moment of life and death, ye Youran forcibly urges the medicine gas armor.

Ye Youran's medicine gas itself consumes seriously.

A large amount of medicine Qi was used to form medicine Qi into soldiers.

In other words, ye Youran's medicine Qi has almost bottomed out.

Under such circumstances, ye Youran should no longer use medicine gas armor.

Ye Youran's cultivation of medicinal Qi has just broken through.

The state is not too stable.

If it is overloaded.

It may cause ye Youran's medicine Qi cultivation to regress.

But compared with life.

The retrogression of cultivation becomes less important.

So ye Youran forced to use the medicine gas armor.


At the moment when ye Youran's medicine gas armor appeared.

The huge body of the black bear King finally hit ye Youran heavily.

Ye Youran was covered tightly.

And at the same time.

Ye Youran's eyes darkened.

Completely fainted.

Ye Youran fainted not long ago.

They finally came.

More than 500 Black King Kong came.

Although there are more than 1000 Black King Kong in the scar King Kong Group.

But only about five or six hundred people can really participate in the battle.

The rest are old and weak women and children.

Scar King Kong is a leader, and it can't bring all the fighting Black King Kong.

So it just led 500 Black King Kong to help the war.

Now black bears are also dead and injured.

About 400 are still alive.

The number of black bears was more than 800.

Just fight with ye Youran, the black bear has been more than half injured.

Most of them died in ye Youran's hands.

The arrival of scar King Kong is extremely violent one by one.

Five hundred black vajras versus four hundred black bears.

The scene was out of control.

However, Black King Kong has the leadership of scar King Kong, and the war spirit is strong.

The morale of the black bear is low without the leadership of the black bear king.

So an hour later.

The battle is over.

All the black bears were wiped out.

No one can escape.

Because compared with the flexibility and speed of Black King Kong.

The black bear is much heavier.

No black bear can escape the pursuit of Black King Kong.

"Go and see ye Youran."

Alice and ye Leng react and hurry to find ye Youran.

Alice's injury is not very serious. She mainly moves rescue soldiers, resulting in serious consumption.

Alice rushed to the front.

Scar King Kong carries Ye Leng and black tiger one by one.

The injuries of Ye Leng and black tiger are not enough for them to fly.

Soon Alice and scar King Kong found the body of the black bear king.

Everyone was stunned to see the black bear King's body.

Including scar King Kong.

At this time, the mother King Kong appeared here holding the little white ape.

Scar King Kong immediately left Ye Leng and black tiger.

Run over and hold the little white ape.

Scar King Kong came so nervously.

Because I'm worried about the safety of the little white ape.

Seeing the little white ape's white hair, it almost went crazy.

"Lao Hei, save ye Youran. He's down there."

Alice has sensed the leisurely breath of Ye.

And the breath is very weak.

Scar King Kong seemed to understand. He picked up the body of the black bear king and threw it away at will.

At this time, on the ground, ye Youran did not know his life and death.

A human shaped groove sank into the ground.

See ye Youran's tragedy at this time.

Both Alice and scar King Kong were silent.

They can imagine the strength of the black bear king.

Ye Youran killed the black bear king on her own.

Although ye Youran paid a heavy price.

But it still made Alice and scar King Kong respect ye Youran.

"Lao Hei, take him back to ya cave. I'll heal him with my original strength."

Alice pointed to the direction of Ya hole and said to scar King Kong.

Scar King Kong was at a loss.

Then he came and put down the little white ape. He gently picked up ye Youran.

Towards the end of the cave.


Ye Youran didn't know how long he had been in a coma.

When ye leisurely regains consciousness.

He has only two feelings.

One is empty and hot.

One is the body, as if there is no good meat all over.

It hurts everywhere.

Even ye Youran can clearly feel that many parts of his bones are comminuted fractures.

Such pain makes ye Youran recover his consciousness.

But he couldn't wake up and open his eyes.

"It's lucky to be able to save a life."

Ye Youran smiled bitterly in his heart.

What else could he do at the moment but smile bitterly?

He's like a loser now.

A loser who can only lie down and can't even open his eyes.

Even ye Youran doesn't know whether his cultivation has regressed or not.

In fact, ye Youran is really lucky to keep this life.

He was seriously injured in the battle with the black bear king.

Internal injury is more serious.

After using medicine gas armor to save life.

He has also been seriously overdrawn.

This is why ye Youran's meridians are empty and hot.

The most important thing is the sequelae after ye Youran used the crazy devil to bite the moon.

Ye Youran's blood essence was seriously lost.

It's good that he can regain consciousness so soon.

Thanks to Alice.

Alice will often use her original strength to warm and nourish Ye's leisurely body.

Otherwise, if ye Youran doesn't lie down for a year or two, he won't want to regain consciousness.

After all, the loss of blood essence needs to be supplemented by cultivation.

The recovery of medicine Qi and the injury need ye Youran to wake up before he can recover better.

In a coma, ye Youran's recovery speed should be slowed down at least 100 times.

But with Alice's original strength, warm up.

Ye Youran's body instinctively absorbs the power of the source to recover from his injury.

Although the efficiency is not as high as when ye Youran is awake.

But it's going to be a lot faster.

So ye Youran can wake up after a month.

"Such serious injury may also be an opportunity for me."

Ye Youran quickly turned negative emotions into positive ones.

The injury may be a disaster for ordinary people.

But not necessarily for ye Youran.

Ye Youran cultivates the ancient magic body refining technique.

Ancient magic body refining is a very abnormal cultivation method.

It can absorb body damage to strengthen the body.

This is why when ye Youran was on earth, he asked Tai Chi venerable people to beat him violently.

The more serious the injury is.

The ancient magic body refining skill can cultivate faster.

Now ye Youran wakes up, and ye Youran immediately starts the ancient magic body refining technique.

After a short time, a cool feeling flowed to Ye leisurely's whole body.

It seems that the body is no longer so painful.

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